
huasheng comic review: school management should not be dogmatic


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recently, a high school student in huairen city, shanxi province, was given a serious warning by the school for going to the toilet after 11pm, and was required to print 1,000 copies of "self-awareness" at his own expense and distribute them, which sparked heated discussions among netizens. the huairen city education bureau responded that the relevant punishment was inappropriate and the school has refunded the student 100 yuan for printing fees.
it is understandable that schools strengthen management, but using school discipline to constrain and discipline behaviors that meet normal human needs is contrary to common sense and inhumane. after the school issued a "serious warning" penalty, it asked the "discipline-violating" students to print 1,000 copies of self-awareness at their own expense and distribute them to each class, dormitory, and office, which is even more hurtful to self-esteem and humiliating. now, the huairen municipal education bureau has instructed the school to learn lessons and optimize the school's management system. as a place for teaching and educating people, school management thinking should not be simplistic, bureaucratic, or dogmatic, but should pay more attention to humanity and flexibility, and fully consider the actual situation and basic needs of students.
photo/text by zhu huiqing
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