
This American guy is scared.


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This article is reproduced from Niu Tanqin

Author Niu Tanqin

Everything is very dramatic. This American boss is scared.

He was really a coward, and he was cowardly to an even more ruthless American boss. He was a cowardly man who was quick in both eyes and hands, and he was a cowardly man who was clean and neat.

Who is it?

One is the American Internet giant Zuckerberg, and the other is former US President Trump.

The dramatic development is this:On July 12, Meta, a company controlled by Zuckerberg, announced that it would completely lift restrictions on Trump's Facebook and Instagram social accounts.

Why lift the ban now if you didn’t lift it earlier or later?

Meta said, "We believe that the American people should be able to hear from presidential candidates on the same basis, and therefore, former President Trump will no longer be subject to a more severe account ban as the Republican presidential candidate."

In a word, we will not block Biden from receiving the same treatment as Trump.

But why block it?

This can be traced back to the "Attack on the Capitol" incident in 2021, or even earlier grudges.

Trump and Zuckerberg have always disliked each other.

In June 2020, Zuckerberg publicly stated thatHe was "deeply shocked and disgusted by President Trump's divisive and inflammatory rhetoric."

In 2021, after Trump supporters "attacked the Capitol Hill", Internet platforms unanimously called for a crackdown, and almost all of Trump’s social media accounts were blocked.

This includes Trump's account on Meta's Facebook and Instagram accounts. Zuckerberg said at the time that the reason for the indefinite ban was that the company believed that "the risk of allowing President (Trump) to continue using our services during this period is too great."

The president was banned and Trump was furious.

But there is no way, a phoenix without feathers is no better than a chicken. Later, in order to make his voice heard, Trump, who had left the White House, had to create his own social platform "Truth Social".

The situation is also changing. After Musk bought Twitter (now renamed X), he immediately restored Trump's account.

At the beginning of last year, Meta also restored Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts, but still emphasized: "If Mr. Trump continues to post further illegal content, the (illegal) content will be deleted and he will be banned for one month to two years, depending on the severity of the violation."

Will Trump be happy?

Trump is angry and the consequences are serious.

On July 10, he directly blasted Zuckerberg on his own "Truth Social", saying:"They have no shame! All I can say is that if I'm elected president, we will hunt down election fraudsters with an unprecedented intensity, and they will be sent to jail for a long time. We already know who you are. Don't do it! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!"

What's the meaning?

Let me explain first, ZUCKERBUCKS refers to Zuckerberg's donation to the election department before the 2020 US presidential election.

It is reported that Zuckerberg donated $419 million in the 2020 election, some of which became grants to about 2,500 U.S. election agencies. Trump believes that Zuckerberg, who supports the Democratic Party, is interfering in the U.S. election and is suspected of serious crimes.

Earlier in February 2023, Trump posted on "Truth Social" in which he criticized Zuckerberg for interfering in the election and attached a link to a report on Fox News, which stated that Zuckerberg's donation of 2 million US dollars to the Georgia Election Commission was under investigation.

"Why hasn't he been indicted?" Trump said at the time. "The Democrats just know how to Cheat. America won't put up with this much longer!"

Therefore, when Trump directly attacked Zuckerberg on July 10, his meaning was very clear.

1. Warn Zuckerberg, don’t think I don’t know what you are doing.

2. After I am elected president, I will investigate thoroughly and arrest those who commit election fraud.

3. Zuckerberg, if you still don’t understand, I will put you in jail.

Zuckerberg is undoubtedly under great pressure now.

In fact, he should have seen that Trump is now in high spirits, and his old rival Musk has stood on Trump's side early on, and recently donated a large sum of money to the Republican Party; he seems to be on the wrong side, and the Democratic Party he supports, Biden, is in a tough battle, and it is hard to say whether he can hold on to the end...

what to do?

Zuckerberg was also heartbroken.

So there was the dramatic scene above: two days after Trump issued a public threat to Zuckerberg, Zuckerberg backed down and immediately lifted all restrictions on Trump's account.

As for the so-called reasons for lifting the ban, you know. Fortunately, the ban was lifted before Trump was assassinated, otherwise Zuckerberg would be in a more passive position.

It's such a big show.

I have to say that Zuckerberg is now really eager to survive.

After all, the current situation is no longer the same as it was four years ago. When you live under someone’s roof, you have to bow your head. No matter how important your social platform is, or how powerful you are as an Internet tycoon.

Trump is making a comeback, and it is possible that the consequences will be very serious.

In fact, even if Zuckerberg backed down, Trump still did not show any mercy.

He recently said, "I support TikTok because you need competition. If you don't have TikTok, you have Facebook and Photo Wall - you know, this is Zuckerberg."

Trump is still upset.

It must be said that in this world, evildoers will be punished by evildoers.

If you are soft, he will be hard, and if you are hard, he will be soft. Of course, Zuckerberg is still very flexible. As soon as he sees that things are not going well, he will quickly make a 180-degree turn. It is not ruled out that he will bet on both sides and smile at Trump in the future.

Will Trump give up if he only makes a U-turn now? Also, will Biden be disappointed and sad with such a sudden turn?

Zuckerberg may not care about so many things now.

This is just my personal opinion, not any organization's opinion.

Editor-in-chief: Zhang Wu Text editor: Dong Siyun Title image source: Xinhua News Agency

Source: Author: Niu Tanqin