
changsha bank to welcome first female president


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who will take over the position of president of hunan's largest corporate bank? on the afternoon of september 17, changsha bank issued an announcement that the board of directors agreed to appoint zhang man as the bank's president. zhang man's subsequent qualifications as president must be approved by the hunan regulatory bureau of the state financial supervision and administration administration.
financial "female general" zhang man is currently the vice president of changsha bank. according to information, zhang man was born in may 1972, has a bachelor's degree, a master's degree in business administration, and is an intermediate accountant and an intermediate economist. she has served as deputy director of the business department, director of the customer department, and vice president of the changsha county branch of the agricultural bank of china, president of the xingcheng branch of changsha bank, and director of the preparatory office of hunan changyin 58 consumer finance co., ltd.
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zhang man of changsha bank entered the management of changsha bank in 2015, when the 43-year-old zhang man served as the vice president of changsha bank. in march this year, changsha bank issued an announcement stating that due to work adjustments, tang liyong resigned from the positions of president, director, and member of the board of directors' remuneration and nomination committee, and chairman zhao xiaozhong will perform the duties of president on his behalf. as the deadline for the chairman to perform his duties approaches, the "answer" gradually surfaced. on august 30, the pre-appointment public notice of changsha municipal cadres showed that zhang man, vice president of changsha bank, appeared in the list of pre-appointment public notices of municipal party committee management cadres, "intended to serve as the head of municipal-managed enterprises." the news that changsha bank will welcome its first female president spread like wildfire. as the dust settles on the president, the board of directors of changsha bank will also welcome additional members. the announcement stated that on october 10, changsha bank will hold an extraordinary shareholders' meeting, one of which is "a proposal to elect ms. zhang man as a director of the seventh board of directors of changsha bank co., ltd." the changsha bank board of directors currently consists of nine directors, including chairman zhao xiaozhong, li meng (changsha finance bureau), huang zhang (hunan communication industry service co., ltd.), li xi (tongcheng), long guiyuan (you'a shares) recommended by shareholders, and four independent directors zheng chaoyu, zhang ying, yi luozhi, and wang lijun. if zhang man subsequently obtains the qualification for supervisory positions and is approved by the shareholders' meeting, the changsha bank board of directors will increase to 10 members.
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