
the ugly man in ancient costume is here again. hong xin's son was ridiculed during filming. "liu yuning" should let the audience go.


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zhang haolian's styling in "the lotus flower" caused controversy, and the competition between appearance and acting skills in the entertainment industry escalated again!

in this colorful entertainment industry, every actor is fighting for his dream and career. today, the protagonist we are going to talk about is hong xin's son, zhang haolian. he has once again entered everyone's field of vision because of his participation in the costume drama "the tribulation of the blue lotus". however, this time, he did not attract attention because of his mother's halo, but because of his costume style, which aroused heated discussions among netizens.

when it comes to handsome men in ancient costumes, the images of male gods such as hu ge and huo jianhua may come to mind. they have thick eyebrows, big eyes, and sharp edges. when they wear ancient costumes, they look like they have walked out of a painting. however, in recent years, the image of handsome men in ancient costumes seems to have "turned over". first, liu yuning's look in "one thought at the passing mountain" was complained as "the plague of domestic entertainment", and then hu yitian's performance in the new version of "flower without a clearance" was also shocking. even the former handsome man in ancient costumes, peter ho, had an unacceptable look in "sui sui qing lian". this wave of "turnover" scenes made many netizens sigh: are handsome men in ancient costumes really going to become extinct?

at this time, zhang haolian's "blue lotus tribulation" look also sparked heated discussions among netizens. to be honest, zhang haolian's appearance is not outstanding in the entertainment industry, and can even be said to be a bit ordinary. his facial features are not three-dimensional, his eyes are not big, and he looks a bit "ordinary" after wearing ancient costumes. especially the seemingly ordinary hair crown, not only did not improve his appearance, but ruthlessly exposed his facial defects. netizens complained that his look was "ugly to the sky", and some even said that he looked like liu yuning, who also suffered a waterloo in a costume drama.

faced with such doubts and complaints, zhang haolian did not choose to remain silent or avoid them. he responded frankly on social media: "i know my appearance is not the best, but i have been working hard to improve my acting skills." although this response is simple, it reveals his dedication and persistence in his acting career. he did not give up because of his low appearance, but chose to conquer the audience with his acting skills.

in fact, in the entertainment industry, appearance and acting skills have always been a controversial topic. some people believe that appearance is the face of an actor and the first factor in attracting the audience. some people believe that acting skills are the core competitiveness of an actor, and only with strong acting skills can one gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. so, for zhang haolian, how does he view this issue?

in my opinion, zhang haolian's choice is undoubtedly wise. he knows that his appearance is not an advantage, so he does not rely too much on his appearance to attract the audience. on the contrary, he pays more attention to improving his acting skills and soft skills. he understands that only with strong acting skills can he go further in the entertainment industry. this choice not only makes him more focused on his acting career, but also makes him more down-to-earth and wins more people's love.

of course, zhang haolian's acting skills were not so outstanding at the beginning. he has also experienced countless setbacks and failures, but he has never given up. he has been working hard to learn acting skills, attending various acting training classes, and asking old actors for advice. his hard work and persistence finally allowed him to have a good performance in "the tribulation of the blue lotus". although his costume style has been complained about, his acting skills have been recognized by many people.

in addition to improving his acting skills, zhang haolian also pays great attention to interacting with fans. he often shares his life and work on social media to keep in close contact with fans. such interactions not only allow him to better understand the needs and preferences of fans, but also make him more down-to-earth, winning more people's love and support.

netizens have different opinions on zhang haolian's performance in "the lotus tribulation". some people think that his acting skills are not bad, at least much better than some actors who can only stare. some people think that his ancient costume is too ugly and does not meet the standard of ancient costume handsome men. some people even joked: "this look is simply a loud slap in the face of the ancient costume handsome men!"

however, no matter what the netizens say, zhang haolian chooses to face it calmly. he knows that as an actor, the most important thing is to speak with his works and acting skills. he believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will be able to carve out a place for himself in the entertainment industry.

in fact, the competition between appearance and acting skills in the entertainment industry is nothing new. every actor has his own strengths and weaknesses. the key is how to play to his strengths and make up for his weaknesses. for zhang haolian, although he does not have outstanding appearance, he has solid acting skills and unremitting efforts. this is the foundation for his foothold in the entertainment industry.

moreover, we have to admit that the current aesthetic standards have become more and more diversified. the image of a handsome man in ancient costume with thick eyebrows, big eyes and sharp edges is no longer the only standard. people now pay more attention to the overall temperament and acting skills of the actors, not just their appearance. this is also one of the reasons why zhang haolian can gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

of course, for zhang haolian, he still has a long way to go. he needs to continue to work hard to improve his acting skills and soft skills, constantly challenge himself, and try more different roles and styles. only in this way can he go further in the entertainment industry and become a truly powerful actor.

at the same time, we should also give young actors more tolerance and understanding. they are still in the process of growth and need our support and encouragement. only in this way can they face challenges and difficulties more confidently and bring us more wonderful works.

in general, although zhang haolian's performance in "the lotus tribulation" has caused some controversy and complaints, his honesty and hard work have won the respect and love of many people. he has proved with his actions that in the entertainment industry, appearance is not the only criterion, acting skills and hard work are the most important. this spirit is worth learning and reference for each of us.