
a 68-year-old retired official was expelled from the party. the report called him a "gluttonous and corrupt official" who brought banned books into the country.


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on september 23, according to the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision, with the approval of the gansu provincial party committee, the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision opened an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by wang huanxiang, former consultant of the gansu provincial people's government, and wang huanxiang was expelled from the party.

red star news reporters noticed that wang huanxiang is 68 years old this year, and the notice issued by the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision used harsh words such as "a greedy and corrupt official" and "trying every possible means to resist organizational review."

▲photo by wang huanxiang from tiantian

according to the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision, upon investigation, it was found that wang huanxiang, as a party member and leading cadre, had no ideals or beliefs, abandoned his original aspirations and mission, degenerated politically, was economically greedy, and corrupt in life. during his tenure as the "top leader" of a provincial state-owned enterprise, he did not think about making profits for the enterprises, but instead treated the enterprises as his "independent kingdom" and "private territory", digging into the enterprises' walls, seeking personal gain, and taking and depriving them at will. he was truly a greedy and corrupt person, and his actions seriously harmed the political ecology and economic interests of the enterprises. violated political discipline, privately brought banned books into the country and read them for a long time, deliberately transferred and concealed the proceeds of violations of discipline and law, colluded with each other, forged evidence, and racked his brains to resist organizational review; ignored the spirit of the central committee's eight regulations, purchased office space in violation of regulations, accepted gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties, accepted banquets and travel arrangements in violation of regulations, occupied office space for a long time beyond the standard, used luxury vehicles in excess of the standard, and squandered state funds; betrayed organizational principles, did not truthfully explain the problem during organizational interviews and inquiries, and used his power to illegally seek personnel benefits for others; was both an official and a businessman, illegally engaged in business and set up enterprises, used land acquisition compensation to seek benefits, owned shares in non-listed companies, and used his power to reimburse the unit for expenses that should be paid by individuals; violated work discipline, made decisions and implemented major projects in violation of regulations, causing major risks to state-owned investment; violated life discipline. violated national laws, regulations and financial systems and set up a private "small treasury". he abused his power to embezzle huge amounts of public funds and enrich himself, and is suspected of committing the crime of corruption; he misappropriated public funds for his own selfish interests and helped others engage in profit-making activities, the amount of which was extremely huge, and is suspected of committing the crime of misappropriation of public funds; he relied on the company to eat the company, colluded with unscrupulous businessmen, engaged in power-for-money transactions, and illegally accepted huge bribes.

the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision stated that wang huanxiang seriously violated the party's political discipline, the spirit of the central committee's eight regulations, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, work discipline, and life discipline, violated national laws and regulations, and was suspected of embezzlement, misappropriation of public funds, bribery, and bribery by using influence. he did not restrain himself after the 18th, 19th, and even 20th national congresses of the communist party of china. the nature of his behavior is serious and the impact is bad, and he should be dealt with seriously. in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "regulations on disciplinary punishment of the communist party of china", "supervision law of the people's republic of china", "administrative punishment law of the people's republic of china for public officials", etc., after the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection standing committee meeting studied and reported to the gansu provincial party committee for approval, it was decided to expel wang huanxiang from the party; adjust his retirement benefits in accordance with regulations; confiscate his illegal gains; and transfer his suspected criminal issues to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and transfer the property involved in the case together.

according to his public resume, wang huanxiang was born in may 1956 in qin'an, gansu province. he started working in december 1974. after retiring from the army in 1984, he served as the party secretary of the second section of the second division of the 20th bureau of the ministry of railways. he then worked in the 803 engineering department of the eighth construction engineering company of gansu province and the gansu construction engineering corporation.

since november 2009, wang huanxiang has served as member of the party committee, general manager, and director of gansu construction investment (holding) group corporation. he has since served as deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors. since october 2013, wang huanxiang has served as a counselor of the gansu provincial people's government. in july 2019, wang huanxiang retired.

on may 27 this year, the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision announced that wang huanxiang was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the gansu provincial commission for discipline inspection and supervision. it had been nearly five years since wang huanxiang retired.

red star news reporter noted that in august this year, gansu provincial construction investment (holdings) group corporation, where wang huanxiang had worked for a long time, announced that the company's party committee held a warning education conference on party discipline. at the conference, participants watched the warning education film "removing the invisible cloak of those who eat the enterprise" produced by the group's discipline inspection commission based on the company's cases.

red star news reporter fu yao

editor: guo zhuang, responsible editor: feng lingling