
2024 tencent cloud fusion innovation seminar held in kunming


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on september 20, the 2024 tencent cloud yunnan fusion innovation product seminar was held in kunming. the forum was hosted by tencent cloud computing (kunming) co., ltd. and invited experts in the government industry, enterprise informationization executives, industry leaders and ecological partners to conduct in-depth discussions on tencent cloud's latest fusion innovation products and services.
in recent years, yunnan province has deeply explored its own advantages, actively encouraged local enterprises to carry out integrated innovation research and development, stepped up the promotion of the application of integrated innovation products, attracted many integrated innovation-related enterprises to settle in yunnan, built an integrated innovation industry cluster, and promoted the coordinated development of upstream and downstream industries; at the same time, it promoted the pilot application of integrated innovation technologies in key areas such as government affairs, finance, medical care, and education, and gradually realized that integrated innovation products are easy to use, safe and reliable, and the vigorous development of the integrated innovation industry has injected new vitality and connotation into the construction of digital yunnan.
in his speech, xu xiaomin, general manager of tencent cloud's yungui region, introduced that with the development of ai technology and localization, integrated innovative software products represented by domestic databases, big data, private clouds, and operating systems have been deeply applied in vertical industries, especially in key infrastructure fields such as government affairs, finance, transportation, and education. this has brought new market opportunities to chinese cloud computing companies and also put forward higher requirements for independent research and development of technological innovation and industry responsibility.
photo courtesy of the conference site
tencent is actively involved in the construction of digital yunnan, providing world-leading cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other technical products and services, creating a wealth of industry solutions with its outstanding technological capabilities, and building an open and win-win cloud ecosystem. according to mr. yu yi, head of tencent cloud's yunnan business, tencent cloud is currently deeply involved in the digital construction of many fields in yunnan province, including digital government affairs, transportation services, university cooperation, and enterprise digital transformation.
in terms of integrated innovation, tencent cloud's full-stack domestic software system has accumulated rich integrated innovation practices in the financial, transportation, government affairs, medical, energy, media and other industries. according to qiao wentao, head of tencent cloud's southwest regional solutions, since 2018, tencent has invested more than 300 billion yuan in research and development, supporting the continuous breakthroughs of tencent's integrated innovation products and accelerating the creation of a "better-to-use" domestic software system. as of now, tencent cloud has nearly 100 products on the hardware and software map of the working committee, and its industry supply capacity ranks first among integrated innovation manufacturers; it has obtained nearly 1,400 mutual certification certificates and is one of the most important manufacturers in the domestic ecological chain.
tencent cloud's integrated innovative basic software 5t, namely database tdsql, operating system tencentos, private cloud tce, big data tbds, and tencent cloud ti platform, has been adapted to the mainstream domestic software and hardware ecosystem, and covers multiple industries such as finance, government affairs, internet, and medical care. among them, in 2023, tencent cloud database tdsql broke the tpc-c world record with performance data of 814 million transactions per minute. it has been adopted by more than 4,000 customers from vertical industries such as finance, public services, and telecommunications, and has served more than 30 financial institutions to complete core system replacement. seven of the top ten banks in china have applied tdsql. application software includes tencent conference, enterprise wechat, tencent documents, etc., among which tencent promotes the adaptation of office applications to the domestic software and hardware ecosystem. tencent enterprise wechat can support private deployment mode on domestic infrastructure, and can effectively take into account the flexible needs of internal and external communication.
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