
wuxi hongqiao hospital was investigated. the capital group behind it invested in 8 hospitals, and its hospitals were fined many times.


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on the morning of september 23, the official wechat public account of the national healthcare security administration announced that in response to recent online reports of suspected fraud and insurance fraud at wuxi hongqiao hospital, the national healthcare security administration dispatched a flying inspection team to enter the hospital this morning to conduct a special flying inspection.

at the same time, the national healthcare security administration guided the jiangsu provincial healthcare security administration to send 20 inspection teams to all districts and counties under the jurisdiction of wuxi city to conduct comprehensive inspections of more than 100 designated medical institutions.

the medical insurance department has always maintained a "zero tolerance" policy for fraud and insurance fraud. once verified, it will be punished severely and strictly.

public information shows that the major shareholder of wuxi hongqiao hospital is media group, whose current major shareholder and legal representative is wang weimin. the group currently has investments in at least eight hospitals, located in jiangsu, zhejiang, shanghai and shenzhen.

doctor reports hospital for suspected insurance fraud

local report: case filed

on september 21, china national radio, china central radio and television, reported that wuxi hongqiao hospital in jiangsu was suspected of insurance fraud.

in the early morning of september 22, wuxi municipal medical insurance bureau issued a report on the suspected insurance fraud of wuxi hongqiao hospital, a private medical institution in the city, which was recently reported by the media. it said that it had accepted the investigation and preliminary verification based on the clues of the report, and filed an administrative case on august 30. at present, wuxi municipal medical insurance bureau is conducting a comprehensive investigation in conjunction with the public security, health and other departments, and will severely investigate and deal with it in accordance with the law. at the same time, wuxi municipal medical insurance bureau also stated that it sincerely accepts social supervision and will never tolerate fraud and insurance fraud.

according to reports, recently, dr. zhu from the radiology department of wuxi hongqiao hospital reported under his real name that since last year, some medical records of patients who had never undergone imaging examinations in their department have appeared in the hospital system, but the medical records have "diagnoses based on imaging." these medical records were all completed by dr. chen from the hospital's physical examination center, and this doctor did not have the authority to operate the ct and mri machines in the radiology department. dr. zhu suspected that the hospital was suspected of forging medical records to defraud medical insurance.

in march this year, he took photos of the medical records without imaging numbers and reported them to the hospital's higher management department under his real name. while waiting for the results of the investigation, the medical records he reported had imaging numbers and films.

in the medical records reported, the medical records of yang (72 years old) and qiu (62 years old) had diagnoses based on the film taken, but no corresponding images were found. their ct images were found again in june. according to the system records, both of them had chest ct scans in april 2023. it can be clearly seen on the film that the shape, size and position of the pendants of the two patients are basically the same. not only are the ct images of these two elderly patients similar, but dr. zhu also found that the film of ye, a 25-year-old woman who had a ct scan in their department in 2021, also had a pendant that looked very similar. to the naked eye, the films of the three people are almost identical.

the videos of 72-year-old yang, 62-year-old qiu and 25-year-old ye are almost identical.

then he discovered more problems, including that one patient had an mri scan within one minute of another patient having a normal mri scan. however, dr. li said that it takes at least 10 to 15 minutes for the machine to perform a lumbar spine mri scan.

in addition, some medical records showed "left basal ganglia infarction" in the diagnosis, but the image showed the right side. after more problems were discovered, the problematic medical records were restricted and could not be viewed.

dr. li from the radiology department said that he is looking forward to the follow-up investigation and that every modification of the medical records should be recorded in the hospital's underlying image archiving and communication systems.

the reporter randomly called the phone numbers of 20 patients left in the medical records. three-quarters of the numbers were unavailable or could not be reached. most of the people who answered the phone said it was not their real names. some patients who answered the phone said they were hospitalized for a physical examination. for example, ms. xu said she went to wuxi hongqiao hospital for a physical examination because of back pain. as for why she only had a chest ct scan, ms. xu said that it had been a long time and her memory was not very clear.

behind capital group invests in 8 hospitals

the current major shareholder took over from the fujian boss

it is reported that wuxi hongqiao hospital is a private grade ii hospital established in 2005.

tianyancha shows that the hospital's major shareholder is shanghai media hospital investment group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "media group"), with a shareholding ratio of 40%. the legal representative and actual controller is wang weimin.

further information shows that media group is held by wang weimin and hu yuzhi, with a shareholding ratio of 80% and 20% respectively, with a registered capital of 50 million yuan. wang weimin serves as the chairman and president of media hospital group, and hu yuzhi serves as the president of wuxi hongqiao hospital.

media group was founded in 2003. at its peak, it invested in as many as 11 hospitals. as of now, at least 8 of them remain, including shenzhen honglong hospital, hangzhou tianmushan hospital, shanghai minhang hongqiao hospital, wenzhou jianguo hospital, shanghai jianqiao hospital, wuxi hongqiao hospital, kunshan hongqiao hospital, and shenzhen jianguo urology hospital.

it is worth noting that the founders of wuxi hongqiao hospital and media group are brothers chen guoxing and chen guoxiong, who are the leaders of the putian chen family.

from the equity change process, we can see that in july 2003, chen guoxiong invested 16 million yuan to establish media group. in 2006, chen guoxing invested 18 million yuan for the first time. in 2008, chen guoxiong withdrew from the ranks of shareholders, while chen guoxing increased his shareholding ratio to 48%, and then increased it to 80% in 2017. in december 2020, chen guoxing withdrew from the ranks of shareholders of media group, and wang weimin and hu yuzhi took over, with wang weimin holding 80% of the shares.

the equity change history of wuxi hongqiao hospital shows that wang weimin and chen guoxing have already early as 2009, wang weimin invested 1 million yuan to become a shareholder of wuxi hongqiao hospital, holding 10% of the shares. he also became the legal representative of the hospital, while chen guoxing was the founder and actual controller of the hospital.after wang weimin took over media group in 2020, he held a total of 42% of the shares of wuxi hongqiao hospital and became the actual controller of the hospital.

according to a previous report by the "daily economic news", brothers chen guoxing and chen guoxiong were born into the chen family, one of the four major families in putian. they have been leading the medical field for more than 20 years and later got involved in hospitals, pharmaceutical research and development, real estate, medical beauty, finance and other sectors.

many hospitals under the group have been fined many times

it is worth mentioning that in august this year, kunshan hongqiao hospital under the media group was exposed for "requiring doctors to make patients spend less than 7,000 yuan", which triggered heated discussions in society. according to media reports, a screenshot of a group chat in the "hq doctor group" posted by a netizen showed that a person named chen sent a message, "if the single fee is less than 7,000 this month, you will be fired." after the above message was released, a netizen left a message asking which hospital it was, and the poster replied "kunshan hongqiao hospital".

on august 28, the kunshan municipal health commission issued a report on the situation. the report stated that on august 8, the kunshan municipal health commission took the lead in setting up a special investigation team to investigate the private medical institution kunshan hongqiao hospital in accordance with the law. after investigation, the hospital was suspected of not complying with relevant diagnosis and treatment standards, not filling in medical records according to regulations, and irregular use of antibacterial drugs. the kunshan municipal health commission officially filed a case on august 12.

tianyancha shows that all hospitals under the media group have been subject to administrative penalties many times. the most recent one was on september 5 this year, when kunshan hongqiao hospital was fined for administrative violations.warning and fined rmb 113,500on the same day, wuxi hongqiao hospital was found to have failed to provide objective, true, accurate, timely, complete and standardized patient medical records.warning and fined 14,000 yuan

in addition, the hospitals under the media group have been sued for medical disputes several times, such as kunshan hongqiao hospital (3 cases), wuxi hongqiao hospital (1 case), shenzhen honglong hospital (1 case), hangzhou tianmushan hospital (4 cases), shanghai minhang hongqiao hospital (5 cases), etc.