
Shen Peng criticized the limitations of regular script, sparking heated discussions among netizens


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I watched an interview with Shen Peng, the former chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, on the Internet. In this video, he criticized Yu Youren's calligraphy and the limitations of his standard cursive style. Some netizens said: "My calligraphy level has surpassed Yu Youren!" Are the netizens right? Let's take a look.

Shen Peng: Yu Youren's cursive script has made great progress in both the modern and contemporary times. Some people think that the cursive script I write is somewhat similar to his, but to be honest, I have never learned it and have no intention of learning it.

Shen Peng said: "I can learn something from others, and I admire them, but I will not imitate them!" I always believe in one thing, "I like my teacher the most, and I like the truth more." I think the concept of "standard cursive" limited Yu Youren's cursive writing and restricted his development in calligraphy.

Yu Youren is a contemporary Chinese calligrapher, educator, and cultural thinker. He has indeed played an epoch-making role in the field of written language.

Yu Youren devoted his life to the systematic arrangement and induction of cursive script symbols. In his study of ancient cursive script books, he sorted out the steles of successive dynasties and summarized their commonly used strokes, structures, deformations, etc. He also divided cursive characters into categories such as "single character", "continuous character", and "whole character", and made a detailed discussion on the characteristics of each category.

On this basis, he standardized the brushwork of cursive script, including the order of strokes, structural proportions, and the use of brushstrokes, emphasizing standardization and accuracy, and attaching importance to the inheritance and development of calligraphy techniques. Yu Youren's regular script is an important reference for many calligraphy teaching and research, and is also a model for later scholars to study and create.

Why did Shen Peng criticize You Ren's standard cursive script? Obviously, his negation of You Ren's standard cursive script is to deny the general characteristics of cursive script, making it a symbol of arbitrary graffiti, and calling it "innovation" and "brush and ink art". If cursive script has no standard, it will be "arbitrary" as Shen Peng said, and it will not be able to recognize people and lose its meaning of expressing ideas.

The "Cursive Script" by Shen Peng, the former chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, had a great influence at the time for various reasons, but whether its influence is equal to its achievements remains to be tested by time. There is a saying that he "alienated" the cursive script, believing that "neither biased nor biased" is not "cursive script". In fact, his characters have no origin, and he has never had any intersection with ancient calligraphy masters, so many of his cursive scripts are made up by himself, which do not meet the standards of cursive script and are actually typos.

Some netizens have raised questions: Shen Peng's words not only reveal his pattern, but also his selfishness, and his intentions are obvious: on the one hand, he criticized Yu Youren, while on the other hand, he advocated "learning from the strengths of all schools and reaching higher levels", implying that he has surpassed Yu Youren!

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