
qisi lu | may the voice of peace spread to every corner of the world


한어Русский языкEnglishFrançaisIndonesianSanskrit日本語DeutschPortuguêsΕλληνικάespañolItalianoSuomalainenLatina lightning news, september 19th: china holds a meeting to discuss peace, while the united states holds a meeting to discuss war. in july this year, during the 10th nishan forum on world civilizations held in qufu, shandong, jeffrey sachs, a professor at columbia university, made such a thought-provoking comparison in his speech on the spot.
at that time, china invited nearly 400 international guests from 63 countries to the hometown of confucius to discuss ways for the harmonious coexistence of world civilizations; while on the other side of the earth, the nato washington summit was issuing a declaration exaggerating the tension in the asia-pacific region and was full of cold war mentality and belligerent rhetoric.
as un secretary-general guterres mentioned, "the foundations of a peaceful world are being shaken, geopolitical divisions are widening, inequality is growing, and false information is fanning the flames of hatred." but despite this, peace remains an issue we strive for.
before the arrival of this year's "international peace day", the peace bell once again rang at the united nations headquarters, conveying the voice of peace to the world.
from september 19 to 21, the 2024 international peace day commemoration activities were held in jinan and weifang, shandong. the commemoration activities were jointly organized by the chinese people's association for peace and disarmament and the people's government of shandong province, with the theme of "adhere to a shared destiny and work together to build a world of peaceful coexistence". this year, more than 120 guests and representatives from more than 100 political organizations, peace groups, and security think tanks from more than 80 countries in asia, africa, latin america, europe, and the united states attended the meeting, and some national dignitaries and former dignitaries were invited to attend. during the commemoration activities, various methods such as artistic performances, field visits, and dialogues and exchanges will be used to enhance mutual understanding between different countries and civilizations and build a consensus on peace.
on the stone tablet in front of the unesco headquarters building, there is an inscription in multiple languages: "wars begin in the minds of men, so it is in the minds of men that the barriers to peace must be constructed." the concept of a culture of peace is not just about "ending war"; it is the sum of a set of values, attitudes, traditions, behaviors and lifestyles that encompasses the promotion of non-violence, the promotion of human rights and freedoms, the promotion of gender equality and respect for freedom of speech.
let us turn our attention to the venue of this year's international peace day commemorations -
in recent years, shandong has made great efforts to promote the "five friends" of friendship cities, schools, enterprises, media and people, make friends overseas, expand the international "circle of friends", actively promote dialogue between different civilizations, and inject more "certainty" into the "uncertainty" in the world's changes. for example, the international youth exchange conference has been held for three consecutive years to build a platform for friendly exchanges for young people, so that young people from different countries can understand each other in mutual learning and mutual reference; such as the successful holding of the 10th nishan civilization forum, which better refines the wisdom of ancient and modern culture, eastern and western civilizations, and answers the propositions of the times. it can be said that shandong is becoming a vibrant field that attracts the collision of diverse values. not long ago, the shanghai cooperation organization women's forum kicked off in qingdao, focusing on the theme of "digital empowerment and women's participation in the economy", witnessing the power of women to promote the building of a community with a shared future; weifang, one of the venues for this commemorative event, became my country's second "international peace city" as early as 2021, learning from history and letting the trauma of war bloom into the flower of peace in the contemporary era.
this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china and the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the five principles of peaceful coexistence.
70 years ago, the five principles of peaceful coexistence, which were first fully proposed and advocated by china, namely mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence, were officially promulgated. this declared a peace-keeping declaration to the international community and proposed a solution for peacefully resolving various disputes among countries with different systems, among socialist countries, and even in the international community.
over the past 70 years, china has actively participated in international affairs and promoted global development and cooperation, breaking the slander of some countries that china wants to "seize the world leadership in asia and africa". in an interview this year, american scholar graham allison, who first proposed the concept of "thucydides trap" in sino-us relations and warned the two countries of the possibility of potential conflict, said that he believed that the view of "you are in me, i am in you" mentioned by china on many diplomatic occasions provided a way to avoid the "thucydides trap". china's ideas and practices of promoting peace have become more firm over time, allowing the international community to see china's determination to maintain peace.
in china, the concept of "harmony among all nations, unity and mutual assistance, and one family under heaven" has been continuously inherited and evolved with the development of chinese civilization. the value of "harmony" can still shine in the current world changes. from "people-oriented" to "benevolent people love others", from "harmony but differences" to "be kind to neighbors", the ancient sayings that chinese people recited in childhood will eventually become the code of conduct for adults, and finally condense into a country that always cares about the future of mankind and the well-being of the people, adheres to the original intention of equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence, and promotes the common values ​​of all mankind.
lightning news reporter wang siqi reports