
Psychology experts: "Super males" are not "demons" and their emotions can be controlled through postnatal intervention


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Huang Yulan

Cover News reporter Zhou Jiayi

Recently, a fetus in Sichuan was found to be "chimera"Super male syndrome" has aroused widespread discussion among netizens.Chromosomal disorders) patients are called "bad seeds" by some because they may have bad tempers, irritability and aggressive behavior.

So, is there a relationship between hyperandrogenic syndrome and mental health? Can patients with hyperandrogenic syndrome be changed through acquired factors? Cover News reporter interviewed Huang Yulan, deputy chief physician of the Comprehensive Psychosomatic/Pediatrics Department of Wenjiang Branch of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital/Sichuan Provincial Psychiatric Center.

She said that some patients with super male syndrome may be accidentally discovered due to their ADHD symptoms. "Because patients with super male syndrome have an extra Y chromosome in their genes, their acquired development may be different from that of ordinary people, such as being taller than ordinary people, with normal to lower intelligence levels, and incomplete development of certain parts of the brain, which leads to inattention, hyperactivity, strong impulsivity, strong aggression, poor emotional management, etc., which are clinical manifestations of a set of ADHD symptoms. Therefore, such children are often diagnosed with ADHD. Since genetic screening is not a routine project, these patients are often not found to be super males, but are diagnosed with other diseases because of some of their obvious developmental symptoms. Therefore, for super male syndrome, the symptoms of ADHD are only part of the symptoms, but often this part of the symptoms is easier to pay attention to, because in adulthood, the impulsivity and emotional control problems brought about by adult ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) may cause more obvious social function damage.

"On the Internet, super male syndrome is misunderstood as 'demon syndrome'. I think it is indeed a bit exaggerated." Dr. Huang Yulan said that studies have shown that the intelligence of patients with super male syndrome is generally at a normal level or slightly reduced, and emotional control requires intellectual support. If the intelligence level is not enough or the performance is slow, the ability to control emotions will be weakened.

In nature, patients with super male syndrome are not "devils" and are not born to hurt others. "For children who may attack others due to impulse, we can help them improve their symptoms through behavioral training and rehabilitation. For example, training their language, social skills, behavior management and emotional management can help them improve their social functions. Moreover, through these training and interventions, most of these children can live a normal life.

For patients with hyperandrogenic syndrome, psychological and behavioral intervention methods can be used. "When his intelligence level is normal or high, we can solve the problem through professional psychological counseling and behavioral training. For example, we can intervene through social skills training, attention training, family collaboration guidance, etc. We can also help them understand their emotions through psychological counseling, and teach them how to deal with their emotions, and relieve emotions through appropriate channels to control impulses."

In the process of psychotherapy, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is a commonly used treatment method to help patients identify and change negative emotions. "This is an emotion management method that teaches them to identify, express and reduce emotional fluctuations and impulsive behaviors." Huang Yulan introduced that some patients also encounter problems in social aspects due to their poor emotional control ability. "For example, they are more impulsive and irritable. Other children may not like them and it is difficult to establish healthy friendships. Through social skills training, they learn social skills, and improve social skills through role-playing, which enhances their confidence and social skills."

On the other hand, it is also very important for family members to understand the psychological needs of children. "If the child's language development is not good, emotional management will be affected." She reminded that people generally express anger, irritability and other emotions through language, but patients with super male syndrome are slightly lacking in emotional understanding and language expression, and their impulsive behavior has already appeared. In this case, family members need to understand the psychological needs of children and provide support and encouragement.

"Whether it is children with ADHD or other neurodevelopmental disorders, we are committed to continuously popularizing science so that society, schools, teachers and peers can understand and care about these children, and be less belittled and rejected, ridiculed and denied. They need us to understand and tolerate them more, promote their training and improvement, and help them better adapt to society, rather than abandon them."