
liangcheng, inner mongolia sent a letter to all county party members and cadres: help farmers harvest autumn crops!


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"since september, due to frequent rainfall and continuous rainy weather, some crops in our county have been damaged, which has also caused great inconvenience to farmers in autumn harvest. in order to seize the opportunity and ensure that farmers' losses are minimized, in accordance with the instructions of the main leaders of the municipal and county party committees on rushing to harvest and disaster relief work, the majority of party members and cadres in the county should give full play to their exemplary role and race against time to help farmers rush to harvest mature crops."

on september 21, the organization department of the liangcheng county party committee of ulanqab city, inner mongolia, publicly issued a "letter to all party members and cadres in the county", calling on all party members and cadres in the county to help farmers harvest autumn crops and "ensure that we win this national autumn harvest battle that is racing against the farming season."

the liangcheng county party committee organization department proposed a number of measures in the open letter, including:

the general party committees (branches) of all government agencies and units in the county should regard the rush to harvest autumn crops as the most urgent task at present, organize party member volunteer service teams and rush to harvest assault teams, and in accordance with the arrangements for rural revitalization in villages, take the initiative to connect with the disaster investigation team, the affiliated townships, and the village work teams, quickly go down to the fields, provide assistance to farmers who are short of labor and in urgent need of harvesting, do a good job in the rush to harvest autumn crops, and ensure that every grain is harvested.

we must base ourselves on the actual situation of autumn grain harvest, respond scientifically, take the initiative, help without causing trouble, be in place without overstepping our authority, and do our best to do a good job in autumn grain harvest. the social work department, the youth league committee, the women's federation, and the new era civilization practice service center should actively mobilize volunteers to form a youth volunteer service team for autumn grain harvest, and participate in the autumn grain harvest in an orderly manner under the unified arrangement of the township party committees and governments.

we should go deep into the homes of people who have difficulties in autumn harvest, especially those who are old and weak, lack labor, and those who are severely affected by disasters, and organize autumn harvest teams and mutual aid groups to help them do a good job in autumn harvest and ensure that every grain is harvested. the media center should do a good job in publicity and timely report on the advanced models that emerge during the autumn grain harvest.

liangcheng county is located at the southern foot of yinshan mountain and the northeastern edge of the loess plateau. it is located in the south-central part of inner mongolia and the south of ulanqab city. it is the center of the border area between inner mongolia, shanxi and hebei. as of december 2023, the registered population of liangcheng county is 221,000, of which 41,000 are urban residents and 180,000 are rural residents.

according to the official website of liangcheng county government, the county has 950,000 mu of arable land, of which 240,200 mu are irrigated land, accounting for 25.28% of the total arable land area; 709,800 mu are dry land, accounting for 74.72% of the total arable land area; and the per capita arable land is 3.99 mu.

this year, according to shen zhaofeng, director of the agricultural station of the liangcheng county agriculture and animal husbandry science and technology bureau, the county's total sown area reached 945,000 mu, of which 755,700 mu were grain crop sowing areas, including 480,000 mu of miscellaneous grains and beans.

the paper ( noted that in recent days, liangcheng county has been working on harvesting autumn crops.

on september 19, liangcheng county held a meeting to deploy the work of rushing to harvest and ensuring income in response to the severe autumn rainy weather. at the meeting, deputy county mayor feng jun conveyed the important spirit of the municipal-level autumn harvest rush and income guarantee work meeting, and made detailed arrangements for the county's current autumn harvest rush work.

zheng dongping, deputy secretary of the liangcheng county party committee and county magistrate, stressed that we must improve our ideological understanding, be aware of the urgent situation facing the current autumn harvest, accurately analyze the situation, and respond effectively. we must conduct meticulous command, scientifically dispatch agricultural machinery and equipment, improve harvest efficiency, and ensure that every grain of autumn grain can be successfully stored. we must keep a close eye on the shortcomings in the autumn harvest, do a good job in weather forecasting, policy support for farmers, and the issuance of agricultural insurance funds, strengthen organizational leadership, and work together to ensure that all work measures are effectively implemented.

on september 20, liangcheng county party secretary liu jintao presided over a special meeting of secretaries to implement the instructions and requirements of municipal party committee secretary sui weijun when he investigated crop harvesting, agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and rural revitalization in the county.

liu jintao said that it is necessary to equip harvesting machinery, reasonably allocate harvesting machinery, and configure machine repair service outlets to ensure that if there is a fault in the machinery, it can be repaired as soon as possible. to ensure labor security, the employment service center should give full play to the role of the odd job market and information platform, and timely allocate labor according to the rush to harvest needs of each township. relevant departments should organize and mobilize the majority of party members, cadres and volunteers to take the initiative to go deep into the fields to help farmers harvest. all townships should make full use of all available places such as the village committee compound, cultural square, and school playground to carry out ventilation and drying, and prepare the corresponding rainproof materials and drying machinery to ensure that the crop grains are stored in the warehouse. it is necessary to actively carry out the publicity of autumn grain purchase policies, do a good job in grain price monitoring and purchase statistics, guide farmers to sell grain at the right time and price, and effectively protect the interests of farmers.