
the party flag is flying high in the field of hope - frontline observations on rural revitalization in beijing


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in beijing, stories of rural "transformation" can be seen everywhere——
shixia village in yanqing district was built because of the great wall and prospered because of the great wall. it has grown from an unknown small mountain village to a folk village where houses are hard to find. it also received a letter of encouragement from general secretary xi jinping. taoli village in miyun district has established a vegetable planting cooperative. party members have led the masses to work, and the vegetables have gone from being difficult to sell to "cunlitou" brand vegetable gift boxes in short supply. baojiapu village in daxing district has revitalized idle farmhouses to create cultural spaces, attracting artists to live in the village and become neighbors with the villagers, giving the farmers an artistic style...
data map of shixia village in yanqing photographed by pan zhiwang
beijing has both urban and rural areas. the big city drives the suburbs, and the suburbs serve the big city. urban and rural integration complements each other. more than 3,000 villages are a vast world and a field of hope. with the in-depth development of party building to promote rural revitalization, the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations have been continuously enhanced, the party flag is flying high, and the harmonious rural landscape of "beautiful villages, rich people, and harmonious people" is slowly unfolding.
village beauty: "red party building" leads new life
at the foot of the great wall, shixia village has everything from homestays, cafes, and bookstores. the quaint castle ruins and the stylishly decorated high-end homestays complement each other. gu wenting, a village cadre born in the 1990s, said that more and more young people like him choose to return to the village to protect the new life at the foot of the great wall.
general secretary xi jinping's reply to the villagers of shixia village is an affirmation of the "children of the great wall" living here. "we are blessed by the great wall." the village party branch secretary li handong can't hide his pride on his face. along the way, the village party organization has led the villagers to protect the great wall and inherit the great wall culture. with the resources of the great wall, professional companies have been introduced to revitalize more than a dozen idle courtyards to build boutique homestays, develop stone cooking food culture, and set up mountain tea shops, stone mills, and crabapple shops. the poor mountain valley in the past has become a popular check-in spot.
a prosperous business is not easy at the beginning. "the party branch is a battle fortress. whenever there are difficulties, party members and cadres are always on the front line." li handong said that when the village developed homestays, the villagers were on the sidelines at first, so the village cadres took the lead in vacating houses and doing door-to-door work. the district and town helped to find resources and attract customers. without conditions, they created conditions, and gradually opened up the situation.
data map of shixia village in yanqing issued by xinhua news agency
today, there are 21 homestays in the village, 11 of which are owned by villagers themselves. they receive more than 40,000 tourists annually, and the per capita income of the village exceeds 45,000 yuan.
general secretary xi jinping's reply gave everyone more motivation. at the village party branch meeting, party members and cadres discussed and planned the development of the village. "in the future, we can create special tourist routes and connect resources." "tourist services must also keep up, and we must strengthen villager training." "the construction of a beautiful countryside cannot fall behind. only when the environment is good can tourists stay."
"red party building" leads the villagers to a prosperous new life. the story of shixia village's "transformation" is also a vivid example of the city's in-depth study and application of the "ten million project" experience, the implementation of a new round of "hundred thousand projects", and the promotion of rural revitalization. in the past year, the city has implemented the village-level organization classification improvement plan, selected the first batch of 34 demonstration villages for party building to promote rural revitalization, and established the "village party secretary sharing club" to promote the full play of the role of rural grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress. the shining party emblem illuminates the villagers' happy new life.
minfu: party members take the lead in finding a way to prosperity
in early september, in a corner of the vegetable cooperative in taoli village, miyun district, after harvesting the second crop of corn, baby cabbage was planted. "the marginal land is very useful and can be used to grow three crops of vegetables a year." zheng fengxiang, an old party member in the village, is an expert in planting. he explored the "one-mu-land" planting method to improve land utilization. after being promoted throughout the village, the annual output value exceeded 10,000 yuan.
"the story of one mu of land" is a microcosm of how the party members of taoli village lead the masses to become rich together.
the dominant industry in taoli village is vegetable cultivation. in the past, villagers were accustomed to producing and selling their own products, which resulted in low profits and unstable sales.
therefore, the village party branch took the lead in establishing a vegetable planting cooperative, with party members who were good at planting serving as the president of the cooperative, and unified the scattered growers. then, the village party branch established the party group in the cooperative, set up a field school, invited experts to the fields to give hands-on lessons, and let "doctor field" and "local experts" guide villagers to improve their skills. after the output increased, they set about solving the sales problem. the village party branch established long-term cooperative relationships with a number of agricultural companies and implemented order-based vegetable planting. at the same time, relying on e-commerce companies to sign supply contracts, an industrialized operation model of "company + e-commerce + cooperative + farmers" was formed to achieve integrated production and marketing. the village also registered the "cunlitou" trademark and launched a vegetable gift box brand.
"now, there are people teaching vegetable-growing techniques, and there are people guaranteeing the sales of vegetables. the income is also higher than before, and vegetable farmers feel at ease." speaking of the happy life now, village party branch secretary he xiuling couldn't stop smiling.
one problem after another was solved. grassroots party members and cadres, as leaders in strengthening the collective economy and helping villagers increase their income and become rich, took the lead in developing rural characteristic industries and constantly broke new paths for farmers to increase their income and become rich. today, all villages with weak collective economy in the city have been "eliminated", and the total amount of rural collective assets has exceeded one trillion yuan. the best picture of common prosperity has painted the strongest rural background.
renhe: a new cultural trend blows into the new countryside
walking into baojiapu village in daxing district, the artistic atmosphere hits you in the face——
there are brightly colored graffiti on the walls; besides fruit trees, there are bronze sculptures on the roadside; the seemingly ordinary country courtyard opens the door to an art space, with paintings and calligraphy by famous artists, in black and white, full of charm.
village cadres took the lead in vacating houses for free renting out, encouraging villagers to revitalize idle farmhouses and build a nest to attract talents, and have attracted nearly 30 artists to reside in the village.
with artists as neighbors, the farmers who have been passed down from generation to generation have become more artistic. nowadays, villagers can go to the art space transformed from farmhouses to see exhibitions, and watch the "live pk" of calligraphers and painters at close range at irregular painting and calligraphy sessions. every weekend, they can also learn calligraphy from teachers of the chinese calligraphers association. "there are kindergarten children and old ladies in our class, and they all learn very seriously." villager xiao yang has learned more than 20 classes and has mastered regular script.
to educate people and establish good customs is exactly the original intention of bao haitao, the village party branch secretary, to lead the villagers to build an art village. he said: "the villagers are influenced by what they see and hear. there are fewer people sitting at the entrance of the village gossiping, and more people chatting about culture. the village style and appearance are very different."
also relying on the "cultural code", taopeng village in pinggu district has dug deep into red resources and opened up a new situation for rural revitalization. the village party branch united the villagers, took red culture as the main line, and built a comprehensive party member education base with a total area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters. since 2021, the village has achieved a collective income of more than 1 million yuan. the village also carried out activities such as "establishing family rules, passing on family precepts, and praising family traditions", using family traditions to lead folk customs, and using folk customs to help village customs, which greatly improved the cohesion of the villagers.
as the wallets get fatter, the villagers should also get richer in spirit. party building and soul-building lead the rural civilization. rural grassroots party organizations actively cultivate new trends in spiritual civilization, build a strong position for rural civilization, and let rural revitalization take advantage of the new cultural trend and run at an "accelerated" pace.
party building leads to development and unites people's hearts and minds to write a new chapter. grassroots party members and cadres are running in relays, striving to forge a path of rural revitalization with the characteristics of the capital, and writing the new rural story of common prosperity in the vast fields outside beijing.