
media: "magic weight loss drugs" are illegally bought and sold, the risks cannot be ignored


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recently, the state food and drug administration announced four typical cases of illegal and irregular sales of drugs online (the sixth batch) on its official website, three of which involved the popular weight loss product semaglutide.

semaglutide is a glp-1 receptor agonist drug. it was originally developed to control blood sugar and treat type 2 diabetes. however, it has been sought after by many people who want to lose weight due to its significant weight loss effect. in particular, after being endorsed by some celebrities, semaglutide has become a new "magic drug for weight loss." how effective is this drug? is it good news for obese people? we need to look at it from both positive and negative aspects.

on the positive side, semaglutide is a prescription drug approved by the national medical products administration and can be used reasonably after diagnosis and treatment by a doctor.

the national medical products administration has approved semaglutide preparations from several companies, which are divided into two categories according to different uses: "sugar control version" and "weight loss version". the main ingredients are the same, but the dosage is different and the diseases they target are also different. the former is mainly suitable for patients with type 2 diabetes, while the latter is mainly used for long-term weight management. the two cannot replace each other.

in sharp contrast to the huge demand for weight loss in modern society, the number of compliant weight loss drugs approved worldwide is very limited. in history, many weight loss drugs were banned after being approved for marketing because they were found to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer during large-scale use. today, glp-1 drugs represented by semaglutide provide new ideas for weight loss and bring new hope to the field of weight loss, but the title of "magic weight loss drug" is still too one-sided and exaggerated.

on the other hand, semaglutide is strictly limited to the population for which it is suitable, and it also has side effects, so it cannot realize people's fantasy of "losing weight by lying down with injections."

although the safety of semaglutide has been clinically verified, it still has a variety of adverse reactions and has a strict range of applicable populations. only the following two groups of people can consider using it for weight loss: obese people with a body mass index greater than 30; people with a body mass index between 27 and 30 and at least one weight-related comorbidity. before prescribing semaglutide, doctors should conduct a more comprehensive assessment of the patient.

the two major problems of "not being able to be lazy" and "aging of the face" are common problems that previous weight loss drugs could not solve, and semaglutide is no exception. after using semaglutide, you need to lose weight together with diet and exercise, otherwise once you stop taking the drug, your weight may rebound quickly, so it is not a lazy diet drug. semaglutide not only reduces fat, but also reduces muscle. many users have the "semaglutide face" phenomenon, that is, the face becomes loose and wrinkled due to the loss of muscle and subcutaneous fat, just like "aging ten years." topics such as "the first batch of people who injected semaglutide have regretted it" and "semaglutide face" have been on the social media hot search list.

judging from the illegal and irregular cases published by the state food and drug administration, there are currently cases where people purchase and use such drugs from informal channels without a doctor's prescription, which is very risky for users. on the one hand, if the user does not belong to the applicable population or uses the drugs rationally without the guidance of professionals, it will harm their health; on the other hand, if such drugs are purchased and used from informal channels, there may be quality problems such as unknown ingredients, inaccurate measurements, adulteration, etc., which not only cannot guarantee the treatment effect, but may also cause serious toxic reactions and even threaten life safety.

of course, there are no particularly ideal weight loss drugs on the market, which is also an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies. many chinese and foreign pharmaceutical companies have targeted the "fat loss and muscle gain" track, hoping to develop new weight loss drugs that can both reduce fat and gain muscle with fewer side effects, and are more effective than semaglutide. judging from the huge market demand, once such a weight loss drug appears, it will surely become the next phenomenal "explosive product" and catch the "overwhelming wealth". however, the development of new drugs must pass the "clinical verification" to prove their effectiveness and safety, which requires sufficient time and real clinical data.

for overweight people and obese patients, there is no such thing as a lazy "magic weight loss drug" in the world. long-term weight management can only be achieved under the guidance of a doctor and in combination with a healthy lifestyle. control your diet, move your legs, and get enough sleep. this kind of lifestyle intervention is the most basic, healthiest, and most effective way to lose weight.