
From elementary school teacher to pilot, this veteran has safely flown for 1,500 hours


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The old man is Nie Guangde, born in 1938. He joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force in 1956. He was one of the first pilots trained independently in my country. He flew safely for 1,500 hours and was awarded the second-class merit by the 30th Air Force Division.

In 1956, the smoke of war had just dissipated from the Korean battlefield. The gap in air power between the enemy and us made it urgent to speed up the training of high-quality air force talents. Nie Guangde, who was teaching in elementary school at the time, would never have thought that he would be associated with pilots one day. With his excellent physical and psychological qualities, Nie Guangde passed all the tests in the strict selection and finally became one of the three qualified candidates in the county.

In June 1960, Nie Guangde graduated from the aviation school with excellent grades and was assigned to the 30th Air Force Aviation Division, stationed in Northeast my country. On the eve of the explosion of my country's first atomic bomb in 1964, Nie Guangde and his comrades flew secretly into Fujian to conduct anti-reconnaissance patrols against Taiwan fighters. When an eagle flies in the sky, any emergency may occur, and the slightest carelessness will result in the destruction of the plane and the death of people. During his service, Nie Guangde experienced life and death moments many times, and finally turned danger into safety with his excellent skills and strong psychological quality.

In 1986, Nie Guangde ended his 30-year military career and retired to the local area. Although he has taken off his military uniform for nearly 40 years, Nie Guangde still pays close attention to the development of the Air Force. As a veteran party member with 62 years of experience, Nie Guangde firmly said: "It is our duty to practice hard and defend the motherland."

(Reporters Zhu Xinwei, Tao Jize, Zhou Yujin, Sun Chang, and Wang Mingyi)