
she is the daughter "abandoned" by jackie chan, and now her revenge is even more "crazy" than expected


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the ups and downs of marriage crisis

jackie chan is a well-known figure in the entertainment industry. he is worth hundreds of billions and has had countless romantic affairs. at the beginning of his marriage to lin fengjiao, jackie chan actually didn't really want to marry lin fengjiao. however, lin fengjiao became pregnant, and jackie chan had no choice.

but no matter what he thought in his heart, the fact is that jackie chan and lin fengjiao gave birth to a son, "little dragon king" jaycee chan, soon after they got married. as a young master who grew up in luxury, jaycee chan has been spoiled since he was a child.

jackie chan dotes on him in every way and gives him all the good things to eat and do. but in the end, jaycee chan's greatest fortune is to have a loving and complete family.

however, just when jaycee chan was enjoying the love of his parents, an unexpected family change happened quietly. wu qili, a beauty who once won the title of "miss asia", revealed a shocking inside story that she was pregnant with jackie chan's child.

as soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar. after all, no one expected that jackie chan would make such a mistake. however, although wu qili was indeed pregnant at the time, jackie chan didn't care about it at all.

he declared that his relationship with his wife lin fengjiao was "rock solid." seeing the situation gradually getting out of control, wu qili, who had successfully stirred up a hornet's nest, complained to the media in a farce, hoping to force jackie chan to admit his mistakes through the pressure of public opinion.

unfortunately, she failed in the end. jackie chan was unwilling to admit that he was the biological father of the child. faced with the pressure of public opinion and jackie chan's indifference, wu qili gave birth to the daughter wu zhuolin, who caused family disputes.

painful growth experience

wu zhuolin was destined to an unfortunate fate from birth. as jackie chan firmly refused to acknowledge her as his biological daughter, wu qili could not get any financial support from jackie chan.

impoverished, wu qili could only take wu zhuolin back to her mother's home for help. but who would have thought that wu zhuolin would suffer even more hardship and pain here.

wu qili's mother was very upset about her daughter getting pregnant with jackie chan's illegitimate daughter. whenever she thought of this embarrassing experience, she would fly into a rage, punching and kicking, and targeting the innocent wu zhuolin.

the young wu zhuolin was transformed from a happy child into a gloomy, inferior, and fearful little girl under the beatings of her grandmother. she was often physically and verbally abused and lived in dire straits.

wu qili's violence towards her daughter continued unabated. she seemed to vent all her dissatisfaction and anger towards jackie chan on wu zhuolin. under the destruction of this family environment, wu zhuolin's psychological quality suffered a serious trauma.

she began to self-harm and abuse herself, and even attempted suicide several times, eventually suffering from severe depression. in addition to being abused at home, wu zhuolin also lived a difficult life outside.

love in despair

because she was an "illegitimate daughter", she was discriminated against, bullied and isolated by other students in school. wu zhuolin was tortured and devastated by the double attack of family and school, and gradually became more and more autistic and withdrawn.

she was lost and in pain, but no one understood or loved her. she thought her life would change for the better many years later. but before long, she found that her situation did not improve, and her emotional instability worsened.

wu zhuolin, who was devastated, finally couldn't stand it anymore and reported the case to the police. however, despite the report, wu qili soon returned home. wu qili believed that this was all for the good of her daughter.

faced with this inhuman living environment, wu zhuolin's mental condition deteriorated. her depression became more serious, and her thoughts of self-harm and suicide became stronger. she seemed to have turned a deaf ear to the appeals and advice of her family and friends.

when wu zhuolin's life was on the verge of extinction, a turning point finally appeared. wu zhuolin met and fell in love with a canadian internet celebrity andi.

the two soon lived together, and wu zhuolin finally had a temporary way out. she left wu qili's clutches and started a new life with her girlfriend. however, the good times did not last long. after only a few months, she and her girlfriend were penniless.

facing reality, she seeks help online and claims to be jackie chan's daughter

wu zhuolin suffered a severe blow again. she became a homeless vagrant and could only survive by queuing up on the street to receive relief food. the difficult situation of being homeless once again pushed wu zhuolin into despair.

after all this, wu zhuolin's physical and mental state was on the verge of collapse. she often cried to her girlfriend and her body was weak due to malnutrition.

wu zhuolin's psychology has suffered irreparable trauma. although she later had the love of her girlfriend, she was eventually defeated by the reality. wu zhuolin struggled for food and clothing every day.

the severe winter weather left her battered by wind and rain, and her body was weakening every day. even more frightening was that her mental state was also beginning to show serious problems.

in this desperate situation, wu zhuolin's only hope is the internet. she posted a message for help online, hoping to arouse the attention and help of some kind-hearted people.

"hello everyone, i am wu zhuolin, i am jackie chan's daughter, i am currently living with my girlfriend, and i am living a life of hunger and cold..." the video for help begins. meanwhile, wu qili, the biological mother who abandoned wu zhuolin, is living a completely different life.

after years of struggle and pain, wu qili finally let go of her obsession with jackie chan and started to live a new life. in contrast, wu qili's abandoned daughter wu zhuolin struggles for food and clothing every day.

the cold weather made her body weaker, and the psychological trauma also made her often sad and autistic. faced with the sad life of jackie chan's illegitimate daughter, the voice of public opinion finally began to rise.

the responsibility cannot be shirked. the child is innocent.

many people are blaming jackie chan, believing that as a father, he should take more responsibility for his daughter's situation. however, despite the strong voice of public opinion, jackie chan still ignores his daughter wu zhuolin.

in his opinion, this matter has long passed, and he does not want to be entangled in this old matter. facing the condemnation of the society, jackie chan has not made any positive response so far. what is the purpose of life? for fame and fortune or for happiness?

the story between jackie chan and his daughter wu zhuolin may give us some inspiration. no matter how high one's wealth and status are, if one lacks the most basic human care, one may never be able to achieve true happiness.