
"my shaoshan trip" welcomes the new semester with new content. the daily reception capacity of the red study project has been increased to 4,000 people


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huasheng online, september 19 (reporter jiang rui from all media) today, middle school students from xiangtan and shaoyang held the opening ceremony of the 2024 "my shaoshan trip" hunan province primary and secondary school red research and study fall semester at mao zedong square in shaoshan. it is understood that after a series of expansions and quality improvements during the summer vacation, the daily reception capacity of the red research and study project has been increased to 4,000 people.
he lang, member of the standing committee of the shaoshan municipal party committee and minister of the propaganda department, introduced that in order to meet the goal of receiving 4,000 people a day, the city has revitalized and utilized three idle school assets, integrated one socialized research and study base, and built a standard research and study camp to meet the accommodation and teaching needs of research and study teachers and students. at the same time, the research and study teaching staff has been expanded, with more than 100 teachers for research and study courses and 60 new research and study assistants.
in the new semester, the red study course has been fully upgraded. after in-depth research by multiple departments, the study course will be carried out in the form of a large ideological and political course and a combination of exhibition and teaching, in accordance with the "1+3" curriculum system. among them, a large ideological and political course includes "five ones" activities, namely, an opening ceremony at mao zedong square, a large ideological and political course "just in the prime of life", a situational teaching class at comrade mao zedong's former residence, a visit and experience class at the exhibition area of ​​comrade mao zedong memorial hall, and a theme class meeting. the three exhibition and teaching classes, focusing on the three themes of "learning from the great man's hard work, learning from the great man's feelings for his country, and learning from the great man's spirit of reading", were held in the special exhibition area of ​​shaoshan comrade mao zedong memorial hall, the dripping cave scenic area, shaoshan mao zedong library, shaoshan special branch of the communist party of china, shaoshan school gate tower, shaoshan martyrs cemetery, shaoshan mao zedong youth statue park and other places.
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