
After surrendering with the money, he was given leniency and returned to work


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Source: WeChat official account of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission published an article on July 28 titled "After the warning and education conference, they took the initiative to turn themselves in." It pointed out that half of 2024 has passed, and many party members, cadres and public officials who have made mistakes have taken the initiative to turn themselves in. Moreover, many cadres who took the initiative to turn themselves in did so after participating in the warning and education activities in their local units.

The article disclosed thatTong Shengguang, former director of the Quality Supervision Station of the Transportation Bureau of Zixi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, surrendered himself with money and was given lenient treatment.

On June 15 this year, the "Clean Fuzhou" WeChat public account reported that Tong Shengguang, the former director of the Quality Supervision Station of the Zixi County Transportation Bureau, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and voluntarily surrendered himself. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Zixi County Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission.

According to reports, Tong Shengguang, male, Han nationality, was born in February 1967 in Chun'an, Zhejiang Province. He has a college degree and started working in October 1985. He joined the Communist Party of China in December 1989. He has worked in the Highway Management Station, Quality Supervision Station and Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Brigade of the Zixing County Transportation Bureau.

The above article stated that on April 30 this year, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zixi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province went to the County Transportation Bureau to hold a warning and education meeting on Li Wangren’s serious violations of discipline and law, using cases to explain the law and using cases around them to warn and educate those around them.Tong Shengguang recalled that he felt mixed emotions while sitting in the audience and was deeply shocked. After returning home, he tossed and turned, unable to sleep or eat, and often dreamed of being taken away.

On May 30, Tong Shengguang walked into the gate of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zixi County and surrendered himself with the money. His choice was the right path to return to the right path.

"After I surrendered, the organization did not give up on me. Instead, it educated and saved me with the greatest tolerance. The task force explained the regulations to me over and over again, educated me with specific cases, and gave me the opportunity to explain my problems, correct myself, and achieve self-salvation." Tong Shengguang recalled.

The Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zixi County resolutely implemented the "Implementation Measures for the Accurate Use of the "Four Forms" by Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs".Taking into account the nature, circumstances, harm and consequences of Tong Shengguang's violations of discipline and law, as well as his voluntary surrender with the money, he was given lenient treatment. In July 2024, Tong Shengguang was expelled from the Party and removed from his government post.

After Tong Shengguang returned to work, the Zixi County Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission promptly tracked and understood Tong Shengguang's work performance and ideological state, truly educating, helping and saving him.

The following is the full text of the article by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission:

After the warning education meeting, they voluntarily surrendered

"I'm here to surrender. Yesterday, the unit held a warning and education meeting, which made me deeply aware of my own problems. After thinking about it for a night, I decided to report the problems to the organization..." Recently, after the Energy Bureau of Zhijin County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province held a warning and education meeting, the bureau's mine safety inspector Huang found the county discipline inspection and supervision commission and took the initiative to confess his own violations of discipline and laws.

"I made a mistake and I am here to confess it today..." After the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province organized a warning and education activity, a former county-level leading cadre voluntarily surrendered himself.

"This matter has been like a needle pricking my heart, and I couldn't sleep well. Now that I have taken the initiative to report it to the organization, I feel relieved." In May this year, Yang Moumou, a cadre of a unit in Wenjiang District, Chengdu City, chose to surrender himself after watching a warning education film.

Half of 2024 has passed, and many Party members, cadres and public officials who have made mistakes have voluntarily surrendered themselves.

and,Many cadres who voluntarily surrendered themselves to the authorities had participated in warning and education activities held in their local units.

"Take the initiative to turn yourself in! Tong Shengguang, former director of the Quality Supervision Station of the Zixi County Transportation Bureau, is accepting disciplinary review and supervisory investigation."

Recently, a tweet from the WeChat public account "Clean Fuzhou" attracted public attention. There was a detail in the tweet: Tong Shengguang surrendered himself with money.

"Voluntary surrender can lead to lighter or mitigated punishment..." On April 30, 2024, the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zixi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, went to the County Transportation Bureau to hold a warning and education conference on Li Wangren's serious violations of discipline and law, using cases to explain the law and use cases around him to warn and educate people around him. Tong Shengguang recalled that he was sitting in the audience with mixed feelings and was deeply shocked. After returning home, he tossed and turned, had trouble sleeping and eating, and often dreamed of being taken away.

On May 30, Tong Shengguang walked into the gate of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Commission of Zixi County and surrendered himself with the money. His choice was the right path to return to the right path.

As governance and rectification are carried out in some key industries and fields, more and more people are voluntarily turning themselves in.

For example, in the medical field:

On May 31, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Yongzhou City, Hunan Province announced that Jiang Xinping, former director of the Jianghua Yao Autonomous County National Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, was suspected of serious violations of law and was under supervision and investigation by the Jianghua Yao Autonomous County Supervision Commission.

Subsequently, starting from June, the county’s Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, in light of the corruption issues in the medical and health industry discovered during the investigation and handling of detention cases, took the lead in organizing a concentrated rectification campaign against unhealthy practices and corruption issues among the people in the county’s medical and health sector.

Starting from the meeting on June 12 to arrange and deploy the centralized rectification of unhealthy practices and corruption in the county's medical and health fields, 217 people were organized to have a comprehensive and classified heart-to-heart talk. Currently, 12 medical staff have voluntarily surrendered to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision and returned the proceeds of their violations of discipline and law...

Behind the voluntary surrender is the county's accurate grasp of policies and strategies, adherence to the principle of "leniency for self-inspection and strictness for inspection by others", and the creation of a high-pressure anti-corruption situation through disciplinary education.

Another example is in the field of education:

On May 2, after some ideological struggle, Hu, the Party branch secretary and principal of Chengdong Primary School in Lu County, Sichuan Province, took the fines for violations and took the initiative to walk into the case handling site of the Lu County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to explain his problems. He said: "A few days ago, the County Education and Sports Bureau organized the county's teaching staff to carry out party discipline education. The comrades of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in the County Education and Sports Bureau specially led everyone to study the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and listed many typical cases of people around them, which touched me deeply..."

Hu is not an isolated case. Since the party discipline study and education began, five people in the county have voluntarily surrendered themselves and three people have voluntarily confessed their problems.

Why can warning education make them surrender voluntarily?

The first is deterrence.

The leaders and colleagues who used to work together were now confessing, reflecting and crying on the big screen. The impact was too great.

Every link of the warning education is carefully arranged by the discipline inspection and supervision organs, with stratification and classification, targeting party members and cadres of different industries, fields, levels and ages, and accurately hitting their "pain points". Some said after turning themselves in that they felt that the things committed by the protagonist of the warning film "were similar to what I had done myself". After looking at the ending of the protagonist of the warning film and thinking about their own ending, they had always been lucky, but now they are only sweating, and the idea of ​​turning themselves in voluntarily lingers in their minds.

Then there are the policies.

Article 17 of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China" stipulates that if a person voluntarily confesses issues for which he or she should be subject to party discipline, the punishment may be mitigated or reduced.

Article 31 of the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China provides that if a person under investigation who is suspected of committing a duty crime voluntarily pleads guilty and accepts punishment, and meets any of the following circumstances, the supervisory authority may, after collective research by its leading members and approval by the supervisory authority at the next higher level, propose a lenient punishment when transferring the case to the People's Procuratorate: (1) voluntarily surrenders himself and sincerely repents of his crime; ...

Since escape and resistance are ultimately futile, it is better to seek help from the organization as soon as possible and gain peace of mind as soon as possible.

Dai Changliang, deputy director of the Fourth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Jiande City, Zhejiang Province, believes that the discipline inspection and supervision organs adhere to the consistent principle of "punishing past offenses to prevent future ones and curing illnesses to save people", and fully consider the variable of attitude on the premise of strictly following discipline, law and facts, and give leniency to those who voluntarily surrender in accordance with regulations, discipline and law, implement the policy of "combining leniency and severity", and after finding out the facts of their violations of discipline and law, issue a "Recommendation for Leniency" or truthfully state their surrender and other mitigating circumstances in the "Opinion on Prosecution" and other relevant documents, and finally the judicial organs will give lenient or mitigated treatment according to the law based on the specific circumstances of surrender. This has led more and more problematic cadres to eventually choose to rely on the organization to solve problems, and to voluntarily surrender and explain their problems.

On the contrary,This also provides assistance for disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to discover more clues to problems and thoroughly investigate systemic corruption issues.

Recently, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Jinniu District, Chengdu City, used a rectification mobilization meeting to urge violators to surrender voluntarily, and "deterrence plus policy" played a good role in the special rectification in the field of land management.

"I shouldn't have used the 'public power' of urban management law enforcement as a 'tool' for illegal profiteering, which not only caused environmental pollution problems, but also led me to the path of illegal crimes..." Yan Moumou, a member of the urban management team of a street in Jinniu District, Chengdu, took the initiative to surrender to the district's Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, explained the problem of accepting bribes in violation of regulations to the organization, and returned the illegal gains. Not long ago, the Jinniu District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision investigated and dealt with a typical problem in the field of land management and protection. After research, it was decided to hold a rectification mobilization meeting in the unit where the case occurred, report the typical case of detention, and carry out party discipline learning and education in combination with the case, clarify the harm of the problem, and thoroughly explain the discipline, law and policy, so as to use "people around them and things around them" to make the urban management law enforcement personnel deeply alert.

Under the strong deterrence of discipline and law and the inspiration of policies, up to now, a total of 11 people have taken the initiative to explain the situation to the organization and voluntarily handed over the proceeds of violations of discipline and law. The district's Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has filed a case for investigation against the 11 people, and the case is being further handled. The investigation and handling of a series of cases has fully exerted the comprehensive root cause treatment effect of "investigating and handling one case, warning one area, and governing one area."

So, what happens after party members and cadres voluntarily surrender themselves?

"After I surrendered, the organization did not give up on me. Instead, it educated and saved me with the greatest tolerance. The task force explained the regulations to me over and over again, educated me with specific cases, and gave me the opportunity to explain my problems, correct myself, and achieve self-salvation." Tong Shengguang recalled.

The Zixi County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision resolutely implemented the "Implementation Measures for the Accurate Use of the "Four Forms" by Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs". During the investigation and handling of the case, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Zixi County comprehensively considered the nature, circumstances, harm, and consequences of Tong Shengguang's violations of discipline and law, as well as his voluntary surrender with money, and gave him leniency. In July 2024, Tong Shengguang was expelled from the Party and removed from his government post.

After Tong Shengguang returned to work, the Zixi County Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission promptly tracked and understood Tong Shengguang's work performance and ideological state, truly educating, helping and saving him.

In Lanshan County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has established and improved a rapid handling mechanism for "problematic cadres" who voluntarily surrender, and after comprehensively evaluating the facts of their confessions, the nature of their problems, and their attitudes, they are promptly classified and properly handled. For those who truly repent, the county's Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision accurately grasps the "three distinctions" and accurately applies the "four forms" to deal leniently in accordance with discipline and regulations, which not only maintains the rigidity of discipline, but also protects the enthusiasm of cadres to work and start businesses to the greatest extent. So far, 10 cadres in Lanshan County have voluntarily surrendered, including 2 "top leaders" of their units.