
Trump angrily criticized the media: How can Kamala be compared with the Iron Lady Thatcher? It's ridiculous!


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At a campaign rally in Minnesota last Saturday, former US President Donald Trump expressed extreme dissatisfaction and anger at the media's comparison of his potential rival Kamala Harris with former British Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Trump pointed out that the comparison was completely nonsense and lacked any substantial evidence to support it.

"Three months ago, Harris was portrayed so badly by the media that they were simply killing her image," Trump said indignantly. "And now they are trying to portray her as Margaret Thatcher. This is ridiculous! I absolutely do not agree with this view, and this will never happen."

Trump also made fun of Harris's "smile," calling her "Laughing Kamala Harris," and hinted that this smile was incompatible with Margaret Thatcher's serious image. "Margaret Thatcher wouldn't smile like that," Trump joked. "If she did smile like that, she wouldn't be Margaret Thatcher."

In addition, Trump continued to lash out at Harris, labeling her a "radical left-wing lunatic," "evil," "mentally deranged" and "sick" in an attempt to undermine her support among voters.

However, despite facing Trump's fierce attack, Harris' campaign momentum has not been weakened. Her campaign hopes received a huge boost after she received the official endorsement of the Obamas. A video she posted on social media showed her excitedly answering the Obamas' call and expressing her gratitude for their support.

In the video, Harris received a call while walking to her SUV after finishing her speech at the Zeta Phi Beta sorority in Indianapolis. She excitedly said: "Oh, hi, you both are together. It's great to hear from both of you." Michelle Obama said affectionately on the phone: "I can't help but say this call to my girl Kamala, I'm so proud of you. This will be historic." Obama himself added: "We are calling, Michelle and I, very proud to support you and do everything we can to help you win this election and enter the Oval Office."

At the end of the call, Harris said emotionally: "I just want to tell you that what you said and the friendship you've given me over the years means more than I can express. So thank you both, it means a lot. We'll have some fun with it too, right?" This video shows the deep friendship between Harris and the Obamas, and further enhances her image among voters.

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