
communication equipment can be detonated, are our ordinary people’s mobile phones still safe?


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those who say ordinary people don’t need to worry about it should just forget about it.

i mentioned before a method of indirectly assassinating vips.there is no need to launch any attack actions against the vip himself, as long as the vip's whereabouts can be tracked.this vip is not necessarily a politician. it can be a senior scientist, a leader of scientific research projects, a person in charge of military projects, or a leading figure in key projects. people at this level cannot be equipped with a private plane and must take civil aviation flights. this is enough.

there is one thing that not everyone knows.trivia: the first class, business class and economy class arrive at the destination airport together. if the economy class falls, the first class will also fall; if the first class explodes, the economy class will most likely not be able to escape; no matter how high-end the first class is, it is not equipped with a dedicated parachute.

therefore,the assassination of first-class passengers can be carried out by attacking economy class can achieve your goal by destroying the entire plane, as long as you are crazy enough.

however, now we have seen how crazy and unscrupulous israel will be in order to achieve its goals. it is only natural for them to do the "bombing the economy class to get rid of the first class" operation.

there was a type of fraud that was popular for a while this summer. after you book a flight ticket through a booking software or travel app, a fraudster will soon call you and say that there is a problem with your flight and that you need to refund or reschedule. they will then ask you to provide a bank account number and step by step induce you to tell them your account number and password to commit the fraud.

i encountered one in august.

i booked a flight to wuhan, and within two hours of successfully booking the ticket, i received a fraudulent call. i have to say that the efficiency of these fraudsters is quite good, but the only drawback is that their mandarin is really problematic.his strong chaoshan accent was indeed a bit of a letdown and did not fit his persona as an air china staff member at all.anyway, i had nothing to do so i teased him for a while. i also spoke to him in my "trump" dialect and said i didn't understand. could you please speak mandarin?

then this smart guy immediately lowered his voice and used the chaoshan stylecutting winter melon

i said, why don't you find someone who can speak mandarin a little bit better, i just can't understand you.

the fraudster agreed, put down the phone, and less than 10 seconds later, he picked it up again and shouted, "thunder!"

still him.

damn, can you be a little more perfunctory with your attitude? can you at least wait a little longer? you "changed yourself" in less than 10 seconds. are you kidding me? it seems that this "mandarin-speaking" buddy of yours was stuffed into your crotch for 10 seconds and you took it out without even taking it?

i'm saying, you're burning newspapers on the grave hill, where are you, the immortal boss?

this time it was the turn of the e-scam brother who didn't understand. he asked me to talk about cutting a winter melon.

i said i couldn't cut open a winter melon because my tongue was sore.

the fraudster was helpless and repeated his previous words using the chaoshan way of cutting winter melon.

i don't know what the "iq screening" of online fraud is now, the bottom line is getting lower and lower, are you really expecting to cheat fools' money? not to mention how many fools have money to be cheated by you, they can all use app to book tickets, so they must have some iq, right? besides, since you did the initial iq screening and wasted so much time talking to me, don't you want to spend your time?

i can only understand him as a fraudster.only recruit fraudsters with questionable iqthis not-so-smart fraudster is a reliable iq filter.only those who can be deceived by him are worth deceiving.

i decided not to play tricks on the fool, so i said in fluent mandarin, "you are all doing online fraud, can you at least find some people who speak better mandarin?"

the fraudster was stunned for a few seconds and then hung up.

this fully illustrates two points:

1. i am a boring person who teases the fraudster brother;

2. as long as there is intention,your flight information can be obtained by someone with ulterior motives

don’t assume that only you, the airline, or the booking software app platform know your flight information.there are too many people who can be obtained.the ones with the greatest risk of leakage are ticket booking software and various app platforms, especially some apps that are keen on promoting "all-in-one accommodation, travel and tourism". this is because they need to figure out your itinerary, departure and arrival times, recommend airport transfer services, hotels, restaurants and destination attraction tickets. with at least 3 and as many as 5 extra information flow links, the risk of personal information leakage will increase by several orders of magnitude.

the principle is very simple: suppose the risk of leakage in an information flow link is 0.01%, one in ten thousand, low enough, right?

with one more circulation link, more people will know the secret, which means the risk of leakage will increase several times to dozens of times. we conservatively estimate it to be 5 times;

in 3 stages, the number of people who know the secret is not 5x3=15, but 5^3=125;

after 5 steps, the number of people who knew the secret increased dramatically to 5^5=3125.

when information flows through five links, even though the risk of leakage in a single link is only 0.01%, the total possibility of leakage soars to 31.2%.this means that if you pass information on 3 or 4 times, there will be a leak. this is why the military's confidentiality code states:

the motto is "talk, ask, look, transmit, store, expand, copy and process", which are the ten confidentiality rules. to put it bluntly, the entire "ten confidentiality rules" are to control the scope of knowledge of secrets. this is a universal code for all people in confidentiality units and the bottom line of defense for confidentiality. the purpose is to reduce the difficulty of confidentiality work by narrowing the scope of knowledge of secrets. if it is effective, it can reduce the workload of confidentiality by orders of magnitude. the rest can only be kept secret by technical means, criminal investigation means and even other special means.

it is impossible to keep a secret with a loud speaker like the one used by the village ladies.

the reality is that these ticket booking software and travel apps don’t take this into account at all.for greater commercial interests, no one would not try to expand the scope of knowledge.the so-called "personal privacy" is worthless in the face of economic interests. in theory, they do have technical means to "protect user privacy", but this technical means is only used tofooling the lawof.

always remember one thing:the effect of technical means is at the digital level, and the effect of the scope of knowledge is at the order of magnitude.

technical means can turn 9 into 1, and arbitrarily expanding the scope of knowledge of the secret can turn 1 into 1000. the effect is outstanding and self-evident.

sadly, this situation is an unsolvable dead long as capital operations occupy the mainstream of social operations, the profit-seeking instinct of capital cannot be controlled by legislative, judicial or administrative has many ways to fool the law in pursuit of profits. the leakage of personal privacy is inevitable. all administrative and legal measures are just temporary measures to stop the boiling water, and it is impossible to remove the fire from the cauldron. no matter how advanced the technical means or how strict the laws are, there is no way to make up for the underlying mathematical law between digital levels and orders of magnitude.

to sum up, in today's digital and information-based world, it is entirely possible for the information of all passengers on a flight to be fully accessible to someone with ulterior motives.

so,it is possible to widely deploy some kind of remotely detonated device in the hope of carrying out an attack on a particular flight, sacrificing everyone on board to assassinate specific individuals.

there is a mathematical model about cheating with hidden patterns on the back of playing cards. i made it when i was an undergraduate to verify a hypothesis: by making secret patterns on the hidden patterns on the back of playing cards, is it possible to make secret patterns on playing cards all over the world to achieve the effect of "winning money in every casino"? of course, this assumes that no one is interfering and the cheater does not use any superhuman power.

this hypothesis is based on an idea in a short science fiction novel by liu cixin, in which liu cixin gave a conclusion: "the cost is no more than a few hundred million us dollars."

i like to be serious, so i actually made a model and calculated it. excluding places like las vegas and macau, which are dominated by the gambling industry and have their own special gambling equipment production channels, and only counting small private casinos to avoid the hidden patterns on the back, this business is indeed more expensive than what liu the electrician calculated, and it is not possible to make hundreds of millions of dollars, but it is still cost-effective. i can't remember the specific number of profit points now, after all, it has been 20 years, but it is true that by designing a secret code in the hidden patterns on the back, one or two thousand professional gamblers can be deployed around the world, which can not only ensure that the plan is not leaked, but alsoensure continuous profitability

this case proveswidely placing a certain commonly used item can achieve a very high penetration the same time, the number of people who know the secrets will not exceed several thousand. for professional intelligence agencies, this range of people who know the secrets is controllable.

this time, israel's terrorist attack on lebanon's communications equipment has verified my conclusion. targeted placement of explosives and pollutants,achieve a fairly high penetration rate, and then detonate when necessary, it can be done.

this is a screenshot of a satellite positioning app. pay attention to this place and two data.

there is no signal on both cards.the altitude is 2993 meters and the speed is up to 515 kilometers per hour, which fully proves that this screenshot was taken on an airplane. are you kidding me? am i running in an uninhabited area at an altitude of 3,000 meters at a speed far exceeding that of a high-speed train?

satellite signals can be received on airplanes

not only satellite signals, but also microwave signals can be received in theory as long as the signal field strength is strong enough, given the size of the mobile phone and the antenna principle.faraday cage"this is true, but it is only"generally", and cannot completely block the signal. portholes, windshields and other places can transmit radio signals, and the aircraft cabin, cockpit and cargo hold can fully receive external radio signals.

summarizing all the points just described:

1. the personal information of all passengers on a flight can be fully mastered;

2. it is entirely possible to achieve a high penetration rate by generally releasing some kind of remote-controlled detonation device to everyone in advance;

3. it can also be detonated remotely on an airplane.

soby remote detonation, sacrifice all the people on the plane and assassinate a vip, it is possible.

the vip's information about taking a certain flight was stolen and obtained. after confirming that the vip had boarded and taken off, the information of all the people on the flight was stolen, and the person who had a pre-placed remote-controlled detonator was located, such as "the person who purchased and used the yali mobile phone."

yes, i'm talking about the yali brand. don't associate it with other fruit phones.

when the plane flies to a place where rescue is extremely difficult, such as the sea or an uninhabited area, a detonation signal is sent through satellite signals or suborbital aircraft, air balloons, drones, etc., forcing all the mobile phones to explode and burn at the same time.

there is no need to contain explosives here, as long as the battery is designed to be able to burn, such as short-circuiting the battery to create a short circuit, which will cause the battery to burn.

assuming that the market share of yali mobile phones is 30%, and there are 120 passengers on a flight (if the seat capacity is insufficient), there are as many as 40 yali mobile phones. among them, the mobile phone signal of the passengers sitting inside is poor and cannot receive the detonation signal. according to the 2-4-2 cabin layout, the probability of detonation is 50%.this would result in up to 20 mobile phones exploding at the same time.

anyone who knows anything about aviation knows what this means.

this is already the most conservative estimate. the signal in every seat of the narrow-body aircraft with a 3-3 layout is good and can ignite the plane. the market share and ownership rate of yali mobile phones are more than 30%. the 2-4-2 layout are all dual-aisle wide-body aircraft, and the number of passengers is generally more than 120.

even with this conservative estimate, what would it mean if 20 yali mobile phones exploded at the same time?

the total number of fire extinguishers on an aircraft is less than 20, and the fire extinguishers used on aircraft are generally foam fire extinguishers or dry powder fire extinguishers. as we all know,lithium battery fire cannot be extinguishedthis kind of multiple and scattered fire sources is absolutely impossible for the flight crew to handle. in a wide-body aircraft with a 2-4-2 layout, there are less than 20 flight attendants and air safety officers, even if you call the co-pilot over.

a cabin fire was inevitable.

what does it mean when lithium batteries explode at multiple points in an airplane cabin and cannot be extinguished?

so brother, i don’t think your mobile phone is safe. as long as there is a little bit of mobile phone outside the country in the supply chain, it may become a weapon.even though you are not the target, you may become a sacrificial victim.