
the 200-year-old "maple king" was broken by tourists. the scenic spot said that the tree was insured for tens of millions of yuan many years ago. the police have intervened.


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on september 22, a citizen from benxi city, liaoning province posted a video saying that when he was visiting the guanmenshan national forest park, he found several tourists climbing over the fence to break branches and leaves of the "maple king".

on the afternoon of the same day, jiupai news contacted guanmenshan national forest park, and a staff member said that this incident did happen. several tourists broke off a small branch of the "maple king", but the number was not too large and the impact on the tree was not great. when the incident happened, other tourists were recording them, and the staff also discovered and stopped it immediately. at present, the police have intervened and several tourists involved have been taken away for investigation. the results of the investigation have not yet been released.

tourists crossed the guardrail and took photos of the branches of the "maple king". photo/social media

in the video, several female tourists who were breaking branches looked older. they all climbed over the guardrail. four or five of them squatted under the "maple king", some pulled the red leaves in front of them with their hands, some posed, and another one stood on the ground slightly away from the "maple king" with her back to the camera.

staff at the scenic spot said that such a situation had never happened in the scenic spot before. the "maple king" tree is more than 200 years old and is a key landscape of the scenic spot. under normal circumstances, having its branches broken would be classified as a criminal case.

"these tourists should be from the south. local people all know that this tree is a protected plant. every year during the national day, when the maple leaves turn red, there will be staff patrolling, but now the leaves are not very red, so no staff are arranged. after all, there are warning signs on the guardrails and there are surveillance cameras on the tree." he said.

he said that many years ago, the scenic spot insured the "maple king" for 10 million yuan. he did not know the specific details, but the insurance should have a time limit. he was not sure whether it was within the insurance period this year and whether it was still effective. as for whether other protection measures would be taken for the "maple king" in the future, it would also depend on the decision of the scenic spot leaders.

according to a report by benxi daily in 2019, liaoning guanmenshan tourism (group) co., ltd. and china people's property insurance co., ltd. held an insurance signing ceremony at guanmenshan national forest park, insuring the guanmenshan scenic area's iconic landscape "maple king" for 10 million yuan. "in order to ensure the safety and integrity of the group's core resources and corporate assets and maintain value-added, we insured the 'maple king' for 10 million yuan, creating a precedent for the insurance of scenic forests in benxi city." shi kai, chairman of liaoning guanmenshan tourism (group) co., ltd., said.

guanmenshan national forest park. photo: official website of benxi manchu autonomous county government

according to the data, guanmenshan national forest park is located 70 kilometers southeast of benxi city. the forest park covers an area of ​​3,517 hectares, with an altitude of 310 meters to 1,234 meters and a forest coverage rate of 95%. the domestic plants are well preserved, there are many ancient trees and famous trees, and the scenery is beautiful. it is the best maple leaf viewing area in china, known as "yandong wonder, ecological gallery" and "little huangshan in northeast china". because of the two peaks facing each other, one wide and one narrow, one large and one small, it looks like a door, so it is called guanmenshan. "who dyes the frosty forest drunk at dawn?" the maple leaves of guanmenshan are famous all over the world. when the maple leaves turn red, the mountains are full of colorful colors.

jiupai news reporter dai mengying

editor: xiao jie