
the real estate financing coordination mechanism project was implemented in huaxia north branch to help the real estate market develop steadily


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on september 20, shell finance reporter learned from hua xia bank beijing branch that the bank is rapidly promoting the implementation of the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism project. so far, it has successfully approved 1.35 billion yuan of projects on the coordination mechanism's "white list" and issued a total of 700 million yuan in loans.
on february 6 this year, the national financial regulatory bureau held a special meeting on "further deployment and implementation of related work of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism", proposed a "white list" of real estate projects and pushed it to commercial banks. commercial banks responded positively and effectively connected with the project list. a batch of new financing and loan extensions have been provided to meet the reasonable financing needs of different real estate projects.
it is reported that since the establishment of the real estate financing coordination mechanism, china everbright bank beijing branch has actively responded to relevant policies and stepped up efforts to promote the stable and healthy development of the beijing real estate market.
respond immediately to the designated person of huaxia north branch to be responsible for the financing of relevant projects
since the beginning of this year, china everbright bank beijing branch has accelerated the approval and implementation of "white list" projects in accordance with market-oriented and rule-of-law principles to support the reasonable financing needs of projects.
"after receiving the 'white list' pushed by the financial regulatory bureau, hua xia bank's beijing branch immediately organized business units to connect, investigate and follow up." relevant staff of hua xia bank's beijing branch introduced that the bank also established a special working group headed by the branch president, which is responsible for the specific implementation of the branch's real estate financing coordination work, and designated a special person to be responsible for this work.
it is reported that since the implementation of the coordination mechanism, hua xia north branch has deeply understood the significance of the coordination mechanism, strived to grasp the connotation and requirements of the coordination mechanism, resolutely implemented the work requirements of the regulatory authorities, and made every effort to promote project delivery by optimizing work processes and strengthening personnel support investment.
huaxia bank beijing branch has simplified some business links on the basis of ensuring compliance through the linkage between the head office and branches, effectively shortening the business process. the bank also provides preferential pricing to enterprises to help them reduce financing costs and ensure the normal operation of projects. in addition, the bank has also established an internal coordination mechanism, opened a green channel, and coordinated the rapid implementation of projects.
in fact, the move by hua xia bank beijing branch is also to further respond to the requirements of relevant regulatory authorities. the national financial regulatory bureau previously required that all commercial banks should actively connect with the coordination mechanism, conduct timely review of the list of real estate projects pushed, speed up credit approval, and "fulfill all reasonable financing needs". all commercial banks should establish a special working mechanism, optimize the loan approval process, refine the due diligence exemption regulations, guide and urge all branches to strengthen the research on real estate projects in their jurisdictions, and fully grasp the situation.
continued follow-up projects will increase support for real estate projects in beijing
since the beginning of this year, the state administration of financial supervision has continued to guide financial institutions to provide real estate financing services through multiple channels, making full use of various policy measures including the urban coordination mechanism, and maintaining a steady growth in financing for the real estate industry by banking institutions.
some industry insiders believe that looking ahead to the future, accelerating the implementation of urban real estate financing coordination mechanism projects will still be one of the important work directions for banking and financial institutions to resolve risks.
hua xia bank beijing branch stated that it will continue to adhere to the principles of marketization and rule of law, continue to follow up on the white list projects of the coordination mechanism, firmly establish its strategic positioning as "beijing's bank", play the role of a vanguard of municipal banks, and increase support for real estate projects in beijing.
in terms of project selection, hua xia bank beijing branch pointed out that the bank will strictly evaluate the "white list" projects in accordance with the "5 conditions + 5 standards" and meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate companies of different ownership structures equally.
in addition, hua xia bank beijing branch also pointed out that the bank will also implement the spirit of the documents of the municipal party committee, municipal government and relevant departments as soon as possible, provide financial services to enterprises in accordance with requirements and with high efficiency, better implement the coordination mechanism, and contribute to the stable and healthy development of beijing's real estate market.
by jiang fan
editor yan xia
proofread by chen diyan