
the bloomage biotech model is one of the future paths for chinese beauty products


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in the view of zhao yan, chairman and president of bloomage biotechnology, the vitality of an enterprise comes from its continuous innovation and profitability. these two capabilities are specifically reflected in bloomage biotechnology as "three chains are isomorphic and five forces are in one", that is, in terms of the industrial chain, it has technological and product strength, and is the pioneer, setter and leader of the industry standards; in terms of the supply chain, it has competitiveness and plays a key role in controlling the intermediate links; in terms of the value chain, it has brand power and immunity, and is the core hub for optimizing resource allocation, forming a co-construction, co-creation, symbiosis and supply alliance.
on september 20, zhao yan made the above statement when she gave a keynote speech on the frontier of life sciences and the future of beauty. she said: huaxi bio has been "continuously promoting the deep integration of life sciences and industries, subverting the future of the beauty industry". in her opinion, in order for the chinese beauty industry to achieve development and have a way out in the future, it must be guided by scientific and technological innovation and in-depth research and application of renewable materials and technologies to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly. life science will become the "new variable" of the beauty industry, which will promote the new development of the industry and move towards a new future in terms of innovative product development, improving product efficacy and safety, and personalized and precise skin care.
as we all know, science and technology are the primary productive forces, and strengthening the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation is the essential requirement for developing new quality productive forces. for the chinese beauty industry, new scientific discoveries, new inventions and new applications of technology are one of the biggest driving forces for high-quality development. the cosmetics industry is not only related to natural sciences, but also closely related to social sciences. at the same time, new technologies in fields such as computer and information science are also bringing new changes. these are all related to technological innovation. and an irreversible trend is that there are at least three major fields that will have a significant impact on the cosmetics industry in the future: natural sciences, social sciences, and computer and information sciences. it is particularly noteworthy that the cosmetics industry is being explored, reshaped and redefined through the latest technology drive. therefore, companies that are capable of doing things and can adhere to long-termism and do the present with the future in mind will never compete for temporary courage in the market and marketing, but will consistently "dig deep holes and accumulate grain" in terms of technological innovation capabilities and operating profitability.
to put it more bluntly, in my opinion, there are only two paths for the future of chinese beauty: one is a technological path, dedicated to the construction of structural competitive advantages; the other is a marketing path, dedicated to the construction of key competitive advantages. the former is "doing the industry" and is committed to the overall prosperity of the industry ecology, while the latter is "doing oneself" and is committed to the expansion and strengthening of the company itself. the former is more conducive to sustainable development, while the latter is more likely to put the industry in a situation of "involution" and "melee" and "you sing! i come on stage". although domestic beauty has shown a rising trend in recent years and has made progress and development that is very worthy of recognition, to be honest, compared with other mature fast-moving consumer goods industries, the beauty industry lacks real industry leaders and companies with industry leadership, and the reason is "only caring about themselves". however, as the entire beauty industry enters a new development cycle and a new turning point period, whether to actively plan and implement actions with a sustainable development industry platform strategic path and an overall prosperous industry model will determine the development trend of an enterprise for at least the next five or even ten years.
i have always thought that among the entire camp of domestic cosmetics companies, there are no more than five companies that have such insight and achievements - the pattern, vision, knowledge and courage of the founders determine how far the company can see, how high it can stand and how long it can go; if i have to list a few companies, i think there should be bloomage, beitanni, huanya, freda, etc. these companies are actually technology-based companies with structural competitive advantages, and their "total corporate capabilities" are worthy of recognition and expectation. the above speech by zhao yan undoubtedly reveals the "total corporate capabilities" and a bloomage model for the future of chinese cosmetics.
some people may be eager to "make a final judgment" based on the market performance of huaxi biotechnology in recent years. but in my opinion, the short-term performance does not represent the long-term performance in the future. to see how much room for development a company has, we must look at the general trend of industry development and the "chassis" of the company. any company with "total corporate capacity", that is, what i call structural competitive advantages, must have its own "moat" and "competitive barriers"; on the contrary, it will be most likely to "fall down at the first push" or "flash in the pan" when encountering "gray rhinos" or "black swans" in an uncertain environment.
in essence, huaxi biology is actually a biotechnology company. this essence also determines the "uniqueness" of this company. while many companies are "rolling traffic", huaxi biology has been deeply engaged in the field of scientific and technological research and development in recent years. among them, in terms of r&d investment, the company's r&d expenditure increased from 90 million yuan in 2017 to 446 million yuan in 2023, with an annual compound growth rate of 30.57%, far higher than the industry average. at the same time, according to zhao yan, huaxi biology's future has always been adhering to the corporate development logic of "science → technology → product → brand", increasing investment and layout in the field of synthetic biotechnology, expanding more application scenarios and market space for bioactive substances, and constantly opening up a new chapter in the development of the industry.
specifically, bloomage has always attached great importance to and actively deployed synthetic biology, raising it to the company's strategic level. as the only domestic synthetic biology full industry chain company that integrates the three major capabilities of "r&d innovation capabilities, pilot and industrialization capabilities, and market transformation capabilities", bloomage has a relatively obvious competitive advantage in the field of synthetic biology. at present, bloomage has completed the layout of all key links from the establishment of innovation bases and r&d teams, platform core construction, industry-university-research consortium r&d cooperation to the commissioning of pilot transformation platforms. in terms of front-end strains and synthetic technologies, bloomage also has leading chassis cell design capabilities and a rich chassis library, which can quickly realize the industrial transformation of scientific research results.
what is most worth mentioning is that in june this year, huaxi bio's pilot results transformation center was fully completed in tianjin. the center covers an area of ​​30,000 square meters and has 64 pilot production lines. through the advanced concepts of "modularization" and "drawer-type" to optimize the pilot links, it can undertake the pilot and small-scale commercial production of various bioactive raw materials such as pharmaceutical grade, skin care grade, and food grade. it can not only promote the pilot transformation of huaxi bio's internal r&d results, but also open to the whole society in a "platform" mode, providing pilot transformation services for biomanufacturing, and becoming a key force in breaking down technological and industrial barriers. this is actually what i mean by huaxi bio "doing the industry." this is a very imaginative action, and it also reflects huaxi bio's "elegant ambition."
in addition, huaxi bio successfully launched 9 new bioactive raw materials in 2023, further enriching its product line. at the same time, the use of synthetic biology technology has achieved efficient synthesis of bioactive substances, and has made important progress in products such as hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulfate, heparin, collagen, ergothioneine, and human milk oligosaccharides. new products such as runbaiyan and quadi, which empower skincare brands based on regenerative medicine technology, have also begun to be launched.
the beauty industry has always been a competitive industry. after years of hard work, bloomage biotechnology has launched major actions and started a journey to a new future. let us wait and see whether it will be the best as before. but one thing is certain: the bloomage biotechnology model is one of the future paths for chinese beauty. (this article is transferred from china fragrance and cosmetics media, author zhao hongwei)