
a national "big plan", why should anhui be the first?


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"not only has the amount of the guaranteed loan been increased to 30 million, but the financing cost has also been reduced a lot. the loan that our company needs to bear plus the guarantee interest rate is less than 2.2% in total, which has met the production and operation needs of our technology manufacturing company in a timely manner." recently, zhang long, financial manager of hefei zhongding information technology co., ltd. said.

when raising funds, technology companies are more likely to face the problem of "difficulty in financing" due to the reality that they have few assets, low fixed assets, few collaterals, and the traditional financial support model emphasizes mortgages and corporate assets.

the "special guarantee plan for scientific and technological innovation" came into being.

this is a major plan implemented nationwide to support the development of technology companies, but anhui ranks first in the country in terms of financing guarantee and re-guarantee support amounts.

this is first and foremost a plan to enhance the credit financing for technology companies, giving full play to the role of government financing guarantees in "credit enhancement, risk sharing, and intermediation", leveraging more financial resources to support the development of small and medium-sized technological innovation companies, and alleviating the difficulties and high costs of financing for companies.

in anhui, this plan is producing even greater spillover effects. while enhancing the credit of technology companies, it is also using it as a lever to leverage the linkage between financing guarantees and equity investments, and between short-term loans and long-term investments. it is becoming an important "incision" for developing patient capital and guiding early investment, small investment, long-term investment, and technology investment.

in the pricing model of long-term investments, the project itself is often not the main risk premium factor. foreseeable and visible certainty is often more critical.

the special guarantee plan for scientific and technological innovation, while "sharing the risk" for bank loans, has also released a clear and strong support orientation with firm real money investment, giving patient capital and long-termism the sense of stability they need. perhaps it is precisely because of this that anhui has put a lot of effort into this major plan.


recently, many technology companies like zhongding information technology have successfully obtained new loans, thanks to the rapid implementation of the "special guarantee plan for technological innovation" in anhui.

after the ministry of finance and other four ministries recently issued the "notice on the implementation of a special guarantee plan to support technological innovation", the anhui provincial department of finance, together with relevant provincial departments, quickly guided the government financing guarantee and re-guarantee institutions under its jurisdiction to accelerate the implementation of the special guarantee plan for technological innovation.

guarantee institutions within the system proactively connect with small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in technological innovation, publicize policy content, survey and understand the financing needs of enterprises, actively promote them to partner banks, and promote the implementation of guaranteed loans.

it is worth mentioning that in this plan, the upper limit of the guarantee amount for a single household was raised from 10 million yuan to 30 million yuan, and the scope of re-guarantee support was expanded from small and micro enterprises to small, medium and micro enterprises, effectively alleviating the financing pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of technological innovation.

"in the past, with collateral, the maximum loan amount we could get was 20 million. this time, we went for a credit loan and got a loan of 30 million. the cost is also very low. the previous loan interest rate was about 3.45%, but this time it was less than 2.2%." zhang long said that the loan was also disbursed very quickly. it only took 2-3 days from application to the guarantee company's agreement to guarantee and then to the bank lending. the entire online process is very convenient.

as a technology-based enterprise, zhongding information technology co., ltd. mainly engages in logistics automation and product information technology related businesses. the company is under great pressure on working capital and its r&d expenses are increasing year by year.

"last year, we spent more than 9 million yuan on research and development, and this year it is expected to reach about 15 million yuan. we need sufficient funds to support r&d and innovation expenses, and to continuously update products and technologies, so that the company can have sustainable vitality," said zhang long.

at present, hundreds of enterprises have benefited from this policy. as of the end of august, anhui has provided special financing guarantees and re-guarantee support of 2.145 billion yuan for 513 science and technology innovation smes included in the list management system, and successfully registered with the national financing guarantee fund, accounting for 63% of the national share, ranking first in the country.

borrowing money is not difficult

‌lending to technology companies does involve great risks. how can we improve corporate credit, increase the enthusiasm of guarantee institutions for small and medium-sized technological innovation companies, and encourage banks to invest more financial resources in the field of technological innovation?

at present, the country has established the national financing guarantee fund and built a three-tier organizational system consisting of the national guarantee fund, provincial reinsurance institutions, and municipal (county) direct guarantee institutions, achieving full coverage of municipal institutions and county-level business across the country.

among them, the national guarantee fund and provincial reinsurance agencies will share part of the loan risks accordingly, reducing the risks borne by guarantee agencies and banks.

in principle, the government financing guarantee system and banks share the risk responsibility of loans in accordance with the "20:80" risk sharing. that is, the bank bears a risk of no less than 20% of the loan amount, and the guarantee system (i.e., the national guarantee fund, provincial reinsurance institutions, and guarantee institutions) shares the remaining 80% of the risk. in addition, according to the different qualifications of the service enterprises, the risks that the guarantee institutions need to bear are also dynamically adjusted within a reasonable range.

such credit enhancement has improved the credit level of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and the enthusiasm of banks and guarantee institutions has been significantly enhanced.

what role do provincial reinsurance agencies play in the guarantee system?

"the guarantee risk sharing ratio will be clearly divided. for those who have successfully applied for registration with the national financing guarantee fund, the provincial reinsurance agency will first assume the reinsurance responsibility." a relevant person in charge of the financial department of the anhui provincial department of finance introduced.

in the process of promoting the accelerated development of the financing guarantee industry, it is mainly the provincial-level reinsurance institutions that take the lead in improving the construction of the government financing guarantee system, connecting with the support policies of the national financing guarantee fund upward, consolidating the strength of government financing guarantee institutions downward, and connecting horizontally with government departments and cooperative banks.

then, through "credit enhancement, risk sharing, standardization and guidance", we will drive government-owned financing guarantee institutions across the province to work together to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and other real economies.

it can be said that provincial reinsurance institutions are an important part of the "national efforts to promote the establishment of a government financing guarantee system."

investment and guarantee linkage

the rapid implementation of the "special guarantee plan for technological innovation" has greatly enhanced the availability of guaranteed loans for technological innovation enterprises.

the coverage of benefiting enterprises has expanded, the guarantee premium rate has decreased, the guarantee amount and risk sharing ratio have increased, which has effectively enhanced the enthusiasm of guarantee institutions, cooperative banks, and small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of technological innovation.

in addition, the state also encourages innovative business linkage models. under the premise of compliance with laws and regulations and controllable risks, it encourages qualified government financing guarantee and re-guarantee institutions to explore linkage models between technological innovation guarantees and equity investment institutions, and to drive various types of financial capital and social investment to provide full-life cycle technological financial services for technological innovation enterprises.

"in the next step, we will explore investment and guarantee linkage with provincial theme fund groups and angel fund groups to guide more financial capital and social capital to provide financial support for our province's science and technology innovation enterprises." a relevant person in charge of the finance department of the anhui provincial department of finance said.

specifically, anhui will give full play to the role of provincial themes, angel fund groups and government financing guarantee systems, focus on the differentiated financing needs of angel round, seed stage, start-up stage and growth stage science and technology innovation enterprises, and explore ways to share projects, recognize due diligence, exchange information, share talents, and learn from experience to achieve complementary advantages between guarantee institutions and investment institutions.

in this way, long-term capital and short-term loans are effectively combined, equity investment and financing guarantee loans are linked, and through the comprehensive financial innovation service model of "technology + capital + credit enhancement", anhui's science and technology innovation enterprises will be fully nurtured and expanded. (jianghuai observation wechat account)
