
"star dream in changsha" enterprise open day event held in changsha county and changsha economic development zone


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changsha evening news changsha on mobile september 22 (all-media reporter wu xinfan, correspondent zhang jingyuan) "what highlights of fresh graduates are most valued by companies in recruitment?" "what talent subsidies and policies can i enjoy?" "how do i get the first pot of gold for starting a business?"... on september 21, the "star dream in changsha" enterprise open day event was held. more than 80 university student representatives visited relevant enterprises in changsha county and changsha economic development zone to feel the strong strength of changsha's advanced manufacturing industry and strengthen their confidence and determination to find employment and start a business in changsha.
visiting companies on site makes mutual understanding easier
the event was guided by the organization department of the changsha municipal party committee (talent work bureau of the municipal party committee), hosted by the municipal youth league committee, and undertaken by changsha county and changsha economic development zone.
on the day of the event, student representatives from universities such as the national university of defense technology, wuhan university, central south university, and hunan university visited and observed leading companies in changsha county and changsha economic development zone, including the low-altitude economy r&d headquarters, megmet global r&d center, lens technology group, and shanhe intelligent. by understanding the company's development history, overall operations, core technology, corporate culture, etc., they intuitively felt the charm of high-end science and technology as well as the strong strength and development prospects of changsha's advanced manufacturing industry.
at the same time, the college students also went deep into the company, visited and experienced the living facilities such as employee restaurants and dormitories, and truly felt the working and living atmosphere of the company. in songya lake national wetland park, the students also carried out a "songya walk" to appreciate the city's style in the natural scenery, which further strengthened their determination and confidence to work and start a business in changsha.
on-site q&a and zero-distance talent services
after the visit, changsha county organized an exchange and sharing session to introduce a series of talent policies of changsha city, changsha county and economic development zone to the students, helping them to fully understand the employment, settlement and related subsidy application policies in changsha.
the event also invited some "alumni employment mentors" who work and live in changsha county. they shared their own experiences with fresh graduates on how to do well in the "multiple choice question" of employment and entrepreneurship. at the same time, hr from yuanda technology group and other companies also came to the scene to communicate with college students on the spot, answering questions about corporate employment standards, salary grades, talent training models and xingsha life experience.
"coming to the companies in changsha county, we were impressed by the modern office environment, abundant promotion opportunities, and generous welfare benefits! seeing their innovative achievements in various fields and global cooperation networks, i am full of expectations for the future and hope to have the opportunity to live and work here in the future." dong shijie from central south university of forestry and technology said, "through this visit, i deeply felt the strong strength and innovative spirit of changsha companies, and also became more aware of the importance of improving my own professional skills."
online live broadcast to explore enterprises and form a team to develop talents
this enterprise open day event released more than 80 potential positions from more than 20 key enterprises in changsha county and changsha economic development zone, with a recruitment demand of more than 400 people. the recruitment positions cover multiple fields such as materials, chemistry, machinery, electrical, and automation. after precise invitations, the professional backgrounds of the students participating in the event are highly matched with the needs of the enterprises, among which undergraduates, masters, and doctors account for 57%, 34%, and 9% respectively.
while offline activities are in full swing, the online "live broadcast to explore enterprises" session is also launched simultaneously. in the live broadcast page, the anchor carefully introduced the enterprise situation to college students who were unable to visit the site, and put the 2024 changsha county and economic development zone enterprise talent recruitment list online in real time. if college students who watch online encounter positions of interest, they can directly submit their resumes with one click, effectively improving the efficiency of two-way matching. according to statistics, this "live broadcast to explore enterprises" event attracted more than 210,000 viewers, and more than 2,000 resumes were submitted in total.
this event is the fourth "star dream in changsha" enterprise open day. the event will continue until november. each event will focus on key enterprises in a region and invite college students according to job requirements to deeply experience the production and life of the enterprises. by accurately matching the needs of key enterprises with the majors of key universities, it will provide students with the opportunity to have an in-depth understanding of changsha enterprises and advantageous industries, deepen the talent exchange mechanism for school-local-enterprise cooperation, broaden the channels for attracting talents, continue to polish the city's friendly background for young people, and guide more young students to take the initiative to understand changsha, choose changsha, and stay in changsha.