
first time in the city games! handball competition makes a wonderful appearance in the 12th city games


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"playing handball makes me very happy and excited. i like every moment of scoring a goal and cheering with my teammates. there are many teams participating in this competition, and everyone has made a lot of progress compared to before, which shows that everyone is training hard. i hope our team can get a good ranking." liu boyui from the handball team of zhengzhou no. 103 middle school said with expectation on september 21. on the morning of the same day, the handball competition of the youth group of the 12th zhengzhou sports games kicked off passionately at zhengzhou no. 19 senior high school. the young handball players gathered together to exchange and compete, and used exciting games to interpret the style and charm of handball, which was included in the city games for the first time.

the handball competition of the 12th city games is hosted by the municipal government, undertaken by the municipal party committee of the municipal government, municipal sports bureau and other units, and co-organized by the municipal national fitness development center and zhengzhou handball association. it is divided into two major groups: youth group and children's group.

the youth group competition will be held first on september 21, which is divided into group a for junior high school boys and girls, group b for elementary school boys and girls, and group c for elementary school, and will last for 2 days; the preschool group competition will be held at zhengzhou gymnasium from september 27 to september 28. in addition to the preschool group a and b competitions, there will also be a preschool handball gymnastics competition.

a total of 573 young people and children from 50 teams from 13 districts, counties (cities) across the city participated in the handball competition of the 12th city games, fully demonstrating the fruitful results achieved by the extensive development of handball in our city in recent years.

on the field, players from both sides cooperated well, passed the ball quickly, and shot accurately. the players were flexible and constantly adjusted their formations to attack the opponent's goal. the scene was full of climaxes, turning the entire field into a "sea" of happy handball. the first entry of handball into the city games not only provided a high-level competitive platform for the majority of young handball players in zhengzhou, promoted their skills and accumulated competitive experience, but also effectively promoted the popularization and development of handball among the majority of young people in zhengzhou, and laid the foundation for the city to discover and cultivate handball reserve talents. "through the city games to expand the publicity of handball, we will gradually expand this project to high schools and universities, strive to form our own city team and provincial team as soon as possible, and let our athletes go to the whole country and even the world." zhang ban, the chief referee of the handball project of the 12th city games, said.

in october 2021, taking advantage of the chinese handball association's "let millions of children fall in love with sports" series of public welfare activities, several initiators of the zhengzhou handball association introduced children's handball to zhengzhou, and started the promotion and popularization of the project throughout the city.

so far, more than 340 kindergartens and primary and secondary schools in zhengzhou have launched handball courses for children and teenagers, including nearly 50 primary and secondary schools that have launched handball classes and handball clubs, adding new content to campus sunshine sports activities. as lv miaochun, the referee of the handball event of the 12th municipal games, said, "as a sport full of charm and challenges, handball can not only show the speed and passion of athletes, but also reflect teamwork and fighting spirit." with the continuous promotion and popularization of handball in kindergartens and primary and secondary schools in our city, more and more children have been led to the sports field, allowing them to strengthen their bodies through participating in handball, and experience and cultivate the sports spirit of unity and cooperation, fearlessness of setbacks, courage and all-out efforts.

li jianmei, president of the zhengzhou handball association, said that in the future the association will continue to deepen cooperation with the chinese handball association to allow more high-standard, high-level and high-quality handball events to settle in zhengzhou, discover more outstanding handball professionals, and contribute more handball power to the construction of sports zhengzhou.

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