
the "hong kong meicheng mooncake" incident continues to ferment! official announcement: a joint investigation team has been established to verify the issues related to the "three sheep"


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on september 19, the hefei municipal market supervision administration issued a situation report stating that in response to recent issues involving three sheep network technology co., ltd. reflected on the internet, the hefei municipal market supervision administration has established a joint investigation team with the bureau of commerce, public security bureau and other departments to investigate and handle the matter in accordance with the law and regulations, and resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

recently, the "hong kong high-end mooncakes" promoted and sold by "crazy xiao yangge" in the live broadcast room attracted attention due to false advertising. on september 17, the hefei authorities issued a notice saying that they had opened a case against the three sheep.

on september 17, the hefei high-tech zone market supervision and administration bureau issued a situation report: recently, the "hong kong meicheng mooncakes" sold by three sheep network technology co., ltd. through live streaming has attracted attention. three sheep network technology co., ltd. has been investigated for suspected "misleading consumers" and other behaviors in live streaming, and will be dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations based on the results of the investigation. our bureau has repeatedly interviewed and urged companies to standardize their business practices in conjunction with relevant departments, and will resolutely investigate and deal with illegal and irregular behaviors in live streaming by companies in accordance with the law.

edited by ye zhiqiu

[source: jiupai news comprehensive hefei market supervision, hefei high-tech news]

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