
senegalese: hope that cultural and ideological collisions will showcase the brilliance of diverse civilizations | worldview


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china news service, beijing, september 21 (xue lingqiao) "culture is very important to a country and a nation. china is an ancient civilization with a long history. i highly appreciate its persistence in carrying out cultural exchanges and developing cultural undertakings." on the eve of the 2024 beijing cultural forum, oumar demna ba, former chief foreign affairs adviser to the president of senegal and chairman of the macky sall peace dialogue and development foundation, said in an interview with the media.
with "inheritance, innovation and mutual learning" as its permanent theme and "deepening cultural exchanges and achieving common progress" as its annual theme, the 2024 beijing cultural forum will be held in beijing from september 19th to 21st.
"china is the hometown of the four great inventions and has representative cultural products such as writing brushes, ink, paper and inkstones. at the same time, china is currently in a leading position in the development of global artificial intelligence," dunbar ba pointed out that china has had its representative products since ancient times, so the development and inheritance of scientific and technological progress is the key to the eternal splendour of chinese civilization.
"i think this kind of inheritance is worthy of praise, and it is also something that senegal should exchange and learn from china," said dunbar ba.
currently, china has become the second largest destination for african students to receive higher education overseas, second only to france. the frequent people-to-people exchanges between china and africa are a reflection of the traditional friendship between the two countries and a feature of the friendly relations between the two countries.
dunbar ba emphasized that education occupies an important position in the national development strategy. in his view, the development of a country depends not only on natural resources, but also on high-quality human resources. the exchanges and cooperation between africa and china in the field of education will effectively promote the prosperity and development of bilateral cultural exchanges.
on the eve of the forum, dunbar-ba visited zhejiang universities. during his visit, he noticed that there are many international students from africa in chinese universities. he particularly appreciated the importance chinese universities attach to african literature courses, and pointed out that the works of some well-known senegalese writers have been translated into chinese and included in university courses.
"china has established multiple mechanisms to attract african students to study in china. in the future, these african students coming to china will become messengers connecting african and chinese cultures," he expressed great optimism and expectations for cultural exchanges between africa and china.
in 2024, china and many african countries including zambia and tanzania will celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and many celebrations will be held in beijing. in this regard, dunbar ba pointed out that africa and china have a long history of establishing diplomatic relations, and africa-china diplomatic relations are in a new rising period.
"china has invested in many infrastructure and other projects in african countries. in recent years, cultural and tourism cooperation between africa and china has become increasingly prosperous," said dunbar ba.
taking the construction of confucius institutes in africa as an example, he pointed out that african students will learn chinese philosophy knowledge in cultural exchange centers, and at the same time, many african scholars will give lectures in confucius institutes to achieve two-way cultural construction. he believes that in the future, "chinese people will understand africa more and more, and african people will understand china more and more."
in terms of tourism resource development, he pointed out that africa needs to strengthen infrastructure construction such as hotels and aviation to improve reception capacity and attract more chinese tourists to visit africa.
regarding beijing's efforts to vigorously promote the construction of a cultural center, dunbar ba believes that beijing is not only the center of china's diverse culture, but also has the potential to become a global cultural center and contribute to the world's cultural development and exchanges.
"through dialogue and mutual listening, people can deepen their mutual understanding and live in harmony," dunbar ba concluded. in his message to this forum, he expressed the hope that people from different countries can exchange cultures together and let different cultures and civilizations show their brilliant brilliance through the collision of cultural ideas. (end)
source: china news network
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