
start the new semester with reading, what reading suggestions do teachers and experts have?


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it is a cool autumn day, and it is time to read again. with the arrival of the new semester, many children have returned to school after a long absence. at the beginning of the school year, while quickly returning to campus life and embarking on a new academic journey, the most indispensable thing for children is reading. reading is an important way for children to increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. how to guide children to read better in the new semester? the reporter recently interviewed some teachers and experts.
"in the past two years, with the implementation of the country's 'double reduction' policy, the reading habits of children and teenagers have gradually changed, and parents pay more attention to their children's reading, which makes us teachers very happy." tang xuemei, a special chinese teacher at jinzhou primary school in chongqing liangjiang new district, said, "advocating less exercise, more reading, good reading, reading good books, reading whole books, paying attention to reading guidance, cultivating interest in reading, improving reading taste, and cultivating the habit of reading whole books" is the general trend and direction of chinese education at present. for students in the middle and high grades of elementary school, they can try to read two or three classics each school year, explore personalized reading methods, share reading experiences, conduct special research, and construct the experience of reading whole books. while feeling the charm of classics, they enrich their spiritual world.
in tang xuemei's class, extensive and diverse reading has become a consensus among parents and children. "i often say that the campus itself is a library. the school is a place for reading. there are readers and the sound of reading. so adults and children who love reading read their favorite books. i think such a reading atmosphere will also make students' study life more bookish. when children open a book, they start a dialogue with the author and feel new inspiration."
when talking about specific suggestions for primary school students' reading, tang xuemei shared her own suggestions: "the first is the recommended books in the textbook 'happy reading bar'. these are must-reads. teachers and students read together to learn reading methods and use these methods to read more books. the second category is to read the entire book according to the authors and chapters that appear in the textbook. for example, "the story of hulan river", "strange people in the world", "robinson crusoe", etc., to broaden the reading horizon. the third category is for parents to choose the best ones based on their own understanding. the fourth category is for students to choose books based on their own interests, such as poetry, children's novels, etc."
for children in middle school, the pressure of further study may become more obvious, and reading may be more strongly associated with exams and become more utilitarian. in this regard, hou lina, a chinese teacher at chongqing no. 1 middle school, admitted that parents' anxiety is inevitable in the face of the exam selection system. "but i have also noticed that more and more middle school students are actually doing better and better in active reading, because diversified and comprehensive effective reading can actually help relieve stress. from my observation, most of the "academic masters" have an astonishing amount of reading, and their reading range is quite wide. they understand that learning must not rely solely on practice questions, because practice questions are just a "skill", and reading is a deeper "tao". reading must not limit yourself, and starting from interest is the kingly way."
"for children, a family reading atmosphere is very important. parents should be fully aware that reading is not just about children. it is best for parents to participate in their children's reading process." yang liu, director of the reader service department of the municipal children's library, emphasized that for extracurricular reading to be effective, parents must set an example by picking up books and being role models for their children. "school academic tasks are inevitably heavy. parent-child reading at any time is a powerful supplement to school education. children can be spiritually nourished with the company of their parents. after reading, parents and children can fully communicate, express their views, and show creativity, so that children can gain a sense of accomplishment in parent-child reading. reading + communication, such a virtuous cycle can plant the seeds of reading in children's hearts and benefit them for a lifetime."
what are some good books worth reading for children? three teachers and experts also gave their own recommendations. let's take a look:
1. "little girl at the window"
this is a story written by tetsuko kuroyanagi based on her own childhood experience. she uses simple and child-friendly language to tell the magical story of a little girl who was expelled from school in the first grade and went to a school with two trees as the school gate. this story shows us that letting children live like children will not prevent them from becoming happy people.
2. classic of mountains and seas
this is a very beautiful book! the illustrations are exquisite, the strokes are detailed, the black, white and red color scheme is bright and concise, and the imagination is outstanding, outlining the main classic images of the classic of mountains and seas. the language is elegant, and the meanings and explanations of uncommon words are given, with annotations in vernacular chinese. divine beasts, plants, fairyland, sacred mountains and various mythological stories cover the main classic content of the classic of mountains and seas. when reading it, it feels like you have been in an ancient fantasy world.
3. talking to children about artificial intelligence
ai is one of the hottest technology terms in recent years, but it is difficult to explain to children. this book simplifies complex terms such as voice assistants, face recognition, and artificial intelligence algorithms into language that is easy for them to understand from the perspective of children. it not only guides them to understand ai, but also further stimulates their curiosity and desire to explore. if your child happens to be a science fan, then this book is definitely not to be missed.
4. "young man reading journey to the west"
you may have read journey to the west, watched havoc in heaven, or even played black myth: wukong. you can tell most of the plots, but what do you know about the social, historical, and geographical knowledge behind those stories? why did bodhi patriarch refuse to recognize wukong as his disciple? why is it said that eating tang monk's flesh can make you immortal? how high is bajie's official rank in heaven? what's in sha seng's luggage? these stories inside and outside journey to the west are interpreted differently in young readers of journey to the west, so that children can understand journey to the west more comprehensively.
5. "magic elephant french award bookstore" (third series)
this is a coming-of-age detective novel for children aged 7-12, including "the princess of versailles" 1-5. this year's paris olympics allowed the world to see the culture and romance of the french, and this romance is also reflected in literature. this series of works is dedicated to presenting high-quality french children's literature, leading young readers to discover the french charm of french architecture, french food, french clothing, and appreciate french romance and elegance.