
Local specialties sold more than 1.3 million yuan online in half a year. A small mountain village has tapped into the e-commerce supply chain


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Source: People's Daily

The picture shows that the Lanhai Expressway passes through Dangchang County, making the transportation of agricultural products more convenient. Photo by Liu Hui (Image China) Data source: National Bureau of Statistics, etc.

An efficiently operated e-commerce supply chain has extended to the mountainous valleys of the Northwest region.

In Puguangsi Village, Xinzhai Township, Dangchang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, the plum peppers are densely packed and bright red like fire.

It is harvest season. Early in the morning, pepper farmers start picking plum peppers and then load them to the village's e-commerce service station. After drying and processing, the plum peppers from the Longyuan Mountains are delivered to consumers across the country through order-based sales within 10 days of being picked.

In the first half of this year, the e-commerce revenue of Puguangsi Village’s agricultural and specialty products exceeded 1.3 million yuan, and Dangchang County’s e-commerce achieved sales of 138 million yuan.

Isn't it just opening an online store and selling agricultural products? Xu Zhijie, who started out as an e-commerce entrepreneur, also thought so. But when he started, he found that it was not that simple - "If we want to have more products, more timely delivery and transportation, and make the brand famous, we have to build a chain." Xu Zhijie said.

The mountains are high and the valleys are deep. Whether it is processing, transportation, or attracting merchants to inspect, we must first improve the transportation conditions.

"Not long ago, the village hardened and widened the village road for more than two kilometers, which makes transportation very convenient," Xu Zhijie introduced while walking. In recent years, through the construction of "Four Good Rural Roads" and other projects, Puguangsi Village has been paved with asphalt or cement roads, and the roads between local villages are also smooth.

At the same time, relying on the national e-commerce in rural comprehensive demonstration project, with the support of the county, Xu Zhijie built the Xinzhai Township e-commerce service station. Agricultural products can be stored or sent here. If no special processing is required, they can be shipped in half a day. Today, Dangchang County has built 244 village-level e-commerce logistics service stations and 24 township-level e-commerce service stations, with a township logistics distribution rate of 100%.

In addition to some of the peppercorns being shipped directly, more of them are transported to a processing workshop at the foot of the mountain. Less than a year after the workshop was built, it already has two processing lines. More than 20 machines, including screening machines and dosing machines, are busy, and more than 300 kilograms of peppercorns can be processed in one hour.

"The workshop production can accurately match the order requirements." Xu Zhijie said that not only can the plum pepper be processed, but also more than 40 kinds of agricultural products from Puguangsi Village and even the surrounding towns. The processed products are sent through e-commerce logistics channels.

In Xu Zhijie's view, everyone benefits from the e-commerce supply chain: with the help of e-commerce platforms, farmers can connect with sales and logistics channels, making the sale of agricultural products more convenient; the quality of goods directly supplied from the place of production is guaranteed and the cost is low, which is beneficial to consumers; the workers in the processing workshops are villagers, which provides them with an additional source of income from work.

"Zhijie, my family has new honey, please put it on the platform!" Xu Zhangquan from the same village found him. The "platform" is the "Longyuan Pure High-quality Agricultural Products Mall" on the mini program, where nearly 100 local agricultural products are on sale. "I developed the platform. Only by selling the high-quality products of the villagers can the role of the platform be fully utilized." Xu Zhijie clicked on the categories with the largest sales in recent times, such as Astragalus Tea and Hundred Flower Honey, and updated the product information.

In the forest of plum pepper, the aroma of pepper wafts in the air. Xu Zhijie paused and recalled that 10 years ago, a pound of plum pepper could only be sold for 7 yuan. Now, relying on the brand effect of Dangchang County's public brand "Qiangyuanweidao", with the e-commerce channel, an average of more than 40 yuan per pound can be sold.

From simple picking to deep processing, from expanding channels to creating brands... the rural e-commerce supply chain is becoming more and more perfect, and farmers in the mountainous valleys of the Northwest region have experienced the benefits of the digital economy.