
frequent breathing difficulties, coughing, sputum... beware of this disease | science time


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mr. li has been smoking for many years. in the past year or so, he felt that his physical strength was getting worse and worse. he used to be able to climb five floors in one breath, but now he has to stop and rest after climbing to the second or third floor. not only that, mr. li often feels out of breath after activities. he went to the hospital for a check-up and found that he was suffering fromchronic obstructive pulmonary disease(abbreviated as copd).

data shows that the total number of people suffering from copd in my country is about 100 million.the onset is insidious and the early symptoms are atypical. by the time obvious symptoms appear, the patient's condition is often already quite serious.therefore, copd is also called the "silent killer". let's learn about copd together, and through early screening and early intervention, reduce acute attacks and improve the quality of life of patients.

in these cases, beware of copd

copd is the most common chronic airway disease, characterized by high morbidity, high disability, high mortality and high disease burden.the main symptoms include dyspnea, chronic cough and/or sputum, fatigue, weight loss, etc.copdthe most important risk factors are smoking, air pollution, and inhalation of occupational dusts and chemicals.we can understand copd through three key words.


the development of copd is relatively slow and the course of the disease is long. it may last for many years or even a lifetime.


due to airway narrowing and restricted airflow, patients will feel that the process of inhalation and exhalation is not very smooth, and it is difficult to fully "exhale" the air in the lungs when exhaling.

lung disease

the lesions may involve the trachea, bronchi and lungs, with the lungs being the main target organ affected by the disease.

although copd is a "chronic disease", it can also experience acute exacerbations during the course of the disease.airway inflammation persists in copd, and factors such as bacteria, viruses, air pollution, cold air stimulation, and cardiovascular disease may lead to acute exacerbation of the disease.during the acute exacerbation period, the patient's lung function will further decline, and may affect important organs such as the heart, increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.patients with severe symptoms may experience varying degrees of respiratory failure and may also develop complications such as lung infections.therefore, everyone must pay attention to the prevention and treatment of copd.

there is a "gold standard" for diagnosing copd

recently, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been included in the national basic public health service program.the national basic public health service program is the most basic public health service provided free of charge by the chinese government to all residents in response to the major health problems currently faced by urban and rural residents, with children, pregnant women, the elderly, and patients with chronic diseases as key groups.chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been included in the national basic public health service program, which is of great significance for the early detection and early intervention of the disease.
pulmonary function testsit is called the "gold standard" for the diagnosis of copd.this test can understand the patient's respiratory function status by detecting the amount and speed of airflow generated during breathing. the subject needs to inhale and exhale correctly according to the technician's instructions. after the pulmonary function test is completed, a specialist should analyze the results and make a judgment on the condition.

recommendations for people at high risk of copd(such as those over 40 years old, with a long history of smoking, chronic respiratory symptoms or family history, etc.)include lung function testing in your annual health check-up.

treatment of copd requires long-term persistence

after suffering from copd, we must learn to "fight it for life."through standardized treatment, the progression of the disease can be delayed to a certain extent, the discomfort symptoms can be alleviated and the patient's quality of life can be improved.

the main treatment for copd is inhaled medication.people with copd are prone to airflow limitation due to narrowing of the airways. inhaled medications can "widen" the airways, allowing for smoother airflow.long-term and standardized use of inhaled drugs can effectively relieve symptoms, prevent acute exacerbations, reduce mortality, and improve patients' quality of life.

in autumn and winter, as the temperature drops, copd is prone to recurrence.patients should pay attention to the following points.

1. stay away from dangerous factors

reduce tobacco exposure, recommend quitting smoking and stay away from secondhand is recommended to use clean fuels to reduce indoor air pollution caused by the burning of wood, coal, etc.reduce the inhalation of harmful gases or particles, avoid the irritation of oil fumes, reduce going out when the air quality is poor, and wear a mask when going out.

2. prevent colds

colds are the main cause of acute attacks of copd. patients should add or remove clothes in time according to weather conditions, keep warm and avoid catching vaccinationflu vaccinepneumoniavaccines, etc., to prevent acute exacerbations of copd.

3. moderate exercise

patients can consult a professional doctor and ask him to develop an exercise plan so that they can exercise appropriately within the range of their physical strength, thereby strengthening their physical fitness and improving their immunity.tai chi, ba duan jin, walking, etc. are all good choices. in addition, patients can also do abdominal breathing, breathing exercises and other exercises, which are recommended to be done under the guidance of professionals.

reviewer: yang ting, member of the national health science expert database and chief physician of the china-japan friendship hospital
planning: zheng yingfan, wang ning
editor: wang qianhui

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