
From short plays to large AI models, how can emerging industries enable organizations to "keep up" with business?


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What exactly is the organizational engine behind emerging industries?

Author | Wan Chen
edit| Zheng Xuan

Last June, Midjourney founder David Holz told Geek Park that Midjourney might be the first AI startup that can operate efficiently with a team of about 20 people, and such efficient organizational forms might become common in the next five years.

Over the past year, we have observed the experiences of many companies in reshaping their productivity and production processes. We have also watched many ordinary people use productivity tools to overcome the gaps in professional background and experience, do truly valuable things, and achieve promotions and salary increases.

This is a topic that is often discussed and always new in the world of technology and business:Organization and efficiency.Under this topic, a video called "Flying Over Emerging Industries" caught our attention. In the video, the "hot" industries in the past few years have been changing, from new energy vehicles, new consumption, live e-commerce, to today's big models, embodied intelligence, and short drama tracks, but most of the companies in these hot industries have one thing in common - using Feishu to organize talents and businesses. Is this a coincidence?

Take the large-scale model company Baichuan Intelligence as an example. As early as 2020, when Feishu was not yet widely known, Wang Xiaochuan, who was still at Sogou, organized an exchange meeting on new collaborative office experiences in the Geek Park Entrepreneur Community "Frontier Society". At that time, the discussion was about why Feishu made him suddenly keen on writing documents, and the management ideas behind it, such as "context not control", which resonated with him. Today, when Wang Xiaochuan started a new entrepreneurial story, Feishu is naturally the first office system "launched" by Baichuan Intelligence.

There are many more examples like this. The genius boy Zhihuijun (Peng Zhihui) moved his company to Feishu on the first day of co-founding Zhiyuan Robotics. In today's fierce competition for short dramas, the three major companies regard using Feishu as a competitive advantage. New consumer companies have rewritten the historical fate of franchise stores with Feishu...

So when emerging industries and advanced forces are collectively using Feishu, what are they using? What are they changing?


To be "emerging",

Only speed can break

Short plays have become a hot track this year, vividly interpreting the infinite possibilities of emerging industries and the extreme competition and cruelty behind them.

Li Tao, CEO of Fengxing Culture, a leading company in the short drama industry, has personally experienced the entire process of short dramas becoming a "hot spot". In his opinion, being able to keenly perceive demand and quickly keep up with changes is a prerequisite for survival.

He said, "When we started making short dramas in the second half of 2022, short dramas were at the bottom of the contempt chain in the film and television industry, and we had to seek resources everywhere. Now it's different. The initiative is in our hands, and the great director Wang Jing has also come to shoot short dramas. The competition in short dramas is too fierce now. A large number of them will be eliminated in the second half of this year. Those who don't have a hit and no business ideas will definitely not survive long."

2023 is regarded as the first year of short dramas, and 2024 has already reached its peak. Behind the rapid rise of the circle is the change in market demand. In Li Tao's view, "young people choose double speed. They don't want to watch long-winded things. They just want to see what happens next." A few minutes of a "cool article" can maximize the emotional value. This is the market logic of "'horizontal store' becoming 'vertical store'."

Along with the video content itself, the industrial process of film and television production and publicity has also accelerated. The production cycle of a short drama is about 7 days for 100 episodes; 14 short dramas a month; the shooting budget is generally no more than one million, and more funds are spent on traffic. If the short drama launched is popular, additional traffic will be immediately added, in exchange for the possibility of a hit product with the number of short dramas.

In such a tight content production and promotion process, rushing to meet deadlines has become a high-frequency word in the eyes of short drama producers. For example, in the early stage of project coordination, whether it is budget, casting, script, costume and props management, or project scheduling, it will have a great impact on the production quality and speed of the short drama, thereby affecting the project cost and launch plan.

As far as the director's work is concerned, there are differences between the expectations and ideas of the film and the cognition of other project members. Even if there is a script reading, there will be a large gap, which will lead to repeated and inefficient communication in the future, and ultimately easily affect the quality and progress of the project.

In order to improve production efficiency, Fengxing Culture uses Feishu to achieve efficient collaboration. In the early stage of coordination, the director can annotate the script through the comments of Feishu cloud documents, such as the director's desired film style, special effects, sound effects and other detailed suggestions, for actors and post-production to view at any time. The script reading meeting will also be recorded through Feishu for project members to view at any time, retaining the key information and conclusions of the reading, and letting AI automatically summarize and handle it, so that the director only needs to speak once.

In terms of project coordination, Fengxing Culture also uses Feishu's multi-dimensional tables to efficiently align people, events, and objects, and manage early project work such as project application, approval, project establishment, casting, etc. It can also check the progress of post-production editing in real time and coordinate budgets and finances with one "table".

Fengxing Culture uses multidimensional table dashboards for project management | Image source: Feishu

"Vertical screen short dramas" are in vogue, what should the organization of short drama production look like? In the ever-changing "assembly line" of short drama production, not only Fengxing Culture, but also Maiya Media, Shanhaixingchen, Hurricane Films, etc. choose to use Lark to organize new content formats.

From project establishment, production budget, establishment of project team, early coordination and preparation of costumes and props, actor management, shooting plan management, start-up management, post-editing management, to the final film, Feishu empowers every aspect of short drama production and promotion, helping the micro-short drama industry to improve operational efficiency and collaboration efficiency, shorten project cycles, and standardize project management.

Now, as competition in the short drama industry intensifies, deeper organizational skills are also on the agenda.

As mentioned earlier, hit dramas require a high recharge amount, and only those that can cover the production costs and bring profits can survive. In March this year, several short drama producers and directors said in an interview with the media that "if two out of ten hits are produced, you can basically make money." But now, with more and more producers pouring into the short drama industry and the audience's aesthetic fatigue with the homogeneity of content and routine plots, short dramas also need to increase the possibility of hits through refined operations.

In the new market situation, Li Tao proposed the idea of ​​making short micro dramas high-quality, starting from polishing a good script, and striving for excellence in creativity, production team, actors, and marketing. The shooting cycle has also been shortened from a few days to more than ten days. The short micro drama that has transformed the "horizontal store" into a "vertical store" is demanding quality from traffic, and he expects Feishu to help them do a good job in refined operations.


To be advanced, organizations must keep up

In addition to short plays, another emerging industry that has exploded is the big model and the series of AI applications it has brought to the fore. Embodied intelligence is one of them.

In March this year, Zhiyuan Robotics, co-founded by post-90s founder Zhihuijun (Peng Zhihui), attracted widespread attention with its ability to obtain seven rounds of financing in one year and a pre-investment valuation of up to 7 billion yuan.

Behind the "voting with feet", the outside world is optimistic not only about the founding team, but also about the growth rate of AGIBOT. AGIBOT was founded in February 2023. In August of the same year, AGIBOT released the first generation of general-purpose embodied intelligent robot "Expedition A1". Compared with other companies' R&D cycles of several years, AGIBOT only took half a year.

The rapid launch of the Yuanzheng A1 is a complex "system engineering". Since robotics is a highly interdisciplinary and complex field involving electronic engineering, artificial intelligence, bionics, structural science, and ecology, it requires robotics companies to quickly "assemble" top talents from different fields, and interdisciplinary talents who have "one specialty and multiple skills" and strong learning ability, to collaborate and get the whole thing done.

This is also a major challenge facing emerging industries - how organizations can adaptably and orderly expand while business is growing rapidly.

Zhiyuan, which "moved" its organization to Feishu on the first day of its establishment, successfully attracted 100 new employees in half a year. Behind this are thousands of resumes, hundreds of interviews, landing after joining the company, and collaboration among talents.

During the talent screening process, Feishu People helped Zhiyuan integrate third-party recruitment websites, so that candidates' resumes, interview evaluations and interview scores are all in one system, which is clear at a glance and improves the efficiency of the recruitment and employment process.

Resume, video, and interview evaluation window in one | Image source: Feishu

More importantly, the development of humanoid robots involves multidisciplinary high-tech, which requires breaking down barriers and intensive communication between organizational members, while ensuring accurate information transmission and efficient project implementation. How did Zhiyuan, at the beginning of its establishment, keep the organization up to date while promoting business and accelerating R&D, and enable employees with different knowledge backgrounds to cooperate efficiently?

As a carrier of best practices, tools played a big role in this process. Through the rapid iteration of tools, the Zhiyuan Robotics team made adaptive expansion and reshaped the workflow.

Faced with the uncertainty and continuous challenges in product development and technological innovation, Zhiyuan Robotics has established a complete knowledge management system based on Feishu, and realized knowledge sharing through the establishment and authorization of knowledge bases. At the same time, the R&D project team manages the entire R&D tasks and progress through multi-dimensional tables, and realizes digital management of the business through formula calculations, field references, automated settings, and advanced permission settings. It is worth noting that in terms of information security in R&D, the various confidentiality controls and hierarchical authorizations hidden in Feishu's workflows meet the demands of Zhiyuan Robotics.

Like Zhiyuan, many large-scale model companies have similar practices of keeping up with the times through tool iteration. The rapid changes in large-scale model technology and the market require organizations to expand and change quickly to adapt to the external environment. Many companies choose to use the iteration of advanced tools to achieve organizational goals.

An HR of a large model manufacturer told Geek Park that many of the company's talents had previously worked in large Internet companies and had good experiences with the collaboration tools they used before. When they came to a startup, they did not want their employees to have a psychological gap in office collaboration tools. Behind the tools is the exploration and pursuit of the best practices in the workflow. Therefore, many large model manufacturers chose Feishu.

Zhipu is a typical example. In fact, many people may not realize that although Zhipu AI was born out of a scientific research institution, its current commercialization performance is outstanding, and the number of large model projects won in the first half of the year ranked top 3 in China. For Zhipu, in the process of moving from scientific research to the market, talent guarantee and efficient collaboration are the number one challenges that Zhipu needs to face.

Zhipu AI product matrix | Image source: Feishu

Zhipu officially started commercialization in the first half of 2023, and it was also at this time that Zhipu began to use Feishu as a collaboration tool. Recently, Zhipu has entered the Thousand Talents Plan, which requires more refined management and collaboration, so they began to use Feishu People, Feishu Projects and other more in-depth product capabilities.

Timeline of cooperation between Zhipu and Feishu | Image source: Feishu

Whether it is the accelerated expansion of commercialization, the standardized control of projects, or the refined management of personnel, Feishu helps Zhipu achieve organizational expansion and orderly collaboration while its business is booming.

Looking back at the three emerging industry cases observed in the previous article, their common points of advancement have given them the opportunity to shine in their respective industries. Fengxing Culture's hit short drama "Wushuang" broke the industry record of 100 million yuan in 8 days after its launch; Zhiyuan Robotics stood out in the fierce competition of embodied intelligence with its outstanding financing and production and research capabilities; Zhipu has quietly achieved a breakthrough in commercialization in the track of large models, which is "rolling" to the sky. The same is true for emerging industries such as autonomous driving, new stores, new overseas expansion, and new energy, which have been in the spotlight for the past three years.

Behind all these glamorous things are the efficiency breakthroughs that are constantly "fighting" in specific and tiny scenarios. Emerging industries also represent the most competitive industries or the industries where every inch of land is fought for. Feishu has solved the dual collaborative efficiency of their organization and business, and used tools to quickly iterate the organization and business to adapt to the ever-changing environment and explore the infinite possibilities of emerging industries. In this process, Feishu has also grown together with advanced customers. From its initial role as collaborative office software, it provided companies with a new generation of working methods; later, through Feishu People, it connected the people and things of the company and became an organizational management tool that provided companies with advanced concepts; and then to the recently released Feishu Project IPD solution, which creates more value for customers through professional project management tools.

Advanced enterprises first use Feishu. When you look at these so-called advanced technologies, you will find that they are not just a technology, a product, a business model, or some revenue on the surface, but also the efficiency accumulated day by day in the organization. It should be said that in this process, Feishu and emerging industries have reached a consensus.

*Header image source: Visual China

This article is an original article from Geek Park. For reprinting, please contact Geek Jun on WeChat: geekparkGO

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