
Russian bombers fly over the high seas of the Sea of ​​Japan, Japanese media: To contain Japan and the United States


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Reference News reported on July 31 According to a report on the Japan Broadcasting Association website on July 31, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian long-range strategic bombers completed a routine flight over neutral waters in the Sea of ​​Japan. This move may be aimed at containing Japan and the United States.

According to reports, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 30th that two Tu-95 long-range bombers conducted a routine flight over the high seas of the Sea of ​​Japan and released a video.

The Russian side said that the flight mission strictly abided by international law and that Russian pilots have been conducting routine flights over the high seas of the Arctic Circle, the North Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also reportedly announced that strategic bombers had flown over neutral waters in the Sea of ​​Japan in January and April this year.nuclear weaponThe strategic bombers may be intended to contain Japan and the United States, whose conflict with Russia over Ukraine is intensifying.

On the other hand, the Russian Ministry of Defense also announced on the 30th that the Russian Northern Fleet, Pacific Fleet, Baltic Fleet, etc. will carry out large-scale exercises in their respective areas of jurisdiction. The exercise will involve 300 ships of various types and more than 20,000 soldiers. (Compiled by Liu Lin)