
Tencent-related companies are accelerating their layout of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster, and the first phase of Baoan's "Penguin Island" will be delivered by the end of the year


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Shenzhen News Network, July 23, 2024 (Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Wu Suhong) The construction of the highly anticipated Tencent "Internet +" Future Science and Technology City (also known as "Penguin Island") has made the latest progress.

At the eighth theme event of the "Promoting High-quality Development Series of Thematic Press Conferences" held recently, reporters learned from Bao'an District that the first phase of Tencent's "Penguin Island" in Dachan Bay will be completed and put into use by the end of the year. Shenzhen Metro Line 15 passing through "Penguin Island" and the Mawan Cross-sea Channel connecting Qianhai and Dachan Bay are also under rapid construction.

The traction effect of major projects is emerging. The reporter learned through Tianyancha Professional Edition that Tencent-related companies including Tencent Tianyou, Tencent Cloud Technology, Tencent Feitai Technology, etc. have quietly laid out in Bao'an. Some experts said that with the entry of Tencent-related and upstream and downstream companies, and the completion of Shenzhen's first "ring" subway Line 15, the high-tech enterprise clusters such as Qianhai, Bao'an and Nanshan Center will be connected in series, and the multiple advantages of Qianhai's modern service industry and Bao'an District's manufacturing industry will be superimposed. In the future, this area will become another globally renowned technology landmark in Shenzhen.

Tencent's "Penguin Island" is located in the Dachanwan area of ​​Bao'an. Photo by correspondent Liu Qinglin

Reporters' on-site visit

Phase 1 of Penguin Island is under renovation

The reason why Tencent's "Penguin Island" has attracted so much attention from all walks of life is due to the super driving effect behind it.

As of now, Tencent Holdings' market value on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange exceeds HK$3.3 trillion. As a giant in the Internet industry, in the past 10 years, whether in the Internet or the new AI track, Tencent's every step has led the market trend and is an industry investment "barometer".

In November 2019, Tencent acquired the Dachanwan plot in Bao'an District at a listing price of 8.52 billion yuan, and Tencent's new Qianhai headquarters came into the public eye. In mid-2021, the "Penguin Island" project officially started construction.

On July 21, the reporter came to Tencent's "Penguin Island" in the Dachan Bay area. At 3 pm, the sun was shining brightly, and construction vehicles were seen shuttling back and forth on the road. The machines at the project construction site were roaring, and it was as hot as the weather in Pengcheng. The most "eye-catching" office buildings on the Internet, which look like flying saucers, have shown their "true appearance". Their unique shapes are like buildings from science fiction movies, giving people a full sense of technology. According to workers on the construction site, most of the buildings in the first phase have been capped and the facade decoration is being carried out. In the employee dormitory area, some green plants have been planted. The nearby science and technology museum, cultural center and other public service facilities have not yet started construction, but the site fence has been set up.

Public data shows that the project has an investment of 31.9 billion yuan, a land area of ​​809,000 square meters, and a development scale of 2 million square meters, which is equivalent to 114 football fields. The park mainly builds innovative industrial buildings, commercial and living facilities, science and technology exhibition halls, data and intelligent control centers, etc., and is expected to accommodate 75,000 office workers. Among them, public service facilities such as science and technology exhibition halls, cultural centers, and sports centers will also be open to the public after completion. The first phase will be completed and put into use at the end of this year, and the entire project is expected to be completed in 2026.

The "Penguin Island" office building looks like a flying saucer. Photo by correspondent Liu Qinglin

Accelerate the layout of Baoan

Tencent-related companies flocked to the city

Liu Xiaobo, a well-known Chinese financial commentator, has long been concerned about the construction of "Penguin Island". In Liu Xiaobo's view, based on the land area, employment and population planning, Tencent's "future technology city" is undoubtedly a super headquarters base similar to Apple and Google. "Tencent, with a market value of 3 trillion yuan, will move its global headquarters to Penguin Island, which will introduce high-net-worth elite talents and high value-added industries to the area."

The reporter searched through Tianyancha Professional Edition and found that there are nearly 20 companies with "Tencent" in their names and registered in Bao'an, including Tencent Tianyou, Tencent Cloud Technology, Tencent Feitai Technology, Tencent Culture Media and other Tencent-related companies.

It is worth noting that Tencent's current business structure includes six major business groups: Corporate Development Group (CDG), Cloud and Smart Industry Group (CSIG), Interactive Entertainment Group (IEG), Platform and Content Group (PCG), Technology Engineering Group (TEG), and WeChat Group (WXG). Currently, the Tencent-affiliated companies that have settled in Bao'an are all Tencent's business focus and development direction.

Among them, as a world-leading game developer and operator, Tencent Tianyou is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tencent and one of the important entities in Tencent Group's game operations. Among the businesses related to Tencent Cloud, the Tencent Cloud Industrial Internet Headquarters Base has settled in Bao'an. The headquarters base is Tencent's national industrial Internet sales settlement center and Tencent's national industrial Internet R&D and innovation center.

The multiplier effect is evident

The rise of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster

"In the future, upstream and downstream companies in the Internet industry will form a new ecosystem around Tencent, and technology industries and elite talents will accelerate their gathering in Baozhong." Liu Xiaobo said in an interview with reporters that with the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, the Bao'an side has also changed from a one-sided golden inner bay coastline to a "golden cross intersection", and the status of Baozhong and other areas as "Bay Area gateway hub" has been established. The economic hinterland and radiation range will be greatly expanded, and various production factors will be further gathered.

Obviously, major projects have good comprehensive benefits and strong driving effects. Stimulating the "multiplier effect" of major projects will bring new development opportunities to more industries and further enhance new development momentum.

Liu Zhanguo, director of the Industrial Planning Research Center of the Shenzhen Tsinghua Research Institute, believes that at the industrial level, Tencent's entry into Dachan Bay will bring a new strong industry to Bao'an through a leading model, namely the software and information technology service industry. In his view, Tencent is not just a company, but also an innovative ecosystem centered around software and information technology services. With the entry of Tencent, upstream and downstream companies in the Tencent ecosystem and surrounding companies will also make corresponding arrangements. "Dachan Bay and Bao'an Central District together have become the carriers of the Tencent ecosystem and the entire Bao'an software and information service industry ecosystem."

The reporter’s investigation found that Tencent’s “Penguin Island” has demonstrated its real “cash power” in terms of driving effect on the surrounding areas.

Currently, Tencent's layout in Bao'an is focused on Xin'an Street. With the arrival of Tencent, software and information technology services have become the pillar industry of the above-scale service industry in Xin'an Street. Data shows that in 2023, the software and information technology services industry in Xin'an Street will achieve operating income of more than 130 billion yuan.

Xixiang Street, where Tencent's "Penguin Island" is located, is also pushing forward the construction of the "Tencent Village", improving the surrounding environment of three parks including Fencheng Zhigu, and promoting the planning and development of the Dachanwan area with high standards to accommodate future industrial spillovers.

At present, taking advantage of the opportunities such as Qianhai's double 15% tax preferential policy fully covering the newly expanded area and the completion and opening of the first phase of Tencent's "Internet +" Future Science and Technology City, Bao'an takes the innovative development of modern service industry as the entry point to promote the integrated development of productive service industry and advanced manufacturing industry.