
music teacher zhang: breaking the "curse" of hereditary myopia and protecting children's clear "vision" | paying tribute to the "vision" guide


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for mr. zhang, who teaches junior high school music in jiangmen, stepping onto the podium in september this year means turning over a particularly special page in his teaching career - time flies, and this is already mr. zhang's tenth year of teaching.
on the podium, ms. zhang is a music teacher who is dedicated to awakening students' artistic souls with musical notes and melodies; back home, ms. zhang is the mother of her 10-year-old daughter lang lang (pseudonym). however, for many years, ms. zhang has always been worried about her child's vision - both she and her lover suffer from moderate myopia, and lang lang's myopia continues to worsen during his growth. how to break the "curse" of hereditary myopia and protect a clear vision for her child has become a concern that she cannot let go of.
in august this year, teacher zhang came to the aier eye hospital and lit up the dawn of hope for the child's healthy vision.
combining education with entertainment, opening students' wonderful musical journey in the classroom
"when i was a child, teachers were always seen as omniscient and omnipotent." this reverence for the education industry, coupled with the experience of learning musical instruments since childhood, has planted the seed of becoming a people's teacher, imparting skills, and spreading wisdom in teacher zhang's heart since childhood. "the music classes in schools are far more than just teaching the skills of a single instrument. teachers need to teach more extensive and comprehensive knowledge content to achieve musical enlightenment and guidance for students." it is for this reason that teacher zhang constantly uses his spare time to enrich himself, broaden the boundaries of knowledge, and strive to bring students a richer and more diverse music experience. "every class requires careful preparation. i look forward to witnessing the students' progress and enjoying the process of self-improvement."
teacher zhang recalled that when she was young, she always served as the entertainment committee member of the class and had to plan class activities from time to time. after being involved in the education industry, this ability has injected a constant stream of creativity and vitality into teacher zhang's classroom. in daily teaching, teacher zhang keenly observed that students are mostly addicted to the melody of pop music, but have relatively little understanding of traditional music and classical music.
in order to enhance students' interest and ability in music appreciation, teacher zhang tried to incorporate ingenuity into her classes and designed a series of entertaining teaching activities. "take thunder and lightning polka as an example. i introduced the rhythmic movement part in the class, allowing students to experience the wonders of simulating natural phenomena in symphony by hitting their bodies and desks, making the class lively and interesting, allowing students to feel the charm of music while participating."
worries become reality, determined to break the "curse" of hereditary myopia in children
teacher zhang and his wife both suffer from moderate myopia and feel the inconveniences of myopia in their daily life and work. over the years, they have always paid attention to their daughter's vision, worrying that lang lang may have hereditary myopia. however, this worry seems to have become a "curse" that is difficult to break. as she grows older, lang lang's myopia becomes more and more serious, and her vision worsens very quickly. she had to wear myopia glasses in the third grade of elementary school.
in order to control the child's myopia, zhang and his wife have tried many methods. "we have tried many eye drops, taken the child out for outdoor sports, and searched online for pilot eye exercises." but zhang found that these intervention methods were slow to take effect, and it was even more difficult for the young lang lang to stick to them.
during a movie viewing event, teacher zhang learned about aier eye hospital. teacher zhang discovered that aier eye hospital is the organizer of the 19th world myopia conference in 2024 and is also the world's leading ophthalmic medical chain. at present, there are 881 aier eye hospital brand hospitals, ophthalmology centers and clinics around the world. xinhui aier eye hospital where teacher zhang works is also the xinhui district youth myopia prevention and control guidance center and science education base. after actual contact and multiple comparisons, teacher zhang finally decided to get glasses at aier eye hospital and intervene in myopia for lang lang as soon as possible.
according to ye qunru, deputy chief physician of the ophthalmology department and director of optometry and pediatric ophthalmology at xinhui aier eye hospital, lang lang was only 9 years old when he came to aier hospital for a checkup, but his myopia in both eyes was high, reaching 350 degrees, and his myopia was getting worse at a fast rate. there are many reasons for this. first, the child's early hyperopia reserve was insufficient, second, the influence of the eye environment and eye habits, and third, both parents were moderately myopic, and the possibility of genetic factors could not be ruled out. based on the child's situation, the doctor recommended that the child wear orthokeratology lenses.
according to reports, orthokeratology lenses, also known as ok lenses, are specially designed high-oxygen permeability contact lenses. their function is to effectively control the increase of myopia by physically shaping them at night. at the same time, orthokeratology lenses only need to be worn at night, and no glasses are needed during the day to have clear naked eye vision. according to the regulations of the health department, orthokeratology lenses, as a national class iii medical device, must be fitted in a medical institution with a "medical institution practice license", after a professional and comprehensive eye health examination and under the guidance of a professional ophthalmologist. when fitting orthokeratology lenses at aier eye hospital, there will be 14 specialized examinations, including slit lamp examination, eye position examination, vision examination, comprehensive optometry, intraocular pressure examination, tear film examination, corneal topography examination, etc. after the examination results are qualified, the doctor will "tailor" the lens parameters for the child according to the results.
ye qunru pointed out that the recommended age for wearing orthokeratology lenses is 8 years old or older. children of this age have certain hygiene and self-care abilities, and with the supervision and cooperation of their parents, they can often help teenagers form good and conscious vision correction habits. this is exactly what lang lang needs for vision intervention at this age.
build a "vision" defense line to protect the eye health of young people
at present, lang lang's myopia correction is in good condition, the degree of myopia in both eyes is under control, and he can study and exercise with naked eyes without frame glasses during the day. teacher zhang is pleased to see that after lang lang's glasses correction, he can not only consciously put on and take off orthokeratology lenses and cooperate with the correction, but also become more lively and confident in life. "the child always thought that frame glasses were unsightly and inconvenient before. now when i take her to outdoor sports, i no longer worry about the glasses falling off." this change makes teacher zhang full of hope for lang lang's future vision, and makes her more convinced of the importance of solving the problem of myopia in adolescents through scientific correction.
teacher zhang found that myopia has become a common problem among young people. in her class, only a few students are free from myopia. how to reduce the burden on students' eyes at home and in school and give young people a clear "vision" is an important issue that many teachers and parents like teacher zhang are concerned about.
ye qunru told reporters that targeted intervention is needed for adolescent eye health. according to the different vision conditions of children, parents can pay attention to the following points: for children who are not yet myopic or suspected of myopia (i.e., their vision has declined, but professional optometry results show that they are not yet myopic), prevention should be the main focus, and attention should be paid to cultivating good eye use and eye protection habits for children. at the same time, attention should be paid to balanced nutrition intake, and regular examinations should be consciously carried out to detect problems early; for adolescents who are already myopic, it is recommended to carry out optical intervention on the basis of the above measures, and supplement nutrients such as anthocyanins. for adolescents with high myopia, fundus examinations and follow-ups should be carried out regularly, and timely intervention should be carried out if problems are found. at the same time, be careful to prevent accidental damage to the eyes caused by strenuous exercise.
teacher zhang said that she has decided to take vision protection as an important task in lang lang's future study and life, and regularly takes the child to the aier eye hospital for follow-up examinations to track the effect of the child's myopia control. teacher zhang's words are full of beautiful visions and deep care for lang lang's future: "the child will have a wider world to see in the future, and a pair of healthy eyes is essential."
it is worth mentioning that the 19th international myopia conference (imc), hosted by aier eye hospital group, will be held in changsha and sanya from september 23 to 28. as an international academic event, more than 500 foreign experts and scholars from more than 50 countries and regions on six continents will come to china to exchange and share new concepts and research results in the field of myopia with their domestic counterparts.
the conference will focus on a number of topics including "global myopia discussion", "myopia risk factors", "myopia genetic research", "myopia animal and experimental models", etc. it will set up 11 free speech sessions, 9 special theme forums, a total of more than 80 academic speeches and more than 400 poster presentations. the richness of content and the scale of the conference are greater than in previous years.
text丨guo ziyang
video | liang zhengjie and yang yuanying
photo: liang zhengjie aier eye hospital