
jiangsu homeowners threw feces from a high place and "tested the whole building for dna": this is not just a lack of quality...


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where civilization cannot reach,

we can only rely on punishment.


quality is a good thing.

but not everyone has it.


recently, in a community in kunshan, jiangsu,

such a disgusting thing happened.

the owner of a building,

he actually threw feces out from a high altitude.

hit it squarely

this building has 101 owners' windows on and in the home.

that picture,

the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach.


if we stay at home,

suddenly, shit fell from the sky.

the house was full of dirt,

the stench was overwhelming.

isn't that an unprovoked disaster? !

once the incident happened,

the community owners group immediately exploded.

how low is this quality?

how could one do such a shameful thing?

is there no toilet at home?

this time it just hit the owner's house.

what about next time?

will it hit passers-by on the head?

angry residents of the community

call the police directly.

however, things like throwing objects from high places,

there is no monitoring.

there were no eyewitnesses.

this brought certain difficulties to the investigation of the case.

believe the person who threw the feces down.

i also hold this lucky mentality.

he thought that no one could cure you.

but i didn't expect

the devil is one foot high, but the tao is ten feet high.

you can test dna by throwing away your feces.

current police

stool samples have been collected for dna testing.

notify all residents of the building

collect dna and cooperate with the investigation.

find out the "real murderer"

it's just a matter of time.

"throwing shit from high altitude,

dna test for everyone in the building"

such explosive news

after being exposed by the media,

it immediately went viral on the internet.

refresh people's three views.

but what is unexpected is that

the "scandal" of jiangsu's feces inspection

it's not over yet.

another one in jiangxi

news about dna testing in the entire building

it became a hot topic again.


here's the thing.

in a community in guixi, jiangxi,

community resident a rides an electric bike

drive normally under the residential buildings.

suddenly, a bag of garbage fell from the sky.

it hit xiao a's head accurately.

this hit him hard.

my head was buzzing from being hit.


little a is wearing a safety helmet.

it cushioned the impact of the garbage falling down.

he stopped the car to check,

found out that the helmet

a long crack was smashed into it.

as you can imagine

how hard the garbage hits.

if he wasn't wearing a helmet,

it hit me directly.

the consequences are simply unimaginable.

it's like dying in a matter of minutes.

when xiao a thought about this, he became furious.

going from upstairs to downstairs

how much effort does it take to throw away garbage?

not to mention the safety risks.

the garbage was thrown down from the upper floors.

throw it onto the road where residents of the community come and go.

it smells bad and is not pretty.

it has seriously affected everyone's lives.

not to mention how dangerous it is to throw objects from the air.

once it hits someone

it is a matter of life and death.

so, xiao a turned around and told the property management,

the property management immediately called the police.

because there is no monitoring,

after receiving the call, the police also took

the method of door-to-door dna testing.

they are also at the entrance and exit of the building

posted a notice,

if someone comes forward and admits it,

it can also be considered as voluntarily surrendering oneself to the police.

can reduce punishment.

this time the murderer was scared.

i know i can't run away.

he soon chose to surrender.

the murderer has been detained.

severe punishment awaits him.

and to treat such unqualified people,

it should be struck with thunder and lightning.

throwing objects from high places is prohibited.

on the surface

it seems like just a small thing.

but there are many people

unwilling to observe the most basic social ethics,

cause the greatest trouble to others.

why do we hate uneducated people?

because it is often he who commits the evil and you pay the price.

he didn't take his responsibilities.

others will have to clean up the mess for him.

he avoided what he was supposed to do.

others will have to take the blame for his negligence.

treat people with no quality.

they should be made to suffer.

so that they can learn a lesson,

learn from this.


it can be said that

people all over the world have suffered from objects thrown from high places for a long time.

how lethal are objects thrown from high places?

according to professional experimental calculations,

an egg weighing 30 grams

throwing it from the 18th floor can break a person's skull.

and being thrown from the 25th floor is enough to kill someone.

an empty can was thrown from the 15th floor.

can smash the head.

a thumb-sized stone was thrown down from the 4th floor.

it can hurt the scalp.

some people have always felt that

throw something out the window.

how big of a problem could it be?

little did they know that due to the effect of gravity,

a small cigarette butt,

could cause an accident.

last november, in shiyan, hubei,

yangyang, a 6-year-old boy, was playing downstairs.

suddenly a cigarette butt fell from the sky.

it happened to fall on yangyang's clothes.

yangyang didn't notice it at that time.

i returned home skipping and dancing.

later i felt pain in my neck.

when the family checked,

i just found the cigarette butt

a big hole has been burned in the clothes.

severe skin burns.

fortunately, it was discovered early.

otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

when the police found the culprit,

the other party didn't care.

he claimed that he just finished smoking.

i just threw a cigarette butt out of the window.

who knew such a bad thing would happen.

what kind of bullshit logic is this?

a cigarette butt in your eye,

for others

it is a murderous weapon.

why do we have such low-quality behavior?

so disgusting?

because it's like hanging

the sharp knife on everyone's head,

you never know

one day it will fall on your head.

imagine yourself walking on the road.

suddenly, a disaster struck.

how can i seek justice?

the mildest ones are frightened and injured.

in serious cases, families may be destroyed and people may die.

such an example,

haven’t we seen enough?


last june, a changchun woman named xiao lou,

on the way downstairs to buy barbecue,

by apartment tenant zhou

a brick thrown from the upper building hit him on the head.

he lost all vital signs on the spot.

according to zhou's confession,

in just 6 days,

he threw things downstairs a dozen times.

sometimes it's bricks,

sometimes it's a bottle,

there is even bottled water.

even in court,

zhou still feels guilty about his behavior

no regrets,

i feel that the other party is just unlucky.

the same bricks, 21 years in changsha,

a man

on the way to pick up a parcel with my wife,

being hit by a brick thrown from a high altitude,

bleeding gushed out and he died instantly.

the wife was so frightened that she collapsed on the spot.

who would have thought,

just now and myself

a living person talking and laughing,

he was knocked to the ground instantly.

died on the spot?

the reason why throwing objects from high places is so bad is that

because it caused too much

a tragedy that could have been avoided.

obviously, he has a little sense of public morality

accidents that can be avoided,

some people want to destroy other people's families.

only then can you wake up.

in fact, those who throw objects from high places,

was it really an unintentional mistake?

no, they clearly know

what consequences will your actions bring.

i am usually hit by stones or bottles.

all feel pain,

they don't know how to throw things down from the upper floors.

how much harm can it cause to people?

they just got lucky.

"throw away the garbage,

how can it be so easy to hit someone? "

"it was smashed and there was no surveillance.

who knows i lost it?

what can you do to me?"

they just hold

even if something goes wrong, there is no one to be held accountable.

only dare to

trampling on other people's lives.

it seems to be just a matter of lack of public morality.

but what is really exposed is

it is the most selfish nature of human beings.



such a thing once happened.

mr. wang, who lives in daqing

i found my audi parked downstairs.

being hit by something thrown down from the building.

he first looked for real estate.

looking for the owner again.

asking door to door

but no one wants to admit it.

in desperation, mr. wang sold the entire building

all taken to court.


the court ruled that all 57 owners of the building

the total compensation to mr. wang was 5,500 yuan.

the average compensation per household is 63 yuan.

this is for owners who have done no evil.

it's such an unexpected disaster.

this is just small money.

a residential area in changsha

a child was paralyzed.

news that the entire building lost money,

but it is still vivid in my mind.

a person without quality,

but the whole building has to pay for him,

aren’t innocent people also victims?

as long as this behavior is not controlled,

no one can escape the possibility of bad luck.

why already have

so many bloody lessons,

real estate media daily publicity

the dangers of objects dropped from high places,

he has even been sentenced to prison.

there are still so many people

are you hoping for luck?

to put it bluntly, there is not enough control.

the punishment is not strong enough.

how to change this situation?


it is very necessary to install high-altitude dropping monitoring.

how many people are fearless?

because it is too difficult to hold people accountable.

in this case,

then you will always

living under surveillance.

any parabola can be caught,

if anything is lost, we will come to your door to hold you accountable.

who dares to knowingly commit a crime?


that is to increase the intensity of punishment.

as long as you throw something down,

no matter if it hits anyone or not,

all claims will be made.

even if it just hits someone else's belongings.

they should also bear all the losses.

even if it just pollutes the environment of the community,

you should also be responsible for the cleaning costs.

not everyone

it's useful if you reason with him.

where civilization cannot reach,

we can only rely on punishment.

adults are responsible for their own actions.

not because of myself

affecting the normal life of others,

it is the most basic cultivation.

at the same time, i also want to say,

each of us

they don't live independently in this world.

your every move

give life to others

bring some changes, big or small.


before everyone does anything,

everyone should learn to be a human being.

don't bother others.

be considerate of other people’s difficulties.

don't feel yourself

the center of the universe.

completely disregarding the interests of others.

details reveal a person's character, and small things reveal a person's cultivation.

the biggest difference between humans and animals is

it means that people know how to be civilized and have a sense of shame.

otherwise, at best it is just a

just a baboon that can walk upright.