
“new in guizhou” series: in this “high-end game” of equipment, how does guizhou win?


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anshun, guizhou, a "china's excellent tourism city" in the hinterland of southwest china, is well-known throughout the country for its textbook huangguoshu waterfall and tunpu culture. but it can do much more than that.
deep in the mountains of anshun, there is an aircraft production base established during the national "third line construction" period, code-named 011. in 1970, the first j-6iii fighter jet trial-produced by the 011 base made its maiden flight successfully, ending guizhou's history of not being able to produce aircraft. in 1987, the j-7 trainer aircraft developed and produced by the 011 base was exhibited at the 37th paris international air and space exhibition, achieving a breakthrough in the number of domestically produced aircraft at international air shows, and was hailed as an "asian star" by western media. to this day, this is still an important aircraft production area.
equipment manufacturing is a national treasure. the advanced equipment manufacturing industry is a basic and strategic industry of the national economy, and its development level is a key indicator of a country's industrialization level. for many people, it may be difficult to connect this world-famous tourist destination with a national treasure. but now, more and more people have begun to come to guizhou from chengdu, xi'an, shanghai, beijing and other places, to anshun and many other equipment industry centers like anshun, to invest in the future.
in 2022, the state council issued the "opinions on supporting guizhou to break new ground in the great development of the western region in the new era", proposing to support guizhou in cultivating and building national major innovation platforms in advantageous frontier fields such as aerospace technology, and supporting the development of the aerospace industry with a focus on equipment manufacturing and maintenance services. in 2023, guizhou province issued the "several policies and measures to support anshun city in building the guizhou aviation industry city", and approved the overall development plan of the guizhou aviation industry city (2022-2035), striving to build an important national aviation industry base.
why do advanced equipment manufacturing bases such as anshun attract so many companies from afar? what are the shortcomings and gaps? faced with the goal of building a 100 billion-level industrial cluster and taking on the "main beam" of the industrial economy, what do the practitioners in it think?
the “two-way rush” behind the 164 days
from the company's registration and establishment, signing contracts with local authorities to the formal completion of the first production line, wang zelin, general manager of guizhou yijing aviation technology co., ltd., clearly remembers that it took only 164 days from early summer to late autumn last year to complete the process.
wang zelin is no stranger to the aerospace industry. he works for guizhou yijing aviation, the guizhou branch of sichuan minghang land technology co., ltd. in chengdu, sichuan, where minghang land's headquarters is located, there are many well-known aviation companies such as "chengfei". coming to anshun from chengdu is also a well-considered choice.
"when a company reaches a certain stage of development, it needs to expand into new businesses. only by leaving its original comfort zone can it have greater room for development. when looking for destinations across the country, we keenly noticed that guizhou is building the guizhou aviation industry city with anshun as the core and strongly supporting the aerospace industry. this clear policy orientation at the national and provincial levels is an extremely important consideration. because this kind of heavy asset investment requires a high degree of certainty for a long period of time in the future." wang zelin said.
the determination of the local government to develop the industry led to the birth of guizhou yijing aviation. after its establishment, anshun did not disappoint this trust. it quickly solved problems such as factory construction and procedure approval in 164 days. the efficient work style and excellent business environment allowed the company to produce with peace of mind.
in order to reduce the initial investment of enterprises, anshun aviation support manufacturing industrial park has built standardized factories, allowing enterprises to "move in with their bags" and start production quickly, and actively helping enterprises to seek orders. wang zelin said that the company has completed and put into production four production lines, and the number of orders is continuing to increase. it is expected that the annual output value this year will reach 50 million yuan.
of course, this process is not without its "troubles". in my discussions with many entrepreneurs, i noticed that the lack of talent and industrial support are two common concerns of companies that are on the sidelines, but there are solutions.
brain drain is a common problem in small and medium-sized cities in the southwest, but anshun is special in that, on the one hand, the factories established during the "third line construction" period have left anshun with a strong aviation industry foundation and a large number of experienced technical workers. an old fitter hired by yijing aviation who retired from a large enterprise can receive a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan, which is higher than his original income when he worked in guiyang. on the other hand, anshun's cool climate and pleasant natural environment make some college students yearn for it. this summer, more than 70 college students from the "seven sons of national defense" participated in the talent anshun experience tour organized by anshun, and felt the confidence of anshun in achieving talents.
another concern is the supporting industry. in the eyes of those who are interested, this is both a current shortcoming and a future business opportunity. "when we carry out production work now, we need some materials, measuring tools, cutting tools and other tool products. we lack supporting industries in this regard and a professional economic and trade building materials market, so it is difficult to find materials. now there are more and more manufacturing companies settled in the park, and we also hope to bring some suppliers and processing auxiliary facilities and equipment companies to develop and grow together." wang zelin said.
“bringing in” and “going out”
not only is anshun, guizhou increasing its efforts to attract investment, it is also making greater efforts to make local enterprises "bigger and stronger" and expand domestic demand.
"following orders" is the norm for supporting enterprises in the equipment industry. only by "eating enough" can you survive. in addition to survival, there is development. an aviation enterprise person in anshun city said that some enterprises were introduced in the past, but they left after a few years because they "couldn't sit still". this is mainly because the number of orders that the enterprises have won locally may not be enough to support the expected development. however, he also observed that this sign has improved significantly in the past two years: some important materials can already find stable suppliers locally. in his opinion, there are two reasons behind this change. one is that the scale of the industry in the city and the province has increased, and the demand of enterprises has increased; the other is that supporting enterprises have taken a more proactive attitude to go to other places to get orders.
the growth of output value is also confirmed by macro data. in 2023, the total output value of guizhou's aviation equipment industry increased by 16.2% year-on-year, and the scale increased significantly. during the same period, anshun's aviation equipment manufacturing industry completed an industrial added value of 1.882 billion yuan, accounting for 18.7% of the city's industrial added value, an increase of 13.2% year-on-year. anshun introduced a total of 55 aerospace equipment manufacturing and supporting manufacturing projects throughout the year, with an investment of 9.642 billion yuan.
guizhou hongan xinsheng aviation technology co., ltd. mainly undertakes the assembly of aviation parts and the manufacture of drone packaging and transportation boxes, and is listed in the list of provincial-level specialized and innovative enterprises to be cultivated. unlike yijing aviation, which was "brought in", hongan xinsheng's main task is to "go out".
"we originally had only one customer, guifei, but now we have developed four or five state-owned enterprises as customers in anshun city alone. we have also signed cooperation contracts with private enterprises outside the province, including those in yangzhou, jiangsu, shijiazhuang, hebei, and chengdu, sichuan. this is crucial for us to expand our scale, reduce marginal costs, understand market demand in a timely manner, and even enhance our core competitiveness." said meng xiangyi, general manager of hongan xinsheng.
facing the "low-altitude economy" that is ready to take off, meng xiangyi believes that many companies in anshun and guizhou province have long provided supporting services for aviation companies and have high-standard production capabilities. if they can make good use of their own production advantages and pay close attention to industrial trends in developed areas within and outside the province, with the development of my country's aviation industry and low-altitude economy, they will open up a broader space for development. at present, government agencies and relevant financial institutions are also actively increasing policy and financing support for some local private enterprises, encouraging them to "go global" and explore a broader market.
in recent statements, many government leaders in guizhou province and anshun city have mentioned the need to increase efforts to cultivate the aerospace equipment manufacturing industry chain, especially the capacity building of chain leader enterprises.
"should local governments first build a good foundation and then introduce or cultivate chain-leading enterprises and major projects, or should they first have enterprises and projects and then do anything? this question seems very much like the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. but we believe that local infrastructure construction cannot be delayed for a moment. once the foundation is in place and we wait for the right opportunity, it will be no problem to win over large enterprises and projects. the market economy is like a wheat field. whoever grows taller can get more resources. right now, we are constantly growing and accumulating strength, and we look forward to being seen by more people," said a senior person in guizhou's aviation industry.
a relevant official from the department of industry and information technology of guizhou province said that guizhou is currently actively planning to attract investment, focusing on shortcomings in new energy vehicle motors, electronic controls, titanium alloys, high-temperature alloys, special steels, etc., improving the target enterprise database for industrial chain investment, focusing on the shortcomings and weaknesses of the leading industries and the core leading links of emerging industries, keeping a close eye on new trends in industrial transfer and capacity expansion in the yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta, the beijing-tianjin-hebei region and other places, introducing a number of major complete machines and key components, key materials, and key equipment projects that are leading, forward-looking, and iconic, to enhance the level and momentum of industrial development.
"we will do a good job in factor guarantee and follow-up services, improve our 'noble service' capabilities, and ensure that projects can be recruited, implemented, and produce results as soon as possible." said the above-mentioned person in charge.
(this article comes from china business network)