
a chinese medicine practitioner was exposed for allegedly molesting a female patient, and the police opened a case for investigation


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recently, ms. wang from hangzhou reported to the public interactive platform "service pai" of the paper that from august 13 to september 4, she went to the hangzhou fang huichuntang xiasha clinic to receive acupuncture treatment from chinese medicine practitioner wu moumou after being introduced by her family. during the treatment, wu moumou repeatedly engaged in inappropriate behavior in the name of treatment. she strongly questioned that wu moumou's behavior had seriously damaged her physical and mental health. for this reason, she reported the case to the hangzhou jinsha lake police station on september 4, and "the police filed a case the next day."

ms. wang also claimed that fang huichuntang contacted her family privately without her consent, hoping to put pressure on her through her family on the grounds that "we haven't gotten married yet and it will have an impact in the future."

on september 13, the paper called fang huichuntang xiasha clinic. the staff said that the doctor involved, wu moumou, has stopped seeing patients, the public security authorities are investigating the matter, and the clinic will make further decisions based on the results of the investigation.

on the same day, the paper called the jinsha lake police station in hangzhou, and relevant staff said that details of the case could be obtained by visiting the station for consultation, and it was inconvenient to disclose them over the phone.

on september 19, the paper learned from ms. wang that she received a case filing notice on september 13. the qiantangjiang branch of the hangzhou public security bureau believed that the case met the criminal case filing standards and had filed an investigation into the case.

according to jiupai news, fang huichuntang's official website shows that wu is the chief chinese medicine doctor of the acupuncture department of xiasha hall. he has been practicing medicine for more than ten years and won the third place and the first place in the district in the first hangzhou chinese medicine competition. he is good at using ancient prescriptions to treat internal and gynecological diseases, especially for various pains such as neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain. at present, fang huichuntang's official website has deleted wu's personal profile.

ms. wang's medical registration record

"the diagnosis and treatment behavior far exceeds the scope of normal medical treatment"

according to ms. wang's recollection, due to poor health, she found fang huichuntang xiasha clinic on the recommendation of her family, hoping to improve her health through traditional chinese medicine treatment.

ms. wang said that during the first consultation, wu claimed that she had "serious blood stasis" and recommended long-term acupuncture treatment. in the subsequent diagnosis and treatment process, wu gradually implemented some behaviors that were beyond the scope of normal diagnosis and treatment. due to her limited understanding of acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine treatment methods, and her trust in huichuntang and wu, ms. wang did not doubt wu's behavior at first. "at the time, i thought these were part of the treatment, and the doctor emphasized the seriousness of the condition. out of trust, i did not immediately doubt it."

during the last treatment on september 4, wu's operation made ms. wang feel extremely uncomfortable. after returning home, ms. wang communicated with other chinese medicine practitioners and learned that wu's diagnosis and treatment behavior far exceeded the normal medical scope and was suspected of indecency. she immediately called the police.

the administrative case filing notice provided by ms. wang shows that on september 5, the jinsha lake police station of the qiantang district branch of the hangzhou public security bureau filed a case on the indecent assault reported by the party involved.

notice of administrative filing of a case concerning ms. wang's claim of being molested

ms. wang said that wu had previously claimed that his condition was serious and required daily treatment, and the total cost of 13 days of treatment was 8,533.21 yuan. "in the treatment program, a blade needle treatment was also prescribed, which was not performed." ms. wang said that after negotiation, fang huichuntang xiasha clinic has refunded the above treatment fees.

at the same time, ms. wang also posted her experience on social media. "afterwards, fang huichuntang staff contacted me many times and asked me to delete the post i posted." due to pressure, she deleted the relevant content on the evening of september 5.

"on september 6, fang huichuntang leaked my personal privacy without my consent and put pressure on me through my family members in an attempt to reach a settlement with me." ms. wang believes that fang huichuntang's behavior has caused her great psychological harm. "i hope fang huichuntang will publicly apologize and conduct internal rectification."

the doctor involved has stopped seeing patients and the police have filed a case

notice of case filing

on september 13, the paper called the office of fang huichuntang xiasha clinic, and the staff said that wu moumou, who was involved in the case, had stopped treating patients. the case has now entered the investigation stage of the public security organs, and the clinic is not in a position to disclose more details.

the office staff of fang huichuntang xiasha clinic confirmed that the clinic had conducted a strict review of wu's professional qualifications when hiring him to ensure that he had the legal qualifications to practice medicine.

regarding whether there were other patients who had complained about wu, the above-mentioned staff refused to elaborate further on the grounds that it was inconvenient to disclose.

as for ms. wang’s report that the clinic requested the deletion of the complaint and contacted her family to put pressure on them, the above-mentioned staff member said that everything is subject to the investigation of the public security organs.

on the same day, the paper called the jinsha lake police station in hangzhou, and relevant staff said that details of the case could be obtained by visiting the police station and that it was inconvenient to disclose them over the phone.

on september 19, the paper learned from ms. wang that she had received a case filing notice on september 13. the qiantangjiang district branch of the hangzhou public security bureau believed that the case met the criminal case filing standards and had filed an investigation into the case.

on the same day, the paper again called fang huichuntang's xiasha clinic, and the staff said they did not receive news media and could not answer related questions.