
300 billion yuan of national debt funds have been allocated, and support policies have been fully launched... the latest progress of this key work


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the national development and reform commission held a special press conference on september 23 to introduce the overall progress and results of the "two new" policies.
a relevant person in charge of the national development and reform commission introduced:
in march this year, the state council issued the "action plan to promote large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of old consumer goods", which made comprehensive arrangements for this work; in july, with the approval of the state council, the national development and reform commission and the ministry of finance jointly issued the "several measures on further supporting large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of old consumer goods", proposing a series of policy measures to further support the "two new" work.
the progress of work in the past two months can be summarized as “three comprehensives”.
first,supporting details are fully releasedat the national level, after the release of several measures to strengthen support for the "two new" projects, the equipment renewal project application notice, as well as industrial equipment, energy-using equipment, environmental infrastructure, operating ships, operating trucks, new energy buses, agricultural machinery, old elevators, etc.implementation details of equipment updates in 8 fields, automobiles, home appliances, electric bicycles, home kitchen and bathroom, etc.implementation rules for trade-in of consumer goods in four areasat the local level, 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, 5 cities with independent planning status, and the xinjiang production and construction corps have all issued implementation plans to strengthen support for the "two new" initiatives.more than 140 copies of various local supporting implementation rules have been can be said that the policy system of using ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds to strengthen support for the "two new" has been completed, laying a solid foundation for this year and future work.
reference links:
1. subsidies doubled and expanded! subsidies for replacement of electric bicycles, home appliances, agricultural machinery, etc.
2. guidelines for equipment renewal and technological transformation in key industrial sectors
3. implementation rules for subsidies for scrapping and renewal of old operating ships in the transportation sector
4. notice on the scrapping and renewal of old commercial trucks
5. implementation details of subsidies for new energy city buses and power battery renewal
6. increase efforts to continue to implement the agricultural machinery scrapping and renewal subsidy policy
7. higher subsidies! latest news on car trade-in
8. the maximum subsidy is 2,000 yuan, and the old appliance replacement is here.
9. trade-in of old electric bicycles
second,national debt funds fully allocatedin terms of equipment renewal, our commission, together with relevant departments, optimized the support methods and simplified the approval process in accordance with the principle of "local review and national re-examination".more than 4,600 eligible equipment upgrade projectsthe 150 billion yuan of national debt funds for equipment renewal have been allocated to projects in two batches in accordance with relevant regulations and terms of the trade-in of old consumer goods, our commission, together with the ministry of finance, has comprehensively considered factors such as the permanent population, regional gdp, and the number of cars and home appliances in each region to reasonably determine the scale of financial support.the 150 billion yuan of national debt funds for the old-for-new consumer goods exchange program have all been allocated to local governments since early august.
third,support policies fully launched. so far, all 10 measures to support large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods have been launched, and various regions have also introduced a series of detailed implementation measures. for example, 20 regions including beijing, tianjin, and shanghai have introduced policies for the replacement and renewal of individual consumer cars. for another example, 31 regions including jiangsu, zhejiang, and hubei have implemented new subsidies for the trade-in of home appliances, and e-commerce platforms such as, tmall, and have fully participated in the trade-in of home appliances.
with the joint efforts of all parties,the "two new" work has gradually achieved significant results and is still showing, can be summarized as “five powerful”.
first, it has effectively boosted investment growth.the equipment renewal policy continues to be promoted, effectively mobilizing the enthusiasm of business entities to update various types of equipment such as production, energy consumption, and the first eight months, investment in equipment and tools increased by 16.8%, 13.4 percentage points higher than the total fixed asset investment (excluding farmers). its contribution to the growth of total investment reached 64.2%, 3.5 percentage points higher than the previous seven months, indicating that after the implementation of the intensified policy, the pulling effect in august was more obvious.
second, it has effectively released consumption potential. the old-for-new policy has been implemented in various places, driving a significant increase in sales of key consumer goods. for example, data from the china automobile dealers association showed that the national passenger car retail sales in august were 1.905 million, a significant increase of 10.8% month-on-month; among them, the most eye-catching isthe retail sales volume of new energy vehicles was 1.027 million units, a significant increase of 17% month-on-month.for example, data from the national bureau of statistics showed that the retail sales of household appliances and audio-visual equipment turned from decline to growth, with sales in august increasing by 3.4% year-on-year. judging from the situation on platforms and stores, the consumption of old-for-new household appliances has grown rapidly recently.
third, it has effectively promoted industrial development. the "two new" work continues to stimulate demand potential, and the effects of relevant policies are being transmitted to the supply sector, driving rapid growth in production in equipment manufacturing, automobiles, home appliances and other industries. taking key areas of equipment renewal such as transportation and communications as an example, in august, the added value of manufacturing industries such as ships and related equipment, urban rail transit equipment, and communications equipment increased by 23%, 17.1%, and 10.3% year-on-year respectively; the output of products such as household washing machines, smart tvs, and household refrigerators also achieved rapid growth. at the same time, we must also see thatmany companies are optimistic about the development prospects of the "two new" fields and have increased investment in equipment manufacturing, consumer goods production and other the first eight months, investment in equipment manufacturing, consumer goods manufacturing, and raw materials manufacturing increased by 10%, 14.9%, and 9%, respectively.
fourth, it has effectively improved people’s livelihood and welfare.solving the urgent problems of the people and improving the living environment of residents are important focuses of the "two new" this regard, we have carried out a lot of work together with relevant local governments and departments. for example, we focused on the shortcomings and weak links in the construction and municipal administration, and promoted local governments to carry out the renovation of old residential elevators and environmental infrastructure. in the first eight months, investment in the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water, which are closely related to municipal construction, increased by 23.5%. for another example, we focused on improving the quality of public services in the fields of education, medical care, culture and tourism, and further promoted the renovation of equipment in the social field, and comprehensively promoted the transformation and upgrading of smart culture and tourism.
fifth, it has strongly supported the green transformation. the important goal of the “two new” work is toby using more energy-saving and low-carbon products, we can reduce production costs, improve the quality of life, and help promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development.. driven by the "two new" policies, the new energy vehicle industry has a good growth momentum. in august, the output of new energy vehicles and charging piles increased by 30.5% and 97% year-on-year respectively, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles reached 53.9%, breaking through 50% for two consecutive months. energy-saving home appliance retail sales are growing rapidly. according to preliminary statistics, from august 26 to september 8, the online sales of class 1 energy-efficient refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, and gas water heaters increased by 54.6%, 140.2%, 31.8%, 396.2%, and 78.41% year-on-year, respectively, which is much faster than the overall level of home appliances of the same category. at the same time, recycling and reuse actions and standard improvement actions have also made positive progress. in the first eight months, more than 5,900 new intelligent community waste material recycling facilities were added nationwide, and 4.21 million scrapped vehicles were recycled, an increase of 42.4% year-on-year.the formulation and revision of standards in key areas have been accelerated, providing stronger support for deepening the green transformation.