
fitness influencer dies while drifting on a motorboat, water park: accident occurs while showing off skills on a motorboat


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on september 23, the news that a chongqing fitness influencer died in an accident while riding a jet ski went viral on social media platforms.

on-site videos posted by multiple netizens showed that on september 22, a man was drifting on a motorboat when it overturned and fell into the water and disappeared... upstream news reporters discovered through on-site landmarks that the accident occurred at dongjin harbor water park in hechuan district, chongqing.

the moment the accident happened. video screenshot

a relevant person in charge of dongjin harbor water park revealed: "we know him (the deceased) and he has passed away. he was a very good brother. he borrowed someone else's motorboat to show off his skills, but he didn't expect an accident to happen."

some netizens claimed that the deceased in the motorboat accident was "lieyang", a local fitness influencer in hechuan. upstream news reporters checked his douyin account and found that he had 97,000 followers and 900,000 likes. he was interested in fitness, swimming, and surfing. he posted videos of his activities at dongjin harbor water park many times, mostly diving. at 14:46 on september 22, he posted his last fitness video and never updated it again.

the reporter from upstream news verified the identity of the deceased with the person in charge of dongjin harbor water park. he confirmed that the deceased was the fitness influencer and described the situation that day: "at 6 pm, his ("lieyang") friends all told him to go out and have dinner, but he likes extreme sports. he was very excited to see more spectators on the shore, so he went to show off his (jet ski), but he never came back."

fitness influencer "lieyang" likes fitness, swimming, and surfing. image source: douyin screenshot

regarding the accident process, the person in charge said: "he didn't go into the water at first. he brought his friends to play. his friends bought a package ticket to play. after his friends finished playing, i don't know why he borrowed someone else's motorboat to play."

regarding the source of the motorboat involved, the person in charge stressed that it did not belong to the water park. "if you want to move our motorboats, we will check them very strictly. if you drive a motorboat yourself, you need to sign an agreement and buy insurance. this is the most basic thing. the motorboat in the accident belonged to someone else, and i knew that person. the motorboat was repaired here, and someone else towed it here to test the water after it was repaired."

"lieyang" has visited dongjin harbor water park many times to play in the water. video screenshot

as for the cause of death, the person in charge speculated that it might be related to an accident: "based on my experience, he was drifting on the water too fast and fell into the water. he might have hit his head, and coupled with the centrifugal force of falling, he lost consciousness and sank directly into the water. it took more than six hours to salvage him, but he was gone when he was fished out. we all went down to search for him."

at present, due to the casualties caused by the motorboat accident, dongjin harbor water park has been closed for rectification and is under investigation by relevant departments. the reporter from upstream news then contacted the hechuan district culture and tourism bureau, and a staff member responded: "the accident this time was a private motorboat. the specific situation will be known after the investigation results of the public security and emergency (departments) come out. whether there is any business behavior involved, we also have to wait for the results of the investigation."