
youth splendor|jiang yuyan: "fish have a tail, and i have a leg"


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at the "chinese spirit" event, paris paralympic champion jiang yuyan shared her story. photo by yu kai, a reporter from people's daily online
people's daily online, tianjin, september 21 (tang xinyi, liu wei, wei yanxing) "fate may have disrupted my physical balance, but it cannot disrupt my life's balance, and accidents cannot be an excuse for wasting my life."
on september 21, paris paralympic champion jiang yuyan shared her story of how she became involved with swimming at the "write the brilliant chapter of youth on the land of the motherland" online theme promotion and interactive guidance event for the ideological and political course.
due to her physical condition, when she first started learning to swim, jiang yuyan had to face the problem of "keeping balance". gradually, she became familiar with water, and later she joined the zhejiang province disabled swimming team to receive professional training, and began to enjoy every moment in the water.
"fish have a tail, and i have a leg. swimming gives me confidence, courage, and motivation in life." at the just-concluded paris paralympics, jiang yuyan won seven gold medals and broke four world records, becoming the athlete with the most gold medals and medals in this paralympics. she said firmly: "i have invested all my youth just to do one thing well, that is, to paddle firmly towards the front of life in the splashing water."
on september 21, the "write the splendor of youth on the land of the motherland" online theme publicity and interactive guidance activity for the ideological and political course was held at nankai university, jointly organized by the central cyberspace affairs commission, the ministry of education, people's daily, the central committee of the communist youth league, the state general administration of sport and the tianjin municipal cyberspace affairs commission. the activity closely followed the theme of youth and patriotism, and invited famous teachers, olympic champions, industry models, grassroots volunteers and other youth role models to watch and learn the ideological and political course online with the majority of young netizens.
source: people's daily online
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