
Defrauding interns and fining them at every turn, a large private equity firm in Xiamen got a 985 master's degree for free for 10 months?


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Today, a big scandal about a large private equity firm in Xiamen spread on the community platform, saying that there are only two relatively large private equity firms in Xiamen, and neither of them is a quantitative firm.

1) The job content did not match the recruitment description. The job was for a researcher, but the person who ended up working was a marketing position that required receiving clients and producing marketing materials.

2) Fraudulently concealed the 6-month probation period. During the interview in early March, they verbally promised that the internship period would make up for the probation period, and there would be no discount for the probation period. After graduation at the end of June, the HR temporarily added 6 months of probation period, and the probation period was 20% off. I could still be fired during the probation period. The student said: This fraudulent concealment behavior seriously violated my rights and interests and wasted my spring recruitment opportunity.

3) HR PUA fresh graduates. In the conversation with HR, she repeatedly commented and emphasized: You are just an intern, the work you do is very basic, and you don’t contribute much. The key problem is that he has no business contact with HR. Shouldn’t his direct supervisor be responsible for the assessment and evaluation?

4) The company conducts heavy audits, and fines and deducts money at every turn. Deductions are made for being late, not forwarding public accounts, and failing compliance exams. There is another compliance exam competition, and the last place is deducted a four-digit amount...

In this regard, some netizens suspected that it was Ningshui. Jinshi Zatan found that the scale of this private equity firm is between 2 billion and 5 billion, while the scale of the largest private equity firm in Xiamen is between 5 billion and 10 billion. As for which company it is, everyone can judge for themselves.

A search by Jinshi Zatan found that there are currently eight private equity firms in Xiamen with a scale of over 1 billion. The largest is Bofuli Asset, with a scale of 5-10 billion, followed by Hanyun Investment and Ningshui Private Equity, both with a scale of 2-5 billion.

Jinshi found that Bofuli mainly invests in securities, futures and other derivatives, and issues FOF funds through quantitative strategy allocation models and quantitative investment management models; Hanyun investment products mainly include two investment directions: stock value investment and quantitative investment, and the main investment products include stocks, futures, options, etc.

Ningshui is a macro strategy private equity fund management company that focuses on macro strategy research and invests in stocks, commodities, bond assets and their derivatives. Although it does not engage in quantitative investment, it does have quantitative trading.

This is a large private equity firm composed of top students from Xiamen University. Founder Deng Fei, executive director Lin Aiqun, and general manager Ke Xiaodi all graduated from Xiamen University.