
how did sima nan’s reputation suddenly reverse after his endorsement of xifeng liquor went wrong?


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sima nan, who traveled to the tang dynasty city that never sleeps at night, endorsed xifeng liquor, and dressed up as "li bai", aroused public anger. sima nan, who once became famous for criticizing lenovo and angrily criticizing liu chuanzhi, gained more than 10 million fans on the internet in a very short period of time, and rose to become a super v in an instant. but now, why are there fewer and fewer people chasing after sima nan? in fact, sima nan has become a derogatory term. on the contrary, the name of sima jiatou has become more and more famous.what destroyed sima nan?

it can be said that the more people admired sima nan in the past, the more people hate sima nan now. when sima nan toured the tang dynasty city that never sleeps at night, xi'an people did not think that this was a luster to xi'an's cultural tourism, but rather a smear on xi'an's cultural tourism.

when sima nan dressed up as "li bai", netizens criticized him as "this is an insult to li bai's personality!" even xifeng liquor suffered a big setback because of sima nan. countless netizens flocked to xifeng liquor's live broadcast room and called xifeng liquor "jiatou liquor".

in fact, sima nan has cooperated with many brands. before xifeng liquor, gac aion also invited sima nan to visit the factory. the so-called inspection is to use sima nan's traffic to increase the exposure of the brand.

but ideals are rich, and reality is cruel.when people heard that gac aion was cooperating with sima nan, their first reaction was not to buy aion, but to think, it’s over, gac aion was selling well, but it’s on a pirate ship!

xifeng liquor also suffered huge brand damage because of sima nan, and was forced to issue an urgent statement, drawing a clear line with sima nan while requiring downstream marketing companies to report to the headquarters when inviting internet celebrities to cooperate. why did sima nan go from being popular to being despised by everyone in just a few years? the root cause is one:it’s not easy to deceive netizens nowadays.

sima nan held high the banner of "patriotism and anti-americanism" and launched a strong attack and fierce criticism against lenovo group and liu chuanzhi's family.but what about the other side? sima nan sent his wife and children to the united states, and he also bought a big house in the united states and paid property taxes to the united states on time every year. he cheated netizens' traffic to pay taxes to the united states.

in the past, we always said that naked officials could not be promoted, but what about now? internet celebrities are also naked. except for the money, assets, wives and children in china, they have all been sent abroad. you know, if someone buys a house in the united states, his assets in the united states are definitely not just one house.

for ordinary people, buying a house in the united states is nothing. after all, the money is earned by oneself, and you can spend it however you want. but sima nan is different. he earns "patriotic money". a person who earns "patriotic money" would rather buy a house in the united states than in china. in comparison, chinese houses need too much capital to take over.those who are willing to buy houses in china now are true patriots who are taking over for the country.

this is just the surface. on a deeper level, sima nan has become a "network symbol." whether sima nan likes it or not, in public opinion, the three words "sima nan" have become, to a large extent, "the standard-bearer of attacking the private economy" and a leader in spreading "extreme left populist ideas" on the internet. sima nan may not have intended to become like this, but public opinion has redefined sima nan. this has put sima nan into a traffic trap.

what kind of "traffic trap" is this?that is, sima nan’s user base is too low. not only do they lack the ability to think critically, they also lack the purchasing power. as a super v with tens of millions of fans, sima nan only sold dozens of books. his fans don’t read books or think.

any internet celebrity is ultimately in the traffic business, and sima nan also needs to cash in. since live streaming is not feasible, sima nan wants to go the route of corporate cooperation and brand endorsement. but the outcome is even worse than selling books. for private enterprises, who is sima nan? he is a representative of extreme leftist thought, and the farther you stay from him, the better. don't get involved. gac aion and xifeng liquor were both ruined by sima nan.with these two cases, it can be said that sima nan’s journey in brand endorsement and corporate public relations has basically come to an end.

which brand dares to be associated with "sima nan"? not to mention improving the brand's influence, it's already a blessing if it doesn't damage the brand. why is this so? the root cause is that those who support sima nan are unwilling to pay for sima nan. but those who are able and willing to pay do not support sima nan.

in this case, sima nan's core income can only come from traffic.sima nan is still doing well in the traffic business. when there are topics, he closely follows the hot spots. when there are no topics, he refutes those who attack him online one by one. when others scold him, he gets a wave of traffic. when he refutes those who attack him, he gets another wave of traffic. but the more he does this, the more difficult it is to realize commercialization. because of the bottom-line pursuit of traffic, the end result is that the traffic backfires.

for brands, they prefer objective and neutral media.the reason is very simple: first, relatively objective and neutral content can attract a user group with certain thinking ability, cognitive level, high income level, and strong ability to pay. second, it is not easy to fail. for example, aion and xifeng liquor failed when they approached sima nan. but if they find a captain to cooperate, although his influence is not as good as sima nan, he will definitely not fail. third, the crowd is more accurate. many super vs seem to have 10 or 20 million fans, but the huge user base is not segmented, and it is mixed, making it difficult to reach the core users of the brand.

when sima nan gained huge traffic by inciting public sentiment, he also buried potential risks. the risk is that once public sentiment reverses, sima nan himself will be deeply involved and find it difficult to escape. now, sima nan is facing precisely the reversal of public sentiment.

using public sentiment to attract traffic will inevitably backfire on you.