
"da jun talks about the people's congress no. 49" several important work meetings and celebration meetings in the history of guizhou people's congress


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in january 1980, the standing committee of the guizhou provincial people's congress was established. how to exercise power is a process of continuous exploration and innovation.
at the beginning of the provincial people's congress work conference (experience exchange meeting), the first thing to solve is the ideological and cognitive problems of the new members of the leadership teams of local people's congresses at all levels. the majority of the members of the leadership teams of local people's congresses at all levels have just retired from the leadership teams of the "one government and two courts" and switched to work in the people's congresses. many of them do not know much about the nature, status, powers and role of the local people's congresses. they often think that the people's congress is a second-line institution, a talk shop, a rubber stamp, and an honorary arrangement before retirement. the so-called "old comrades should not be afraid, if not the cppcc, go to the people's congress" was a common reflection in society at that time.
therefore, the first things to be resolved when convening a provincial people's congress work conference (experience exchange meeting) are these ideological and cognitive issues.
from december 5 to 11, 1985, a provincial people's congress work experience exchange meeting was held in guiyang. hu jintao, then secretary of the cpc guizhou provincial committee, spoke at the meeting. the participants had a serious discussion on the understanding of the work of the standing committee of the people's congress and how to do a good job in the work of the standing committee of the people's congress, and exchanged the situation and experience of the work of the people's congress. the participants improved their understanding of the nature, status, powers and role of the people's congress and its standing committee, corrected some wrong views, strengthened their confidence and sense of responsibility in doing a good job in the work of the people's congress, and also focused on how to adapt to the needs of reform and opening up and the four modernizations and strengthen the construction of democracy and the rule of law.
from june 6 to 10, 1988, the standing committee of the provincial people's congress held the second provincial people's congress work conference in guiyang. zhang yuhuan, chairman of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, and wang chaowen, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, delivered speeches. the characteristic of this conference was that it was made clear that there was no leadership relationship between the people's congresses at different levels. according to the law, the provincial people's congress and its standing committee had a supervisory and supervised relationship with the people's congresses at the prefecture, city, and county levels, and also a guiding relationship in some aspects. they should strengthen contact and close relations. the standing committee of the provincial people's congress should help the county-level people's congresses solve practical difficulties in terms of imperfect institutions, office space, dormitories, vehicles, and funds.
from november 10 to 13, 1994, the third provincial people's congress work conference was held in guiyang. wang chaowen, chairman of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, delivered a speech. he proposed to speed up the pace of local legislation, especially economic legislation. guide ethnic autonomous regions to improve autonomous regulations and formulate separate regulations to promote economic construction and development of various undertakings in ethnic autonomous regions. take various effective ways to carry out supervision, continue to carry out performance appraisal work, conduct law enforcement inspections in a focused manner, put law enforcement inspections on an equal footing with legislation, and work together from top to bottom to make great efforts to change the situation where people do not know the law, do not enforce it when they know it, and do not enforce it strictly. governor chen shineng attended the meeting and made a speech entitled "consciously accept the supervision of the people's congress, perform government duties in accordance with the law, and promote reform, development and stability in the province."
on december 7, 1999, the first provincial symposium on the work of the people's congress was held in guiyang. the main task of this meeting was to adhere to and implement the basic strategy of governing the country according to law, summarize the work of the people's congress of guizhou province after 1980, further clarify the guiding ideology and main tasks of the work of the people's congress under the new situation, better play the role of local state power organs, and make new contributions to promoting the rule of law in the province and achieving the grand goal of enriching the people and revitalizing guizhou.
from september 17 to 18, 2001, the fourth provincial people's congress work conference was held in guiyang, and qian yunlu, then secretary of the provincial party committee, delivered a speech. the provincial party committee made the "decision on strengthening the work of the people's congress". the decision believes that in order to achieve the grand goal of enriching the people and revitalizing guizhou, it is necessary to uphold, improve and implement the people's congress system, and further play the important role of local power organs in deepening reform, promoting development and maintaining stability. the work of the people's congress should be included in the important agenda, and the work report of the party group of the standing committee of the people's congress should be heard at least once every six months to discuss and study major issues in the work of the people's congress. the relevant persons in charge of the working bodies of the people's congress and its standing committee should be notified to participate in the relevant work meetings held by the party committee. the system of the main person in charge of the party committee contacting the work of the people's congress should continue to be adhered to. after each term of office of the provincial people's congress, the provincial party committee shall hold a provincial people's congress work conference during the term of office of that people's congress.
the fifth provincial people's congress work conference was held in guiyang from september 7 to 8, 2006. shi zongyuan, then secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the provincial people's congress standing committee, spoke at the conference, emphasizing the need to further uphold and improve the people's congress system, strengthen and improve the party's leadership over the work of the people's congress, better play the role of the people's congresses at all levels and their standing committees in the province, effectively strengthen the construction of socialist democracy and the rule of law in guizhou province, vigorously promote the rule of law, and strive to achieve a historic leap in guizhou's economic and social development.
on november 12, 2011, the sixth provincial people's congress work conference was held in guiyang. li zhanshu, then secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the provincial people's congress standing committee, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. he pointed out that the work of the people's congress occupies a very important position in the overall development situation and is the basic way to build socialist political civilization and realize the people's mastery of their own affairs. the work of the people's congress is not a "second line", but is at the "front line" of performing duties in accordance with the law, serving development, and promoting harmony. its status and role are very special and irreplaceable; it has different division of labor with the party committee and the government, the same responsibilities, different paths, the same goals, different responsibilities, and the same mission. it is also an important force in promoting the construction of democracy and the rule of law and promoting leapfrog development.
on the morning of september 15, 2014, the guizhou provincial party committee and the standing committee of the provincial people's congress held a grand meeting in guiyang to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the national people's congress. zhao kezhi, secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the standing committee of the provincial people's congress, spoke at the meeting. he stressed that we must earnestly study and implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech at the meeting celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the national people's congress, and under the strong leadership of the party central committee, we must firmly believe in the path, theory and system of socialism with chinese characteristics, adhere to and improve the people's congress system, better organize and mobilize cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in the province to strive to accelerate the catch-up of latecomers and build a well-off society in an all-round way in sync with the rest of the country, and write a good guizhou chapter of the chinese dream.
on september 23, 2020, the first provincial party committee people's congress work conference was held. the provincial party committee issued the "opinions of the guizhou provincial party committee on strengthening the work and construction of the people's congress in the new era".
on february 17, 2022, the second provincial party committee's people's congress work conference was held, and the provincial party committee issued the "implementation opinions of the guizhou provincial party committee on upholding and improving the people's congress system, strengthening and improving the people's congress work in the new era, and promoting the transformation of institutional advantages into governance effectiveness". chen yiqin, then secretary of the provincial party committee and chairman of the provincial people's congress standing committee, delivered a speech. she pointed out that general secretary xi jinping's important speech at the central people's congress work conference profoundly answered a series of major theoretical and practical issues in upholding and improving the people's congress system in the new era. it is a political declaration to unswervingly follow the path of political development of socialism with chinese characteristics. it is a comprehensive summary of the country's fundamental political system from exploration and establishment to improvement and development. it is the latest achievement of our party's continuous inheritance and development of marxist state theory and people's democratic thought. it is an action guide to promote the innovative development of the people's congress work in the new era, and it is a programmatic document shining with the light of marxism and full of the power of marxist truth. we must consciously implement it in a deep understanding, deepen our understanding in resolute implementation, and truly implement the spirit of general secretary xi jinping's important speech and the decisions and arrangements of the party central committee.
(the author of this article is zhou dajun, director of the publicity department of the general office of the standing committee of the guizhou provincial people's congress)
source: guizhou legal news
editor: zhou zhige
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