
As tensions between Russia and the United States intensify, Putin: The deployment of long-range missiles by the United States in Germany could trigger a "Cold War-style missile crisis"


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[Global Times Special Correspondent in Russia Xiao Xinxin] On the 28th local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the main military parade of Navy Day held in St. Petersburg. According to RIA Novosti, Putin warned in his speech at the main military parade that day that the US plan to deploy long-range missiles in Germany could trigger a "Cold War-style missile crisis." If the US deploys long-range missiles in Germany in the future, Russia will take reciprocal response measures.

Russian President Vladimir Putin profile picture Source: Russian media

Putin said that the United States and Germany recently announced plans to deploy U.S. long-range missiles in Germany starting in 2026.Precision-guided weaponsThis move will put important Russian government and military facilities, administrative and industrial centers, and defense infrastructure within its range. Such missiles can hit targets in Russia in about 10 minutes and may be equipped with nuclear warheads in the future. Putin said that such US actions are reminiscent of "the deployment of medium-range missiles in Europe during the Cold War." If the United States insists on implementing such plans, Russia will no longer be bound by its previous commitment to unilaterally suspend the deployment of medium- and short-range strike weapons.

Earlier, the United States and Germany said in a joint statement released on the 10th that the United States will deploy long-range firepower in Germany in stages starting in 2026. According to reports, these weapons will include SM-6 missiles, Tomahawk missiles, andHypersonicWeapons that would have a range far beyond any land-based firepower system currently deployed in Europe.

On the 28th, Russian presidential aide Patrushev said that Russia may lift the restrictions on the suspension of the deployment of medium- and short-range missile systems in response to the relevant US measures, and the US will once again blame Russia. The US actions are "extremely aggressive" and Russia will never provoke, but only respond to US actions. He also said that the Russian strike system against the US deployment of long-range missiles in Germany "is under development and all work will be completed on time."

Putin's statement has attracted the attention of many countries. According to Reuters on the 29th, German Foreign Ministry spokesman Fischer responded that day that Germany would not be intimidated by Putin's warning of a "Cold War-style missile crisis." German government deputy spokesman Christian Hoffmann said that day that the German government has taken note of Putin's remarks, but the German side insists that "deterrent forces must be deployed in Germany." She said that the German side has explained in detail why these weapons need to be deployed. It is precisely because Russia has changed the strategic balance in Europe and "threatened Europe and Germany" with cruise missiles. Hoffmann also said that if necessary, Germany is also willing to restore arms control.

According to a report on the German Rheinische Post website on the 29th, former German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said in an interview that the Social Democratic Party, to which German Chancellor Scholz belongs, and many German people "are negative, skeptical and annoyed" about the US plan to deploy long-range missiles in Germany. The German government did not publicly solicit opinions from the public on this matter, but "just decided it that simply."

Gabriel said that the deployment of medium-range missiles by the United States in the then Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s triggered a crisis. For Germany, this move by the United States is "very sensitive" and may make Germany and Central Europe a battlefield for the use of such weapons in the future. "This means that the potential nuclear battlefield has been identified: it is in Europe." Gabriel said that the United States hopes to use this to deter Russia, but the effectiveness is questionable, but Europe will bear the consequences.

According to CNN, in response to the US move, Russia has repeatedly threatened to end its unilateral suspension of deployment of medium- and short-range missile systems that can be used to deliver nuclear or conventional warheads. This has triggered concerns about a new round of arms race and confrontation. The Associated Press believes that Putin's remarks mean that tensions between Russia and the West are intensifying.

The German Economic Weekly website quoted an analysis saying that the US move has raised concerns about the risk of escalation. If the US deploys long-range missiles in Germany, Russia can regard it as a legitimate target. As a NATO logistics hub with many US bases, Germany has become a priority target for Russian strike weapons.

The Russian "Military Observer" believes that the US move is nothing more than an attempt to deter Russia from NATO, trying to further contain the Russian army and put pressure on the Russian army in the war in Ukraine. However, the Russian army is currently maintaining a rapid offensive on the battlefield, and the Ukrainian army has recently lost many important settlements and positions. The Ukrainian army's defeat in the war also puts pressure on the United States and its European allies. The Russian "Viewpoint" website quoted experts as saying that the provocative actions of the United States and Germany against Russia have posed a serious threat to Russia's security interests, and may prompt Russia to further deploy long-range strike weapons such as hypersonic missiles, which will enable Russia to quickly retaliate against relevant targets deployed by the United States in Europe.