
India's Q2 2024 smartphone shipment report released: Xiaomi returns to the top, Samsung falls to third


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[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On August 1, 2024, market research firm Counterpoint released India's second quarter 2024 smartphone shipment report. The report shows that due to multiple factors such as heat waves, seasonal downturns and slowing demand, India's smartphone market shipments fell 2% year-on-year in the quarter.

Specifically, Xiaomi performed well this quarter and successfully returned to the top position with a shipment share of 18.9%. This achievement was achieved thanks to Xiaomi's active efforts in market promotion, product optimization, and distribution channel expansion. Vivo followed closely behind with a shipment share of 18.8%, just slightly lower than Xiaomi. Samsung fell to third place this quarter with a shipment share of 18.1%, showing the cruelty of market competition.

Analysts pointed out that the extreme heat wave weather across India this quarter had a significant impact on offline sales channels, with customer traffic falling sharply. At the same time, consumers were more inclined to buy daily necessities such as air conditioners and refrigerators in hot weather, thus delaying their plans to buy smartphones. This shift in consumer behavior further exacerbated sales pressure in the smartphone market, leading to inventory accumulation.

However, in the high-end smartphone market (models priced above 45,000 Indian rupees), the situation presents a completely different trend. India's high-end model shipments in the second quarter of 2024 increased by 24% year-on-year, showing consumers' strong demand for high-quality, high-priced smartphones.

In terms of mobile phone shipments, Samsung still maintains its leading position, accounting for 25% of the market share. Vivo and Apple follow closely in second and third place respectively, showing their strong competitiveness in the high-end market.