
media: throwing feces from high altitude to test dna in the whole building is not like using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes


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recently, there have been incidents in many places where one person threw objects from high places and the entire building's residents were required to take dna tests, sparking heated discussions among netizens.

sun from hefei, anhui, was taking his pregnant wife for a walk downstairs in the residential community when two of her toes were broken by a glass bottle thrown from the upper floors.

a man riding an electric bicycle in guixi, jiangxi province was hit on the head by garbage thrown from an upper building in the community corridor. fortunately, he was wearing a helmet, so the man only suffered a slight concussion.

in a residential area in kunshan, jiangsu, someone threw feces from the upper floor, which hit the windows and homes of residents on the first floor. it was disgusting, and finally this "smelly" news became a hot topic.

with the improvement of education level and social and economic development, the overall civilized quality of the people has greatly improved. however, there are always some people who live on higher floors, but their moral cultivation has not improved, and they even have no basic quality. they throw objects from high places at will without considering public safety at all.

incidents of objects being thrown from high places occur frequently, seriously endangering public safety and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of the people. "safety above our heads" needs to be protected.

legal publicity, property patrols, and additional monitoring equipment can all help prevent and reduce the occurrence of high-altitude throwing. however, property management is limited by manpower, monitoring has blind spots, and painstaking publicity has little effect. for those who habitually throw objects from high places, it is necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their immoral or even illegal behavior. by punishing the perpetrators, the demonstration effect can also control more impulsive hands.

the formation of some civilized habits cannot be separated from punishment. therefore, in addition to the explicit prohibition of throwing objects from buildings in the civil code, the crime of throwing objects from high places will also be included in the criminal law as an independent crime from march 2021. if serious consequences are caused, other crimes will also be involved, which provides a legal basis for punishing the act of throwing objects from high places.

the criminalization of the crime of dropping objects from high places does serve as a warning to a certain extent, but since it is difficult to detect, monitor and find the perpetrators of dropping objects from high places, the judicial function has not been fully exerted. the law remains on paper, and the perpetrators cannot feel the majesty of the law. they do bad things with a fluke in their hearts, and become fearless after not paying the due price.

this requires relevant departments to increase their efforts to investigate and collect evidence within their powers, actively and proactively inquire and verify with property management, surrounding residents, technical experts, etc., make full use of the rules of experience in daily life, and use modern scientific and technological means to find and identify the perpetrators to the greatest extent possible.

in the three cases of high-altitude throwing mentioned in the article, the property management or the police used dna technology to find the "culprit". in the high-altitude throwing case in guixi, jiangxi, after the incident, the community police, property management and community staff went door to door to collect dna information for sampling and comparison. the man who committed the crime surrendered himself under pressure and confessed his crime. criminal compulsory measures have been taken.

not all cases of objects thrown from high places can be tracked down using dna identification technology, but the proactive actions of the relevant departments in exhausting all means to solve cases of objects thrown from high places are worthy of praise. this is not just using an anti-aircraft cannon to kill a mosquito.

making it impossible for perpetrators to "hide" has great social significance, both in terms of fair handling of individual cases and in preventing such behavior.