
In this game, you can review the 055 destroyer with "Paozu". Main site mall forum self-operation login registration In this game, you can review the 055 destroyer Lian Po 2 with "Paozu".


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In this game, you can review the Type 055 destroyer with the "gun seat"

Lian Po


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Author: Lian Po

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The real meaning of 10,000 tons is actually 13,000 tons. Didn't you expect that?

If you are an old military fan like me, you will be familiar with the names of "Director Zhang Zhaozhong" and "Artillery Commander" Fang Bing. The former is a strategic bluff. Not long before the first flight of our J-20, the Director of the Bureau was full of nonsense on a military column, saying that the aircraft we are making now is at most a modified J-10, and the fourth-generation aircraft cannot be blown up like a balloon. Perhaps it was because of this that the Americans dismantled the expensive fourth-generation aircraft production line with confidence - as a result, in less than two years, our J-20 with stealth, beyond-visual-range strike, electronic warfare and other functions took to the sky, and the name of the Strategic Research Bureau became famous.

Fang Bing, who was born in a tank soldier and was called "the gunner", was the opposite of the former. He was named the director of the "Strategic Intimidation Bureau" by military fans because of his fast speaking speed like setting off firecrackers in programs such as "Military Intelligence Decoding" and "Study Room Review of Soldiers", his passionate and explosive speeches, and his tough attitude of declaring the destruction of our neighbors who "are small but not humble, have little power but are not afraid of the strong, and are rude but insult the big neighbors".

Compared with Zhang Juzuo, who is more friendly and humorous, and loves to pretend to be frivolous, the artillery commander is more keen on detailed analysis of the specific performance and combat methods of military equipment. Therefore, whenever new weapons equipped by our army are unveiled, the artillery commander will always appear in time to make a "sharp comment" on the possible future stages of these major weapons and the situation between the enemy and us.

Just a few days ago, at the public beta tasting session of "World Awakening", "Director of the Anti-Terrorism Bureau" Fang Bing made a sharp comment on the future naval and air force battlefields - the naval battlefields of the new era will probably return to the era of "big ships and big guns".

This is not a random statement. Whether it is a naval battle, an air battle or a land battle, "an inch longer, an inch stronger" is an eternal iron law. The aircraft carrier formation can end the era of giant ships and cannons dominated by battleships because the combat range of carrier-based aircraft of hundreds of kilometers is far superior to the range of naval guns and torpedoes of dozens of kilometers. The battleship can at most rely on its relatively poor air defense capability to shoot down a few carrier-based aircraft, but it is unable to destroy the aircraft carrier formation beyond the range.

However, the Chinese Navy's newly equipped "new era big ship cannon", mainly 055-ton large destroyers, is expected to change this situation. The way to change the status quo is simple. If the range is not enough, then increase the range. At present, the subsonic combined anti-ship missile Eagle Strike 18 that can be made public can already reach a distance of 600 kilometers. In the future, the next-generation sea-based anti-ship missiles that can be carried on the 055 large destroyer can even extend this range to more than 1,000 kilometers. By then, the advantage of aircraft carriers over "big ships and cannons" will be reversed.

On the surface, the advantage on the battlefield is the side with a longer combat range and stronger range, but if you look a little deeper, it is not difficult to find that the longer range comes from more advanced technology, and advanced technology is determined by strong comprehensive national strength. Therefore, war is never a single-dimensional thing, but a comprehensive system that combines many factors inside and outside the battlefield and is constantly developing and changing.

Because of this, many games on the market that claim to be "powerful and powerful" and "restoring the battlefield" appear thin and boring - traditional SLG games are too obsessed with a single land warfare dimension, and the gameplay is often just a pure numerical competition of "battle report within one second". All players can only exert their efforts in one direction. There is no difference and distinction on the battlefield, and there is a lack of the fun of constant gaming in a real battlefield.

Moreover, the battlefield of traditional SLG has also fallen into a vicious circle of being confined to the era of cold weapons, and the form of war has stagnated. Most of the games on the market that claim to be "strategic" are labeled with the Three Kingdoms and cold weapons. Whether it is the theme or the core gameplay, they are similar and it is difficult to call them "interesting".

So, what kind of game can be called "real" and "interesting"? Perhaps, the game "World Epoch", which provided the stage for the speech of "Patrol Seat" Fang Bing, can tell us the answer.

As mentioned above, if we want to restore a real war, we must first restore the real battlefield, and the characteristics of a real battlefield are dynamic and multi-dimensional. In the battlefield of the cold weapon era, the country that first possessed a strong cavalry could dominate the plains and deserts, but such advantages would quickly disappear with the advent of the firearms era. When the militia, which were previously regarded as "filler babies", could also be equipped with muskets with extremely strong armor-piercing capabilities, the knights' armor was no longer invulnerable to swords and guns.

However, when military tactics further developed and skirmisher tactics replaced musket corps, cuirassiers would find their own place on the battlefield of the new era - just as the "big ship and big gun doctrine" in reality once died out in the bombing of carrier-based aircraft in the aircraft carrier formation, but was revived with the development of ship-based missile technology, one rises and the other falls, and the cycle repeats itself.

In the previous era, your civilization may be invincible because of the correct choice of technological development, but in the next era, the strengths and weaknesses of the troops on the battlefield will be reshuffled. This kind of uncertainty and higher-dimensional game is exactly what "World Revelation" inherits from "Sid Meier's Civilization" The technology tree and era system give it.

The development of science and technology and the times has brought more than just the iteration of weapons and equipment. Newly discovered strategic resources will bring unprecedented military services to the battlefield. Since the age of firearms, reconnaissance balloons have risen as the pioneers of air force units, playing the role of expanding vision and even bombing on the battlefield - don't laugh too quickly, balloon bombing in history is really an effective tactic. The Hague Peace Conference in 1899 passed the "Declaration Prohibiting the Dropping of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons or Other New Similar Methods" to restrict this "falling objects from high altitude" war strategy.

After the industrial age, the revolution of the air force will go a step further. Air units will be subdivided into helicopters, transport planes, fighters, bombers and other units, just like in reality. The mutual restraint between the various arms in reality will also be fully restored in the game.

The fighter jets in "World Origin" have two major functions: alert and air strike. Air strikes can cause certain damage to ground units, but they are usually just a "bonus" to add icing on the cake - the real main function of the fighter jet is "alert". This function can protect the airspace within five grids of the city or airport. Once an enemy plane passes by, it will automatically take off to intercept and fight with the enemy plane to seize air supremacy.

Once the player gains air superiority, bombers with powerful ground-to-ground capabilities can be dispatched in full force to cause devastating blows to the enemy's ground fortifications and ground forces. Transport planes can also airdrop troops to the rear where the defense force is empty, and attack from the front and back - the rules of the entire battlefield will change due to the fight for air superiority. Compared with the unchanging battlefield and relatively fixed strategies in traditional SLG, this combination of land and air, full of variables, creates a much broader strategic space.

Not only that, in the future seasons, "World Qiyuan" will also introduce a complete set of naval warfare gameplay and add a complete set of naval units to the game. From the barbarian galleys to the 055 destroyer praised by Mr. Fang Bing, there is everything - yes, at the public beta tasting meeting at the beginning of the article, "World Qiyuan" announced a deep linkage with China's military industry, not only the 055 destroyer, the "Dawei Tianlong" J-20, the "Wings of Merit" J-8II, and even the "Dongfeng Express" strategic missile DF3, will be added to the game as a linkage unit.

The collaboration between "World Origin" and China's military industry is not just a simple "skin-changing" of arms. The characteristics and advantages of the above arms have been faithfully restored to the game - take the two generations of pride of the Chinese Air Force, the J-8II and the J-20, as an example.

The prototype of the J-8, the J-8II, was developed with the goal of "flying high, reaching, and running fast". On this basis, the improved J-8II has enhanced fire control, radar and other systems, and changed the front air intake to the side air intake, which greatly improved its high-altitude and high-speed maneuverability and firepower. Therefore, the J-8 in the game has quite good paper performance in terms of attack power, agility, etc.

However, as a second-generation aircraft, the J-8II still has great deficiencies in all-weather combat, electronic warfare and beyond-visual-range combat, which makes it difficult for the J-8II to exert its firepower advantage. In these aspects, the performance of the "Dawei Tianlong" J-20 is much stronger.

As a fourth-generation aircraft, the J-20 did not focus its research and development efforts entirely on absolute airspeed and firepower, but instead made major breakthroughs in stealth, beyond-visual-range strike, maneuverability and perception capabilities. The "Dawei Tianlong" is not fully ahead of other jet fighters in terms of attack attributes, but in terms of the "intelligence" attribute that reflects tactical diversity and flexibility, the J-20 is unrivaled in the world today.

At this point, it is not difficult to find that the biggest advantage of "World Epoch" compared to traditional SLG games lies in its realistic and delicate restoration of the battlefield. Whether it is the diversity of arms in the battlefield or the comprehensive national strength and scientific research level outside the battlefield, "World Epoch" has formed a "dimensionality reduction strike" against those old games that remain in the Iron Age.

What is even more commendable is that such a game with extremely rich gameplay has also achieved excellence in terms of welfare benefits - 130 free card draw opportunities are given when logging on, 16,000 gold coins are given throughout the season, and players can also directly receive five-star generals through activities such as "Gift of Time" and "Road of Exploration", which is equivalent to the official directly giving away 37 five-star generals, which is enough for players to form a pioneering team that suits their wishes.

It is worth mentioning that whether it is the 055 destroyer, the J-20, or the linkage with the "Dongfeng Express", all the "heavy weapons of a great power" linkage content will be provided to every player in these activities in a completely free form - not only including arms, but also covering a series of content such as avatar frames, login animations, exclusive titles, etc.

In addition, World Qiyuan has also achieved the "strongest in the industry" in terms of card drawing prices. The price of five consecutive card draws in traditional SLGs, which is 950 gold coins, has been directly reduced to 388 gold coins in World Qiyuan, and the "five-star general card" drop rate in the card pool has also been optimized to 6.66%. Most importantly, the anti-human operations such as "mixing pools" and "locking cards" that poison players in other SLGs have been abandoned one by one in World Qiyuan - after all, only benefits that truly benefit players are the benefits that players need.

It is not difficult to see that in this increasingly homogenized SLG market that is stuck in the Iron Age, the sudden emergence of "World Origin" has formed a crushing "dimensionality reduction attack" on the traditional SLG of the old era in terms of subject matter, gameplay, and pricing benefits.

If you are also a fan of grand strategy and real battlefields, then "World Origin" is definitely a work not to be missed - just ask yourself, which military fan can resist the sense of accomplishment of personally planning and operating the 055 destroyer, J-20 and other major national weapons, and leading human civilization into a new era?