
Using AI to simulate Confucius' chat scene to explore new paths for the development of the "Analects" IP


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Source: Cover News

Cover News reporter Zhang Jie

As a treasure of China's excellent traditional culture, "The Analects of Confucius" has an important influence on Chinese civilization. Studying and promoting classic works represented by "The Analects of Confucius" is an important way to enhance cultural confidence.

On July 26, the cross-industry integration seminar of the Analects IP and the new book launch of "Confucius' Analects Class" and "My Teacher Confucius (French Edition)" were held at Xihua University. Authors, publishers, university scholars, corporate representatives and other relevant persons took this opportunity to express their views on the transformation of traditional IP in a combination of online and offline methods, focusing on the theme of "promoting the integrated incubation of Chinese studies IP through 'industry-university-research-application'".

Confucius' Analects

Representatives of university scholars mostly explained the value and significance of China's excellent traditional culture from a theoretical perspective, and representatives of enterprises mostly analyzed the business model of cultural products from a market perspective. Multiple voices, multiple thoughts, and the collision of ideas allowed everyone to actively explore new paths for cross-industry integration. Two new books, "Confucius's Analects" (Chinese version) and "My Teacher Confucius (French version)", were also released on the spot.

The book "Confucius' Analects Lesson", published by Sichuan People's Publishing House, adapts part of the Analects into a multi-frame comic book with vivid plots and humor. The book contains 21 comic stories, each of which is a lesson on the Analects taught by Confucius himself. It is accompanied by synchronized audio and video, and creates an AI Confucius artificial intelligence simulated chat scene, which allows readers to experience the learning of the Analects in person and feel the charm of the Analects better and more directly.

Each short story is divided into four small modules, namely "Introduction at the beginning of the chapter", "Comic Analects lesson", "Analects link" and "Analects trivia". "Introduction at the beginning of the chapter" summarizes the background, essence and value of the story in concise language, which is the introduction to the story; "Comic Analects lesson" reasonably adapts some key points in "Analects" into stories in the form of comics, allowing readers to understand the interpretation of Analects more directly and easily, which is the core element of the story; "Analects link" lists the original texts of "Analects" involved in the story and interprets them in vernacular Chinese one by one, so that readers can further familiarize themselves with "Analects", which is the origin of the story; "Analects trivia" introduces a series of interesting stories related to "Analects", allowing readers to understand the historical and cultural knowledge outside the classics of "Analects", which is the interesting highlight of the story. It can be said that this is a fusion publication that not only inherits the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also closely integrates the development of information technology. It is a new exploration of the publishing house and the author team to create an experiential fusion product.

(Photo provided by Sichuan People's Publishing House)