
energy transformation is full of "green" vitality to release the vitality of economic development


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original title: energy transformation is full of "green" vitality to release the vitality of economic development
people's daily reporter wang shaoshao
in recent years, my country's energy transformation has been full of "green" spirit, injecting strong new momentum into high-quality development. from the extensive layout of wind power and hydropower to the rapid rise of the photovoltaic industry and the widespread application of new energy technologies, a series of energy transformation practice projects have taken root across the country, my country's energy structure has been continuously optimized and upgraded, and the green and low-carbon transformation has continued to develop in depth.
in recent years, the amount of new clean energy power generation has continued to increase, and the "green" content of china's energy has continued to increase. recently, the state council information office released the white paper "china's energy transformation", which comprehensively introduces the historic achievements of china's energy transformation in the past decade. data shows that in 2023, china's clean energy consumption will reach 26.4%, an increase of 10.9 percentage points from 2013, and the proportion of coal consumption will decrease by 12.1 percentage points. clean energy power generation is about 3.8 trillion kwh, accounting for 39.7% of total power generation, an increase of about 15 percentage points from 2013.
the latest data from the national energy administration shows that in august 2024, 23.57 million green certificates were traded nationwide (including 9.86 million green certificates traded with green electricity); as of the end of august 2024, a total of 314 million green certificates were traded nationwide (including 164 million green certificates traded with green electricity).
promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is a key link in achieving high-quality development, and the pace of green energy transformation in various regions is accelerating. in jinan, shandong, a "zero-carbon smart park" built by an electric power company has become a highlight. the photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the buildings in the park are neatly arranged, and the average daily power generation has jumped to 200,000 degrees, effectively reducing carbon emissions in the park and becoming a "green model". in the dabancheng area of ​​xinjiang, relying on the unique wind energy resources, the local area has successfully built a large-scale wind farm, and the annual power generation is expected to exceed 300 million kilowatt-hours, injecting strong impetus into economic development.
in recent years, my country's clean energy system construction has entered the fast lane. according to the relevant person in charge of the national energy administration, china's energy transformation investment will reach 676 billion us dollars in 2023, making it the country with the largest energy transformation investment in the world. in 2023, the exported wind power and photovoltaic products will help other countries reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 810 million tons.
"china's new energy industry has not only enriched global supply and reduced the cost of global energy transformation, but also made important contributions to global green transformation and climate change response," said the above-mentioned person in charge.
official data show that by the end of 2023, my country's installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaic power generation has increased tenfold compared with ten years ago, and the proportion of clean energy power generation has reached 58.2% of the total installed capacity. one out of every three kilowatt-hours of electricity comes from green energy, marking a new step in the clean and efficient use of energy.
in suizhou, hubei, the world's first county-level 100% new energy new power system was successfully implemented, realizing independent new energy power supply for more than 200,000 people in guangshui city, and demonstrating the new form of future power grids; in pingshan county, hebei, yingli township's integrated photovoltaic and storage power generation system and its grid-connected inverter have further improved the stability and flexibility of distributed photovoltaic power generation, which not only effectively dealt with the intermittent problem of photovoltaic power generation, but also optimized energy allocation, opening up a new path for the development of distributed energy; the low gas concentration utilization project in yangquan, shanxi, reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 240,000 tons annually, and has achieved remarkable results in reducing carbon emissions and saving standard coal, achieving a win-win situation of economic and environmental benefits.
li zheng, director of the institute of climate change and sustainable development at tsinghua university, said that the green and low-carbon transformation of energy is not a simple energy substitution, but requires the coordinated cooperation of fossil energy and renewable energy to achieve safe, reliable and orderly substitution at the optimal economic cost while ensuring energy security.
in recent years, my country's energy transformation has achieved new leaps and breakthroughs. "we must maintain a balance between economic and social development security and green transformation, and establish an energy security system that not only guarantees economic and social development, but also promotes the rapid growth and large-scale application of renewable energy," said li zheng.
source: people's daily online