
「video」attention, the brake lights of the car in front are on!


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yangzi evening news reported on september 19 (reporter guo yipeng, correspondent su jiaoxuan) recently, on the nanjing section of the shanghai-wuhan expressway, the driver chen was distracted while driving and crashed directly into a black car that was slowing down in front of him. under the huge impact force, the black car then crashed forward into the vehicle in front of it, causing a traffic accident in which three vehicles were damaged to varying degrees. fortunately, the drivers and passengers of the three vehicles were wearing seat belts and were not seriously injured.
in response to this accident, the traffic police said that you must concentrate when driving, observe road conditions at all times, pay attention to the dynamics of the vehicle in front and the driving conditions of surrounding vehicles, maintain a safe distance, strictly abide by the distance requirements stipulated on the highway, and maintain a reasonable distance from the vehicle in front based on the speed to leave yourself enough reaction time and braking distance.
what is a "safe distance"? a safe distance refers to the necessary distance that a vehicle behind should maintain from the vehicle in front to avoid an accidental collision. generally speaking, the faster the speed and the heavier the vehicle, the longer the safe distance.
so, is there any legal stipulation for safe vehicle distance? article 43 of the road traffic safety law of the people's republic of china stipulates: motor vehicles traveling in the same lane should keep a safe distance from the front vehicle sufficient to take emergency braking measures. article 80 of the regulations for the implementation of the road traffic safety law of the people's republic of china stipulates: when a motor vehicle is traveling on an expressway at a speed exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, it should keep a distance of more than 100 meters from the front vehicle in the same lane. when the speed is less than 100 kilometers per hour, the distance from the front vehicle in the same lane can be appropriately shortened, but the minimum distance shall not be less than 50 meters.
how to correctly judge the distance between vehicles is still a big "challenge" for some drivers. traffic police remind that on highways, the distance between each set of virtual and real lane dividing lines is 15 meters, and you should keep a distance of about 7 sets from the vehicle in front during normal driving. when the speed is lower than 100km/h, you should keep a distance of at least 5 sets. you can also pay attention to the distance confirmation signs and distance confirmation auxiliary lines to maintain a safe distance.
proofread by sheng yuanyuan